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McClain did not have sex with that woman...


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The New York Times is like the National Enquirer - they are both filled with stupid, silly lies. :wacko:


Yea, an older politician schtooping a younger hottie is from the land of make believe. You young whippersnappers and your innocent naivety.


Regardless, this allegation is useless without pics.

Edited by bushwacked
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Was that also the case with the Swiftboat episode? Were they stupid, silly lies then too?



I suppose this could just be another perfect example of politicians and the media with an agenda, simply trying to win an election, or help a candidate win an election. Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of this - a politician is a politician.

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Was that also the case with the Swiftboat episode? Were they stupid, silly lies then too?


same vein, no doubt. it's worth noting that the vehicle for that was a group of vietnam vets with some proximity to kerry, funded by some right-wing individual. the vehicle here is the new york times. the vehicle for the bullsh*t bush AWOL documents was 60 minutes. who needs "swiftboat" style smear campaigns when you've got the "mainstream" media doing all the dirty work for you?

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The thing I got from the article is that McCain will do whatever he can for those who sponsor him and do favors for him. He's made a career of it. So much so, in some cases, his staff thinks he's getting the lobbyist's pu$$y in addition to some PAC money and corporate jet trips.

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A story about this story first showed up on Drudge in December. Apparently there was a lot of indecision as to whether or not to print it for lack of evidence besides hearsay. Apparently the managing editor did not want to print it, but a rival paper was about to do a story about the the NY Slimes and how the writers and the editors were always arguing. So they printed it. I'm no McCain supporter, but I really doubt the validity of this story and I think the NY Slimes is about to have egg all over it's face similar to Dan Blather.

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I'm no McCain supporter, but I really doubt the validity of this story and I think the NY Slimes is about to have egg all over it's face similar to Dan Blather.


Has there been a denial to any of the claims made in the article?

Edited by godtomsatan
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Has there been a denial to any of the claims made in the article?


McCain has denied it, and so has the woman he is alleged to have been with. Besides that old cougar of his is better looking that the woman he is alleged to have had a romantic affair with.

Edited by Perchoutofwater
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McCain has denied it. Besides that old cougar of his is better looking that the woman he is alleged to have had a romantic affair with.



He also said this:


He added that he has never "done anything that would betray the public trust or make a decision" that would favor a particular group.


Um - Keating 5, anyone?

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Yea, the mainstream media hardly covered Clinton's sexual escapades at all. We had to rely on right-wing talk radio for that.


I can't think of ANY media outlet that would ignore a story about a sitting President lying under oath about having an affair and a prosecution that had such d@mning evidence (DNA, recorded phone conversations) that he was brought up on impeachment charges. That $hit was on TV all over the world.


Can't say that I'd put any politician above having an affair, but the lack of evidence here is pretty substantial. No wonder the NYT sat on it for so long.

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pretty funny. for years all we hear from the likes of randull and poopflick is karl rove, swiftboat, republican smear machine, play fair, blah blah blah. then the minute some weak-ass dirt comes out on the next republican, they are all over it like flies on chit. :wacko:



:D I called it a hit job in my very first post - just like the ones you mentioned.


Did the Keating 5 episode suddenly cease to exist? Or does his line

"done anything that would betray the public trust or make a decision" that would favor a particular group.
not count because it's in response to a NYT story?


What's sad is how you sack leech on the episodes you mention, yet need tissues now that the shoe's on the other foot.

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McCain has denied it, and so has the woman he is alleged to have been with. Besides that old cougar of his is better looking that the woman he is alleged to have had a romantic affair with.


Let me help you.


From the NYTimes article:


A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, visiting his offices and accompanying him on a client’s corporate jet. Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself — instructing staff members to block the woman’s access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.


McCain's response today in regards to the part in bold:


I don’t know anything about it.
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Am I the only one that thought the article did a damn good job of separating rumor from fact and giving the story a pretty fair balance?


It's not the NYTs fault that most of you only read the headlines.


It didn't make me like McCain any less.

Edited by AtomicCEO
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I'm trying to allow discussion on political polocies and issues but I really do not want any political stuff that either attacks a party or attacks a politician for anything outside their views and policies. I will allow discussions and even putting forth the positives of a candidate but please no smearing here for any of them.

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