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My question on golf is this?


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Golf is NOT an athletic sport, much less a sport. It is a skill. Sure there are some athletes that play golf, but that doesnt mean anything. It isnt hard to walk 18 holes. It might be for John Daly, but lets be real... Is a skill that John Daly has really considered a sport?



While I would not call golf an "athletic event", it certainly is a sport. Anything that challenges hand eye coordination and overall body contol, in a competitive event is a sport. Chess is not a sport. Golf is... even frisbee golf is, as well as darts. Same for car racing. No, Nintendo is not a sport.

If you can sit down to play, it's not a sport. If it requires full body control and coordination, and it's competitive it is.


Just because some sports do not require a participant to be in physically good condition, doesn't disqualify it as a sport.

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While I would not call golf an "athletic event", it certainly is a sport. Anything that challenges hand eye coordination and overall body contol, in a competitive event is a sport. Chess is not a sport. Golf is... even frisbee golf is, as well as darts. Same for car racing. No, Nintendo is not a sport.

If you can sit down to play, it's not a sport. If it requires full body control and coordination, and it's competitive it is.


Just because some sports do not require a participant to be in physically good condition, doesn't disqualify it as a sport.


According to your definition, then Wii could be a sport . . as well as playing Rock Band.


Hell . . beer pong is a sport according to this . .

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According to your definition, then Wii could be a sport . . as well as playing Rock Band.


Hell . . beer pong is a sport according to this . .


WII could be considered a sport, IF one plays against another person, not against a computer. Playing in a rock band... is that competitive? I think not, or any musician that would think so would not in fact, BE a musician. Musicians play together, not in competition, unless one idoit wants to dominate, but still, a bad anology. Beer pong can be played sitting down, does not require full body involvment, and falls short of my definition as well. Video games are not a sport, but WII pushes my definition some. I've only played it once, but the boxing matches left me pretty sweaty... more of an excersice than a sport though, playing against a computer. I'll say anything that invlolves a computer falls short of being a sport.


I'd say your retort failed to put a crack in my definition....

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WII could be considered a sport, IF one plays against another person, not against a computer. Playing in a rock band... is that competitive? I think not, or any musician that would think so would not in fact, BE a musician. Musicians play together, not in competition, unless one idoit wants to dominate, but still, a bad anology. Beer pong can be played sitting down, does not require full body involvment, and falls short of my definition as well. Video games are not a sport, but WII pushes my definition some. I've only played it once, but the boxing matches left me pretty sweaty... more of an excersice than a sport though, playing against a computer. I'll say anything that invlolves a computer falls short of being a sport.


I'd say your retort failed to put a crack in my definition....


Bullcrap. You can play darts (one of your examples) sitting down, just like playing billiards. Rock Band is a video game that you play instruments in conjunction with other players to "win" levels. That would fall under your definition you stated below.


Anything that challenges hand eye coordination and overall body contol, in a competitive event is a sport


According to this, participating in a potato sack race is a sport, as is driving a go-cart. Target shooting is a sport, as is speed-boating.


Competitive eating would be a sport, and so would American Gladiators.


Point is, dont try to make up definitions for games or events that their passionate advocates call "sports", even though others may not share in your definition.


PS- I am not sure that having a standing requirement to define a sport will gain you any friends in the parapalegic community . . . .. you ever see those guys play wheelchair basketball???

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PS- I am not sure that having a standing requirement to define a sport will gain you any friends in the parapalegic community . . . .. you ever see those guys play wheelchair basketball???



one of my closest friends (known him since we were about 10) is in a wheelchair. he has always been active: played basketball, was spnsored in wheelchair tennis, football etc. he has been retired for a few years and has been strictly training and competing in marathons (including paralypics)




also... i have to believe that potato sack racing is more of a sport than golf :wacko:

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one of my closest friends (known him since we were about 10) is in a wheelchair. he has always been active: played basketball, was spnsored in wheelchair tennis, football etc. he has been retired for a few years and has been strictly training and competing in marathons (including paralypics)




also... i have to believe that potato sack racing is more of a sport than golf :D


What about the egg toss? :wacko:

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They're not. Please name one "over the hill" golfer to have won on the PGA tour this year. There hasn't been one. The oldest guy to win, I believe, is Perry, and even he will admit that he's playing better now than he was 20 years ago. The guy has hit his prime in his late 40's... I wouldn't say he's over the hill. Watson may be the first tomorrow... but, that hasn't happened yet. And, like I explained earlier, age/strength are basically negated on a links course like the one they're playing this week. That's not to take anything away from Watson... what he's done through three rounds is awesome. But, it's not exactly shocking.


I'll give you this... I think we're in agreement that it would be nice to see somebody catch Tiger from behind for once. Maybe that's what you meant to begin with... I just don't think it's fair to say that nobody has ever stood up to him, when half the field beat him fair and square this week.

