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Hillary finally shows in Wisconsin


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If the majority of dem voters in the country feel shafted by backdoor shenanigans (stealing super-delegates), Clinton will lose the general election for sure. I certainly wouldn't vote for her if her first major act was violating the will of her constituents.

Now you decide to hold the Clintons to an ethical standard huh? :wacko:

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I can't wait until the Clintons try to steal the nomination with the Super Delegates. Gonna be awesome!!



At least they didn't call McCain crazy and say he fathered a black child like Bush did in S Carolina.


There won't be a delegate fight anyway. Well before the convention someone will leak the email addresses of all the super delagates and they'll be baraged with emails.


They won't want to be a part of throwing an election. They aren't republicans.


Jokes aside though. The media wants a fight. They don't want this decided early.

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Did anyone watch the candidates' post-election speeches last night? Obama spoke to a cheering, electric crowd full of people of various races and walks of life. McCain looked like he was addressing a Sunday morning brunch at a country club for old folks.

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Went to a get together at a local church today. Sam Johnson spoke and talked about his conversion to Christ when he was a P.OW.


Afterwards people ask questions and he pretty much assured everyone that McCain was going to be his vote in the GENERAL ELECTION.


The republicans are as much as a force at Hillary losing the primary as much as Obama is.


Go obama go.


Watch me roar.

Watch me fizzle

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Went to a get together at a local church today. Sam Johnson spoke and talked about his conversion to Christ when he was a P.OW.


Afterwards people ask questions and he pretty much assured everyone that McCain was going to be his vote in the GENERAL ELECTION.


The republicans are as much as a force at Hillary losing the primary as much as Obama is.


Go obama go.


Watch me roar.

Watch me fizzle



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If the majority of dem voters in the country feel shafted by backdoor shenanigans (stealing super-delegates), Clinton will lose the general election for sure. I certainly wouldn't vote for her if her first major act was violating the will of her constituents.


Spot on.

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Obama didn't agree on public financing with McCain the way it's being reported as far as I can see. He agreed to discuss it.


Yesterday he said he could agree but wouldn't if the republicans fund swiftboats like they did last time. He's not stupid.



AS RECENTLY as November, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) was unequivocal about whether he would agree to take public financing for the general election if his Republican opponent pledged to do the same. "If you are nominated for president in 2008 and your major opponents agree to forgo private funding in the general election campaign, will you participate in the presidential public financing system?" the Midwest Democracy Network asked in a questionnaire. Mr. Obama's answer was clear. "Yes," he wrote. "If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election."


The presumptive Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, agreed long ago to Mr. Obama's deal, back when his prospects for securing the nomination seemed slim. Mr. McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis, reaffirmed that pledge this week at a lunch with reporters sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.


But Mr. Obama's campaign, which has been raking in money at an astonishing clip of more than $30 million a month, is starting to hedge. Speaking to the Associated Press, Mr. Obama's spokesman, Bill Burton, downgraded the Obama plan to "something that we pursued with the FEC and it was an option that we wanted on the table and is on the table." Asked about the campaign's earlier position, Mr. Burton said, "No, there is no pledge."

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And yet McCain tries to circumvent the spirit of public financing by taking out loans and using conditional public financing in the future as collateral...




McCain's campaign filed the modification to his initial $3 million loan on Dec. 17, seeking an additional $1 million. The bank asked him to produce something more than his campaign's assets as collateral.


"They said, 'You've explained how you can afford to borrow more, and how you can pay us back if things go well. What happens if things go badly?' " said Trevor Potter, a McCain attorney.


The campaign's response, Potter said, was that McCain could reapply in the future for federal matching funds, and would agree to use the FEC certifications for those funds as collateral.


Under the agreement, McCain promised that if his campaign began to falter, he would commit to keeping his campaign alive and to entering the federal financing system so the money he had raised could be used to gain an infusion of matching funds. Had that happened, he would have been forced to abide by strict federal spending caps before the Republican National Convention in September.


Under FEC rules, a candidate who uses a certification for federal funds as collateral for a loan is obligated to remain within the public financing system. "We very carefully did not do that," Potter said.


Cleta Mitchell, a veteran campaign finance lawyer and a McCain critic, said she has never encountered a similar agreement.


"They've clearly got a sweetheart deal with this bank," Mitchell said. "This bank is just a cash register for them."




If I'm understanding this correctly, McCain by entering into this loan agreement to keep his campaign alive before NH has effectively locked himself into the public financing of his campaign.

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Went to a get together at a local church today. Sam Johnson spoke and talked about his conversion to Christ when he was a P.OW.


Afterwards people ask questions and he pretty much assured everyone that McCain was going to be his vote in the GENERAL ELECTION.


The republicans are as much as a force at Hillary losing the primary as much as Obama is.


Go obama go.


Watch me roar.

Watch me fizzle



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That's the conventional wisdom, but Obama could falter and Hillary could surprise...


Well, I could see Obama faltering (just out of inexperience) although I don't think that he will. Obama just needs to avoid any missteps and he is in. He is a very likeable and very electable guy.


I don't think Hillary could surprise anyone at this point. She is pretty transparent. While I don't like McCain much, I think he would crush Clinton if the two met in the GE. She is a hateful person.

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