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OK Bronco Billy I agree w/you now


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I guess if you hate McDaniels, you'd like it.


Aren't the Donkeys pick-rich this year thanks to the unforeseen largesse of Clan McCaskey? I'd think they could have let Tebow slide into the 2nd easily and still gotten him.

word was a team was going to trade up into the 20s to take Tebow


I said this on another thread and I am still trying to figure it out. Maybe someone knows something that I either didn't hear or missed. Denver is sitting there at 24 and Pats are on the clock. They make a trade, move up 2 spots and give up a 4th round pick to get Tebow when they have the 43rd pick in the 2nd round where everything I heard they could have got him there. Was there other teams that high on him that Denver thought he wouldn't be there?

Never would have made it that far...see above


Probably the same thing that all of the other teams who passed on Clausen know, he lacks the one "unteachable" thing an NFL QB needs. Leadership Skills.


That's the same reason it took Romo so long to break in as the cowboys starter despite ahving a great skill set.


The only real knock on Tebow is mechanics, McDaniels is one of the more qualified people in the league to teach Tebow the proper mechanics. I have no vested interest in the Broncos at all but I have to say I do believe that if Broncos fans are patient, ultimately they will be rewarded.


I know, I know Belichicks past assistants have not faired well as Head Coaches, McDaniels will.


He is moving this team in the right direction.

mechanics are just one of the things that scouts were concerned with....reading defenses is another ....word was teams were all over the board on Tebow...some loved him and some hated him(well not hate but you know)....cant remember who I heard say it the yesterday or the day before but they said they thought a QB guru will probably take Tebow to prove he can make him an NFL QB.



But there are wildly diverging opinions on whether Tebow can become a good quarterback in the NFL, where he’ll have to convert to more of a drop-back passer after operating a spread-option offense in college in which he inflicted as much damage as a bruising runner as he did as a passer.


On the minus side, there’s his well-documented struggles all week at the Senior Bowl, and the subsequent overhaul of his looping throwing motion under the tutelage of former NFL offensive coordinator Marc Trestman....


...But NFL executives and coaches remain divided on whether he’ll be able to read defenses and throw well enough to develop into a good starting quarterback in the pass-oriented NFL....


...But the big question for some scouts isn’t so much his mechanics as it is quickly reading defenses and getting the ball out both fast and on target. ...

Edited by keggerz
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I agree with your first paragraph, but the second... word was that BUF wanted Tebow and was making effort to move up. IF McD believes that Tebow is his franchise QB, then frankly, the price was really cheap. The only time you over-pay is when no one else wants a player before your next pick.


And didn't BUF coach Chan Gailey make something good of Tyler Thigpen? I think Tebow is a better version of Thigpen, so if Gailey wanted Tebow, then that says something about him.


I don't think it makes the move any cheaper just because Buffalo wanted him. Giving up a 2nd, 3rd and 4th round pick is a LOT to give up for any prospect, and when they did it to get a guy that wasn't even a first round prospect in most of the league's eyes, it makes it even more questionable.

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I cant wait and see what will happen with Tebow. Is he that much better of a QB than Brady Quinn? Wouldnt Brady Quinn also be a "challenge" to develop? 3 QBs now . . . and the team still has other holes to fill.


If he ends up becomeing an elite QB (IMO I doubt it) then McDaniels is a genius. But that is a very big IF. He has great chacacter and is a great leader, but at the end of the day he had better produce like a first round draft pick. That is where I have doubts.

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I see where you were coming from now. I still disagree with your perspective on Romo for the most part. I hightly doubt you require my forgiveness. As a fantasy football community, we are entitled to our opinion without apology. Just know that I never meant anything I said to be a personal attack.


However, in the end, it would seem that our Romo argument is about as tangential as talking about Tebow in this thread. Let's get back to arguing about donuts. You just cant beat a yellow cake donut that's been twisted and has had icing drizzled all over it.


Even if that does sound kind ghey. :wacko:


That reminds me of my prom night.

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Did anybody listen to Tebow's interview after he was selected? Wooooooooowwwww, I don't doubt the passion, and you can't help but like the kid, but not exactly the most intellectual fella on the planet.


He wins football games and grills on The Egg with all his heart.

