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S&P 1500 - Dow 15k


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Exhibit A Oh, and the owners are continuing to expand this shopping mall as recently as this year (per a personal visit to the mall by some gentlemen I know). This bad-boy was financed by the Chinese government.


Exhibit B It doesn't take much digging to find hundreds (thousands?) of stories of these types of large vacant projects and highly unusual banking practicies throughout China.


PS -- Every country has decided that they can export their way to solvency ... it'll work for a few, but it can't work for everyone ... unless the world goes on a huge inflationary run ... which China very well may lead the charge. This will not end well.

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To answer your question, I don't think the effect will be that big at all. My guess is that even if the bill does get passed, you won't be seeing huge tariffs on Chinese goods. The bill doesn't mandate such tariffs, it only says they could be used and I doubt that anything drastic would be done.


As for your quote's claim about how huge the trade market is with China, last year the US exported just under $70 billion dollars worth of stuff to China; however, we imported almost $300 billion worth of stuff. Since US GDP is around $14 trillion, while Chinese GDP is around $5 trillion, China's ability to hit back at us is somewhat muted (in that our exports to China only represent about half of one percent of our total GDP whereas China's exports to us represent about 6% of their GDP).


[And to save you time in the future, anytime you read anything by Donald Luskin, you should immediately assume that the exact opposite of what he is saying is correct. He is a hack of the highest magnitude.]



You truly think that if China allowed its currency to freely-float against the dollar that it would depreciate in value? Why?


Remember when they would have wrestling matches pitting Andre the Giant against a bunch of midgets?


Yeah, this is kinda like watching weigie in these kind of threads.


Except for once, he isn't the short guy in the ring. :wacko:

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So, a radio interview I heard yesterday reminded me of this thread.


Local show had a guy on that was the "foremost authority" on predicting earthquakes. Some stuff about studying electromagnetic waves and what not. Essentially, he had been on the week before and predicted with a certainty level of 98% that Southern California would have a magnitude 6.5 or higher quake last Thursday or Friday..... didn't happen. There was a mild 4.0 quake a hundred miles or so from the L.A. area, but not what he was predicting.


They had him back on to get him to admit he was basically full of crap. Instead, he said that there were two waves of electromagnetism that were the predictors, and they must have misinterpreted the first wave as the second wave or something and as such, were changing the prediction to some time later this week with a 95-96% confidence level.


As I was sitting in the car laughing, I thought of this thread, thinking of wiegie as the radio host constantly saying... just say you are full of crap.

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July foodstamp has just climbed to a new all time high. According to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) at the Food and Nutrion Service, July foodstamp usage rose 1.4% from June, hitting a new record of 41.8 million, and 17.5% higher than the 35.6 million on assistance from a year ago. Participation has set records for 20 straight months. And it gets worse: as per BusinessWeek: "An average of 43.3 million people, more than an eighth of the population, will get food stamps each month in the year that began Oct. 1, according to White House estimates." Somehow we get the feeling these almost 42 million people will have little to no use of discount window or excess liquidity usage once gas hits $10 a gallon, nor will Dow 11,000, 12,000, or even 36,000 do all that much to shorten the soup kitchen lines.
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Thankfully, though, they did have the foresight to diversify into the Hispanic market and have a solid investment in white eastern european females.


Really I think the chink market and the zipperhead industry really has helped to catapult some of these industries as well.

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Thankfully, though, they did have the foresight to diversify into the Hispanic market and have a solid investment in white eastern european females.



Really I think the chink market and the zipperhead industry really has helped to catapult some of these industries as well.



both jokes, one poor use of words.

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Just a side note -- joking about sex trafficing pisses me off. It is possibly the single most repulsive thing on planet earth right now.

Without diminishing it, you need to get out more if you think it's THE most repulsive thing on the planet.

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