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McClain did not have sex with that woman...


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Ah yes, we're getting to everyone's favorite part of election year. . .when the candidate's skeletons are ripped from the closet and shown 24/7 on every ratings crazed tabloid news program.


Why would anyone want this job?? :wacko:

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LOL, I'd like to see Hillary try to push this against him.


reporter: Mrs Clinton, how do you feel about Mr McCain's involvement with the lobbyist?

Hillary: I find it truly deplorable. How can anyone trust someone like that to be the leader of the free world?

reporter: How would it make you feel if he were to become President given that your own Husband used his political office to have an affair?

Hillary: Uhhh

reporter: Given the known circumstances would you vote for your Husband if he were able run for election again?

Hillary: Uhhh

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It's pretty much an anonymous hit piece, but does beg the question about his own decision making. This is something that shouldn't even have been a story but why is he running around with a hot lobbyist anyways? He should know better. Then again, he divorced his wife and remarried 1 month later so it's not like he hasn't been shameless in the past with philandering. Oh yeah - Keating 5 anyone?



And Grunt, isn't this the same NYT who had a reporter go to jail to keep the Scooter Libby thing covered up? Yes, it is. :wacko:

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The other day a lot of people got all righteous and blasted Peepinmofo for him saying that he doesnt know anything about the candidates and doesnt care for politics in general. While I agree that we should all vote since people fought and died for us to have this right I also agree that what is the Fin point of listening to or getting to know any of these idiots. Elections are an embarrasment. I hear similar stories that I hear about elections and campaigns from my 7 year old daughter and her friends at school. All of these people are full of chit. They rarely keep their promises whether they never intended to or the other party wont allow it. We jump on tiny gaffes and splatter it all over the news (the first time I have ever been proud of my country in my adult life) or Kerry saying Stay in school or end up in Iraq. I dont know anything about this story. I briefly looked it over in the paper today. All this kind of stuff does is fortify me to never get too involved in this stuff because it just leaves you frustrated and dissapointed. If he gets the nomination I will vote Obama this year unless he makes Hillary his running mate. My vote for Obama will be the classic example of willing to give a fresh face who doesnt seem like a hardened political douschbag a chance to show what hes got . These familiar political retreads/ children of retreads all suck.

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My vote for Obama will be the classic example of willing to give a fresh face who doesnt seem like a hardened political douschbag a chance to show what hes got .


This sentiment (that I don't entirely disagree with) concerns me. How have we gotten to the point where a "fresh face" is the most appealing quality of any of the candidates for President of the United States?

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This sentiment (that I don't entirely disagree with) concerns me. How have we gotten to the point where a "fresh face" is the most appealing quality of any of the candidates for President of the United States?



With Obama I see an actual chance at ridding ourselves of the crusty familiar faces that we have seen for so many years. Larry David was quoted as saying Obama is like a shower. Its like taking a shower and cleaning yourself of the Clintons/Bushes and all the other political mainstays. If an NFL team has a shot at either picking up Kevin Barlow to be their starting RB or taking a shot with a young energetic kid that looks good in camp they should take a shot on the kid that looks good in camp IMO. We need to find someone that has the Balls and fortitude to truly make a change . Is Obama that guy ? Who the hell knows . Will this country ever have a great ground breaking president that made a change for the good of our country again ?

Edited by whomper
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This sentiment (that I don't entirely disagree with) concerns me. How have we gotten to the point where a "fresh face" is the most appealing quality of any of the candidates for President of the United States?

Where have you been for the past 16 years?

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This sentiment (that I don't entirely disagree with) concerns me. How have we gotten to the point where a "fresh face" is the most appealing quality of any of the candidates for President of the United States?

I'm 38 years old and I have never seen a presidential ballot without a Clinton or a Bush on it.

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Larry David was quoted as saying Obama is like a shower. Its like taking a shower and cleaning yourself of the Clintons/Bushes and all the other political mainstays.



Hopefully it's not like taking a shower in scalding hot water! I do agree though that both parties and their politicians have been extremely uncreative with their personalities and politics over the past few years. Unfortunately, no matter who's president, I don't see much "change" coming.

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Die hard?


Yep - John McClain can screw whomever he wants, as long as he's protecting us from villians like that d-bag that blew up the old Fox Tower in Century City. A real-life Senator from AZ named McCain, however, should be more careful where he dips his wick...


Edit: I'm not sure if you spell 'wick' with an 'h' or not. Irony is cool...

Edited by Coffeeman
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With Obama I see an actual chance at ridding ourselves of the crusty familiar faces that we have seen for so many years. Larry David was quoted as saying Obama is like a shower. Its like taking a shower and cleaning yourself of the Clintons/Bushes and all the other political mainstays. If an NFL team has a shot at either picking up Kevin Barlow to be their starting RB or taking a shot with a young energetic kid that looks good in camp they should take a shot on the kid that looks good in camp IMO. We need to find someone that has the Balls and fortitude to truly make a change . Is Obama that guy ? Who the hell knows . Will this country ever have a great ground breaking president that made a change for the good of our country again ?


so in other words, obama is (literally) a Dill Josh Gordon. and the country has that not-so-fresh feeling.

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