I'll give you the depth of the field debate all day long. The sheer size of the field and number of winners will support that. I'm just saying it has been quite some time since a HOF type golfer has come onto the tour. When previous greats were in contention, they were able to play beyond their nerves and get the job done on sundays down the stretch. Guys are flustered by Tiger, pin locations, the moment, whatever. Older greats could smell victory and it brought out their best golf. You didn't see Seve back in to anything. I think a lot of it is personality. I think guys have had it engrained to keep their cool, even if they lose. This has made losing acceptable. There was a lot of talk last year that Anthony Kim made a big transition this offseason in an attempt to not let his emotions take over. He hasn't played well since. I'm sorry, but Kenny Perry isn't dominant. If these guys were that good, they would be beating him. He wins because he is one of the few that can keep their head together.

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I'll repeat. A sport must have an offense, a defense, a ball, or a puck. Anything else is a contest or competetion. Wii being a sport? A sport? I love racing, but a sport?? No. It is a race. A competetion. An exhibition. Whatever. But not a sport.

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A sport must have an offense, a defense, a ball, or a puck.


No it doesn't.




Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.


A particular form of this activity.


An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.


An active pastime; recreation.


Just about anything can be considered a sport. Everyone has their own view on it.... and their view does not make a different view wrong just because it is their view.


My view.... if you can get hurt doing it... it's a sport. :wacko:

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Bullcrap. You can play darts (one of your examples) sitting down, just like playing billiards. Rock Band is a video game that you play instruments in conjunction with other players to "win" levels. That would fall under your definition you stated below.




According to this, participating in a potato sack race is a sport, as is driving a go-cart. Target shooting is a sport, as is speed-boating.


Competitive eating would be a sport, and so would American Gladiators.


Point is, dont try to make up definitions for games or events that their passionate advocates call "sports", even though others may not share in your definition.


PS- I am not sure that having a standing requirement to define a sport will gain you any friends in the parapalegic community . . . .. you ever see those guys play wheelchair basketball???


LMAO.... this seems to be a real sticky wicket with you! Because I did not happen to think of wheelchair basketball, or for that matter, the Special Olympics, I have some kind of bias against the physically challenged?


I suppose one could attempt to play darts sitting down, but I've never seen it tried. :wacko:


My definition is pretty much in line with what sky found. However, if you disagree, I won't attempt to insuate you are biased, racist, antisemetic or any other off the wall assumptions. Relax there big fella.

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No it doesn't.




Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.


A particular form of this activity.


An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.


An active pastime; recreation.


Just about anything can be considered a sport. Everyone has their own view on it.... and their view does not make a different view wrong just because it is their view.


Com[letely agree!


Rovers, my isue was your narrow view of the situation and how it was intellectually dishonest. Thats all.


Carry on . . . .

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You don't have to be an athlete to be good at golf. But I think it helps.



Im dont really follow MMA. Who is that getting their tits lit in your avy ?

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I'll be the first to admit that I watch more golf than the average sports fan, but I think it's safe to say that there are currently far more "out of shape" or overweight players in MLB than there are on the PGA tour. The same goes for other sports... How many NFL offensive linemen do you think would actually be able to walk 18 holes (about five miles) in Florida/Arizona heat, six days a week, without passing out from heat exhaustion, and then spend another 2-4 hours (those are low numbers... some of the freaks on tour spend even more time than that) hitting balls on the range after their round on a daily basis? I'd be willing to bet that there are dozens of guys in the NFL that wouldn't make it past the first three days.


I bet every single offensive lineman in the NFL would be able to do everything you're asking, and zero PGA players could take the physical beating NFL players take on a weekly basis.


You don't have to be a great athlete to play golf, but being in good physical condition, being athletic, and having a fair amount of coordination certainly all give you a much better chance at playing competitively/consistently, especially at the PGA level. Why do you think that some of the best athletes in the world also happen to be scratch (or nearly scratch) golfers? Sure, they have all the time and money in the world at their expense, so they can obviously play a lot, but it's also because there is a parallel between being athletically gifted and being able to naturally pick up the game of golf.


How come none of the best golfers in the world excel at any other sport?

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Im dont really follow MMA. Who is that getting their tits lit in your avy ?


That's Michael Bisping getting lit up by Dan Henderson in the last UFC fight. Both were coaches on the last season of The Ultimate Fighter. Bisping ran his mouth throughout the season so there was some bad blood there.

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Golfers have and do excel in other sports. A few guys were soccer players. Many played baseball at a younger age.


You will also find that many football players couldn't play other sports. Mike Singletary can't dribble a basketball and throws like a girl.

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Romo's a great golfer and he can play a quarterback a little.


I think GTS point is that people who can play baseball, football, or basketball will. They only golf if that's all they're good at. :wacko:


ETA: good enough at to make money.

Edited by westvirginia
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That's Michael Bisping getting lit up by Dan Henderson in the last UFC fight. Both were coaches on the last season of The Ultimate Fighter. Bisping ran his mouth throughout the season so there was some bad blood there.



Wow. He ran his mouth then got it reaaranged. Damn :wacko:

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