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I forgot how to write


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I wanted to copy/paste the exact emails but I guess I deleted them already. The emails were about putting together a team for a golf scramble.

C - Anyone interested in playing in a scramble on such & such a date.

D - My interest is peaked?

C - What are you a mountain range? I think you meant piqued?

D - Your an arse.

C - I think you meant "you're".

D - I hate you.

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g-headbang.gif Suck it BeeR


lol but nothing to suck (dig intended :wacko: ). Actually I was just fn around, but if IMO you're not wrong, that's weak grammar...at least I've never heard the word "computers" used that way, and even if it is, using it to mean "more than one computer"' is far, far more common, hence the weakness thing. Plus it just plain sounds dumb. Don't be trippin n all dat!

Edited by BeeR
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lol but nothing to suck (dig intended :tup: ). Actually I was just fn around, but if IMO you're not wrong, that's weak grammar...at least I've never heard the word "computers" used that way, and even if it is, using it to mean "more than one computer"' is far, far more common, hence the weakness thing. Plus it just plain sounds dumb. Don't be trippin n all dat!




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What is the ruling when you use the same word 2 times in a row in a sentence ? My spellcheck always puts the red squigly under it. Example below



Below is the highlighted approval email that Tonny was looking for for that woman April at S.U.Y


I know a better way would be


as per the request of April at SUY but what happens when you have the double word scenario ?

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What is the ruling when you use the same word 2 times in a row in a sentence ? My spellcheck always puts the red squigly under it. Example below



Below is the highlighted approval email that Tonny was looking for for that woman April at S.U.Y


I know a better way would be


as per the request of April at SUY but what happens when you have the double word scenario ?

"had had" is proper grammer under some circumstances. I think 1 "for" looks better in your example.


Sidenote, there should be no space between the last word of a question and the "?".

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What is the ruling when you use the same word 2 times in a row in a sentence ? My spellcheck always puts the red squigly under it. Example below



Below is the highlighted approval email that Tonny was looking for for that woman April at S.U.Y


I know a better way would be


as per the request of April at SUY but what happens when you have the double word scenario ?


just use a different verb.


Below is the highlighted approval email that Tonny wanted for that woman April at S.U.Y.

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Is it really such a horrible thing? Are we this pissed off when we're building something and all of a sudden the geometry we learned in school would have come in handy but we've got to go look up the formula?


We learn a bunch of things in school. Those things that we continue to use, remain sharp. Those that we don't, don't. My handwriting has always been horrible and, I guess, has gotten worse still. Mind you, like any self-respecting married man, I merely sign "and Charlie" after her name on cards that my wife has written out, so even that's not a big deal any more. That said, if I truly cared about my penmanship, I'd spend more time with it. But I never did much before and, given the fact that nearly all my correspondence happens on computers, I care even less now.


On the other hand, I can type pretty damned fast, which is a much more valuable skill for me than being able to write pretty.


Maybe you guys need to take a little lesson from ol' detlef and start writing longer responses in Huddle threads... :wacko:

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Is it really such a horrible thing? Are we this pissed off when we're building something and all of a sudden the geometry we learned in school would have come in handy but we've got to go look up the formula?


We learn a bunch of things in school. Those things that we continue to use, remain sharp. Those that we don't, don't. My handwriting has always been horrible and, I guess, has gotten worse still. Mind you, like any self-respecting married man, I merely sign "and Charlie" after her name on cards that my wife has written out, so even that's not a big deal any more. That said, if I truly cared about my penmanship, I'd spend more time with it. But I never did much before and, given the fact that nearly all my correspondence happens on computers, I care even less now.


On the other hand, I can type pretty damned fast, which is a much more valuable skill for me than being able to write pretty.


Maybe you guys need to take a little lesson from ol' detlef and start writing longer responses in Huddle threads... :wacko:


I have more of a problem with people being lazy and relying on spellcheck versus proofreading.


You and I are in the restaurant industry, and use culinary terms not normally used by others. I have to personally proofread every new menu for fear that a culinary term will be misspelled. Even with a culinary dictionary they have problems. :tup:

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About six months ago I began a second attempt at writing a novel. The last time was probably 7-8 years ago. I've done my best to avoid a lot of the lazy grammar that goes into forums and texts over the years, but it seemed like I was reaching for the grammar handbook every three minutes for the first several weeks.

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I have more of a problem with people being lazy and relying on spellcheck versus proofreading.


You and I are in the restaurant industry, and use culinary terms not normally used by others. I have to personally proofread every new menu for fear that a culinary term will be misspelled. Even with a culinary dictionary they have problems. :wacko:

This. The problem with people relying so heavily on spell-check is that it leads to incorrect uses of even common words (there, their, they're) and like SEC said earlier, things like medium instead of median, or pretty much anything that sounds like another word...