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so, the more I think about the tebow pick the more I like it. I see it as a win-win situation. if he turns into a good NFL quarterback, well, it's great for the team in a lot of ways. if he's a total bust, this pick just hastens the end of the mcdildo era. win-win. there's a decent chance it even accomplishes both goals -- tebow sits on the bench this year, so the pick doesn't help the team at all, and the team goes 2-14 earning joshie his walking papers, then jon gruden comes in and turns tebow into a stud. hey, a guy can dream...

yer an idiot

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as much as I can't stand McDaniels... it seems like he's a guy who'd want a cerebral QB and I think they got on in Tebow.


he is also a little Nepolianic so - I can see not wanting to deal with Clausens attitude as I feel Clausen would be far more of a problem personality than Cutler ever was.

you wouldn't like a Bronco's coach unless it was Lady GaGa.....so shud up...

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I like the move in getting Tebow. It's not like they are bringing him in and asking him to start right away. I really wanted them to draft Iupati or Pouncey, and maybe they would have if they had lasted to where they traded back to. When they picked Thomas, I was pissed, but after seeing who was left on the board, it kind of makes sense. I just hope those that tackle and center they picked up in the 2nd and 3rd will pan out. Decker in the 3rd made no sense to me---why not a defensive player there?

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I don't know what's harder to digest, blind Donkey homerism...or...wait. Yep that's the hardest to digest. I find it humorous how Donkey fans have flipped like a fish over there approval of McD. Wasn't it just a year ago when you were calling for his head? At least BroncoBilly has stayed the course and knows what a moron the BB wanna-be is. But hey...you just keep telling yourselfs all the things that make you sleep at night while the Chargers dominate the division for another 10 years.




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I like the move in getting Tebow. It's not like they are bringing him in and asking him to start right away. I really wanted them to draft Iupati or Pouncey, and maybe they would have if they had lasted to where they traded back to. When they picked Thomas, I was pissed, but after seeing who was left on the board, it kind of makes sense. I just hope those that tackle and center they picked up in the 2nd and 3rd will pan out. Decker in the 3rd made no sense to me---why not a defensive player there?



Yes but moving up 20 spots cost them a 3rd and a 4th(plus the 2nd that was Sergio KIndle). Would he be gone by the 2nd? McDaniels could have fallen for the BS.


So far they gave up Kindle, could have had SS Morgan Burnett and whatever the 4th turns out to be.


I have a problem with what they gave up for him not the pick.

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the problem is, we'll never know.


Would he have been worth the 3rd and 4th to move up from the 2nd IF the rumors of BUF trying to get in the mid-20s for Tebow? If the rumors we're true?



Add Pita to the trade. I definitely like Kindle, Burnett and Pita(picks he gave up in the trade) so time will tell.


I like Tebow too but think this is an ego move for McDaniels(proves he can make a player out of him). But then I never liked McDaniels' moves last year either.


I thought(last year) improve the defense leave the offense alone.

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I really don't understand how this thread evolved so well into a fine discussion about donuts and now has degenerated so poorly back into a discussion about the Donkeys again.





I really wish people would remember that McD is limited with money resources cuz Shanny just FOOKED that all up.


You've posted this kind of comment several times, and I'd like to know where you are getting your information. DEN is sitting right around the median as far as available cap space in the NFL for the coming season - just a shade below the middle of the pack. While they aren't GB with a ton of available cap space, they also aren't IND with a cap deficit. Do they have some bad liabilities against the cap who are no longer playing for the team? Sure - but all teams do.


It's interesting that you've latched onto this little gem of propaganda as a way to attach McDilrod's idiotic draft decisions somehow to Shanahan being responsible. Bowlen has a ticket to print money down at Dove Valley - the Broncos are incredibly successful in regard to revenue generation. There are tons of Donkey fans like you who are completely willing to overlook the team's obvious growing shortcomings and continue to support what is becoming a lesser and lesser product on the field.



At least BroncoBilly has stayed the course and knows what a moron the BB wanna-be is.





Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue. If Taz is supporting my position, I may have to rethink it...

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3,119 and 24 TD's playing for the Golden Gophers is nothing to not brag about. These are some decent stats and offer another BIG option down the flank!


What do you see wrong with this receiver, curiously?


Do 2 - not 1, but 2 - lis francs operations mean anything to you?


I like Decker a lot also, but there is a serious and significant injury question swirling around him.


DEN has consistently overpaid for players in the draft in both of McDoofus' years. He also has a penchant for bypassing talent for character by a pretty wide margin as well as drafting guys who will not make significant immediate impact - most especially high in the draft and even most especially this year. After a terrible crash in the last 10 games last year when the team was arguably the worst in the NFL and very probably in the AFC at least DEN needed players from the first and second round that were going to step on the field right away and make the team better. That ain't going to happen this coming year. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.


That's going to catch up with any NFL team in a very quick way.

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