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NOVA: Intelligent Design on Trial


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Man, I hope JJ really was saved and this isn't some massive fishing trip. If not, then kudos to you, sir, for bringing in one hell of a haul. :D


If so, then I can't wait until one of your "I'm bored" posts! Chicks in burkas all around!

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My question to you is, what evidence do you have that would suggest otherwise?



He never got into physics or chemistry He simply stated that God created Adam and Eve and I believe Him.


No, stop avoiding the question. I've quoted teh direct question that I asked tonorator. It is in direct relation to physics and chemistry working the same way now as it did in the past. You jumped in with the answer that Jesus Christ is your evidence. That's not any kind of evidence, it's at best, some sort of symbol your holding up to make the evil logic spewers go away.


I'll ask you again, exactly how does Jesus Christ provide evidence against physics and chemistry not working the same way today as they did in the past?

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You called Him "your God", does this mean He's not your God? If not I'll pray for you, friend.

JJ, I hope the enchilada is really good because that and your faith is all you're gonna have.

Edited by Kid Cid
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Just figure that you should be aware how one can effectively turn away people from their faith that they hold so dearly. :D

I can understand that. When I first started on this path I swore that I'd always stay flexible on everything but I can't get past Christ being wrong on Adam and Eve. If He's wrong on that point then everything else in the Bible is likely wrong and things like the prophecies can't be wrong.

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No, stop avoiding the question. I've quoted teh direct question that I asked tonorator. It is in direct relation to physics and chemistry working the same way now as it did in the past. You jumped in with the answer that Jesus Christ is your evidence. That's not any kind of evidence, it's at best, some sort of symbol your holding up to make the evil logic spewers go away.


I'll ask you again, exactly how does Jesus Christ provide evidence against physics and chemistry not working the same way today as they did in the past?



Hey, me first!! What do religious beliefs have to do with the scientific method and what should and shouldn't be taught in science classrooms!

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Man, I hope JJ really was saved and this isn't some massive fishing trip. If not, then kudos to you, sir, for bringing in one hell of a haul. :D


If so, then I can't wait until one of your "I'm bored" posts! Chicks in burkas all around!

It's not a fishing trip but it has passed some time in our days I guess.

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I can understand that. When I first started on this path I swore that I'd always stay flexible on everything but I can't get past Christ being wrong on Adam and Eve. If He's wrong on that point then everything else in the Bible is likely wrong and things like the prophecies can't be wrong.


Hanging your hat on prophesies huh? Well, Nostradomous (sp) had a few predictions come true. Should we be worshiping him as well?

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Hanging your hat on prophesies huh? Well, Nostradomous (sp) had a few predictions come true. Should we be worshiping him as well?

He was right only 80% of ther time, you have to right 100% to be considered a Biblical prophet. He would be considered a false prophet equal to someone like Balaam.

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I can understand that. When I first started on this path I swore that I'd always stay flexible on everything but I can't get past Christ being wrong on Adam and Eve. If He's wrong on that point then everything else in the Bible is likely wrong and things like the prophecies can't be wrong.

Stop making the Bible your false idol, and you won't have to worry about it. It is a book written by eyewitnesses and folks with agendas. You know what the core of God's word is. That is all Jesus was trying to get everyone to see.


Use it and stop depending on a text written for people who hadn't figured out that crapping in thier own water supply was a bad thing.


Oh, and stop going to church. Jesus was against organized religion. Paul started all that nonsense.

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I can understand that. When I first started on this path I swore that I'd always stay flexible on everything but I can't get past Christ being wrong on Adam and Eve. If He's wrong on that point then everything else in the Bible is likely wrong and things like the prophecies can't be wrong.



Or maybe the Bible is a little more subtle than you. To think a subject as far reaching and nebulous as God doesn't have room for more than one interpretation is kinda ludicrous.

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So in your opinion was the Universe created 6000 years ago or just the Earth?


i don't know the answer to that one demon and haven't put an opinion out there. I do think it is interesting that measurable human activity in terms of the arts, literature, etc. go back to about 3000 B.C. if it took billions of years for us to show up, surely maybe we could have produced records dating back a few million years at least. if not, we are on an incredibly steep, upshot ramp in the last few thousand years in terms of our development vs. the billions of years when we were dormant or wandering around like timc. that alone boggles my mind and leads me to be skeptical of all this talk of millions and billions [/sagan]. i don't think we have the faculties, as much as we would like to think we do, to contemplate that kind of an expanse of time. we are trying like hell, which is incredibly cool, but i submit, again [/kicking dead horse] that we don't have these answers yet and i would just like to see more admission of this vs. falling back on today's science as definitive. i'm really not asking for much here ...

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What does "having holes" have do with Evolution still falling within the scientific method and Creationism not falling within it? You're still not answering the question. Put your newly found religious beliefs aside for a minute and logically think about it. You're trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Our religious beliefs have no baring whether a subject or "theory" fall within the scientific method.


bump :D

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Stop making the Bible your false idol, and you won't have to worry about it. It is a book written by eyewitnesses and folks with agendas. You know what the core of God's word is. That is all Jesus was trying to get everyone to see.


Use it and stop depending on a text written for people who hadn't figured out that crapping in thier own water supply was a bad thing.


Oh, and stop going to church. Jesus was against organized religion. Paul started all that nonsense.

Jesus wasn't a big fan of organized religion because He didn't believe in the separation of the church into separate factions. He believed that you should have a relationship with Him. I commend you for knowing that. I actually go to church to learn more about Him along with my Biblical readings. My wife and go to our weekly morning service followed by a night service where various speakers deliver their messages. I've also enrolled in an OT class along with a Intro to Christian Theology course for fun. I'm thinking about taking a Creationist class next semester. We also like being around other believers to strenghtem our own beliefs. Paul was prbably the geatest messenger of Christ and I don't swee how he was the one that started organized religion. I don't worship the Bible.

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i don't know the answer to that one demon and haven't put an opinion out there. I do think it is interesting that measurable human activity in terms of the arts, literature, etc. go back to about 3000 B.C. if it took billions of years for us to show up, surely maybe we could have produced records dating back a few million years at least. if not, we are on an incredibly steep, upshot ramp in the last few thousand years in terms of our development vs. the billions of years when we were dormant or wandering around like timc. that alone boggles my mind and leads me to be skeptical of all this talk of millions and billions [/sagan]. i don't think we have the faculties, as much as we would like to think we do, to contemplate that kind of an expanse of time. we are trying like hell, which is incredibly cool, but i submit, again [/kicking dead horse] that we don't have these answers yet and i would just like to see more admission of this vs. falling back on today's science as definitive. i'm really not asking for much here ...

So you're asking us to be skeptical of the evidence currently in on the subject. OK, I can agree with that. After all, that is partly what the scientific community is all about, being skeptical about any claim made until it is proven.


That being said, would you agree that based on those same notions, that maintaining a healthy skepticism towards the existenance of any god would be a good idea? After all, there is even less evidence for the existenance of any god than there is for what you're asking us to maintain our skepticism about.

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