That said, as someone who had to do a boatload of hand-written essay tests, I couldn't stand it... My professors would always say "it must be in pen, and it must be neat"; Well, sorry, you can't have both, because if I write it it in pen, it's going to be a mess with revisions, and ultimately I'm going to forget to add a sentence or something where it should be and be SOL (and not to mention I'm left-handed, so it smudges all over my hand)... It's definitely cost me a letter-grade more than once...


Writers nowadays should feel extremely blessed to be able to edit/add/subtract as they please and not be limited by having to get it all on paper correctly the first time... As for everyone else though, it's only contributing to exceptionally poor grammar and usage.

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I would have to say that more than 50% of the time I see loose of lose used incorrectly . I am going to loose 10 pounds etc

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This. The problem with people relying so heavily on spell-check is that it leads to incorrect uses of even common words (there, their, they're) and like SEC said earlier, things like medium instead of median, or pretty much anything that sounds like another word...


That said, as someone who had to do a boatload of hand-written essay tests, I couldn't stand it... My professors would always say "it must be in pen, and it must be neat"; Well, sorry, you can't have both, because if I write it it in pen, it's going to be a mess with revisions, and ultimately I'm going to forget to add a sentence or something where it should be and be SOL (and not to mention I'm left-handed, so it smudges all over my hand)... It's definitely cost me a letter-grade more than once...


Writers nowadays should feel extremely blessed to be able to edit/add/subtract as they please and not be limited by having to get it all on paper correctly the first time... As for everyone else though, it's only contributing to exceptionally poor grammar and usage.

Because I write all the newsletters, special event intros, and blog posts for the restaurants, I obviously have to mind my grammar. That my wife is an editor doesn't hurt, mind you. So, fortunately my grasp of the language hasn't gone to crap even if my penmanship has. Mind you, given the content that I'm writing, a more lyrical version of the language is acceptable. Thus, my written English is more casual than it could be.


Just curious. Why did your professor insist that the essays be written in pen? Hopefully he wasn't just pissed that nobody wrote anymore. That's just getting hung up on old technology and something he needs to get over.

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I actually started to notice this phenomenon a few months ago when I started to see a dramatic up tick in spell check correcting every damned thing I did. I thought, at one point in my life, I was a decent speller and used pretty darned good grammar. I'm not totally lost off the keyboard, but I have to think more about what and how I write it.


Interesting..... <----- take the ..... pause for instance. I don't do this manually or do I insert LOL anywhere. You really have to get back to expressing yourself creatively with pen and paper more than ever. IMO, the keyboard has surpassed print communication in some ways and has devalued communication overall, in others.



I wonder if there has been a study done on this subject. That would be an interesting read.

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I actually started to notice this phenomenon a few months ago when I started to see a dramatic up tick in spell check correcting every damned thing I did. I thought, at one point in my life, I was a decent speller and used pretty darned good grammar. I'm not totally lost off the keyboard, but I have to think more about what and how I write it.


Interesting..... <----- take the ..... pause for instance. I don't do this manually or do I insert LOL anywhere. You really have to get back to expressing yourself creatively with pen and paper more than ever. IMO, the keyboard has surpassed print communication in some ways and has devalued communication overall, in others.



I wonder if there has been a study done on this subject. That would be an interesting read.



Chek,..aoTAop 4 a traed offa frum me

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I would have to say that more than 50% of the time I see loose of lose used incorrectly . I am going to loose 10 pounds etc

I don't know the percentages, but I see people using words incorrectly all the time on this site... For instance:








Chia Pet



They are are all used incorrectly and make no sense at all in the context of the sentence.

Edited by millerx
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I don't know the percentages, but I see people using words incorrectly all the time on this site... For instance:








Chia Pet



They are are all used incorrectly and make no sense at all in the context of the sentence.




Thank you...chuckle of the day

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Cut and pasted from a resume I was sent in response to a want-ad I posted yesterday:


I was in charge of being a hostess/ cashier making sure that as a cashier I put in the orders correctly of how each customer wanted there meal, while I also made sure that I gave each customer the correct receipt when giving each customer there change back correctly from the cashier.


This person attends a local college and, I'm guessing, is not a foreign exchange student. Oh, and btw, two of the jobs she listed were in the school library.


The misuse of "there" is really just the beginning. This is some Miss Jr. South Carolina chight right here.


This is a freaking resume, and one that was sent to me within minutes of posting the ad. So, it was locked, loaded, and ready to go. Screwing up a text or a message board post is one thing. That just means you're not fixated on details enough to check your work before hitting "send". No big sin. But this is something that, I would at least hope, you'd show someone like your parents, or a teacher, or anyone who might point out the fact that it is horribly written.


Then again, maybe not...

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