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Pool owners


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Using a cost-benefit analysis:


F*ck the pool.


Did you miss the part about the WIFE wanting the pool... Cost benefit analysis:

Wife wants pool

Wife owns 100% of the Vagina in Matt's house

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My parents have a pool. It is great. I don't have any of the bills associated with it, I don't have to do all that much maintenance that comes with it, and I get to enjoy it from late May through early September. That is the way to go.


Of course the house I bought has a cement pool and hasn't been opened in many years (the lady who had the house before us hadn't opened it for years and us the last three). I hate the fact that I have it and so wish it wasn't there!! The only purpose it serves is as a trampoline for my kids. Thinking about filling it in.

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my brother works for a pool company he said while salt is a good option it can get real pricey. And depending upon your budget it may be too expensive to really get and afford. While you also have to put salt in every week because like chlorine it changes on a weekly basis due to sun and rain.

He suggests to get a normal DE chlorine pool with a chlorinator. It is the easiest to maintain.

This all the stuff he suggests. If you have questions i can relay them to him. But after all said and done if you have the money to splurge on a pool salt is worth it, but if your running on a tight budget DE with chlorine is the best.

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Did you miss the part about the WIFE wanting the pool... Cost benefit analysis:

Wife wants pool

Wife owns 100% of the Vagina in Matt's house


Then the dude should worry more about his pimp hand and less about the pool. :wacko:

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To answer your original quesiton. I would stay away from the pool. I owned one for years and even though my kids loved it during the summer, the upkeep and expense just wasn't worth it to me. When we moved a few years ago, I avoided houses with pools because our town has a swimming pool and the kids see all their friends there. Even the kids who have pools at home go to the town pool to hang out.


Now my question: How are you able to qualify for a new mortgage? Last I heard, you had stopped payments on your house in the ghetto. Did the bank end up working with you?

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To answer your original quesiton. I would stay away from the pool. I owned one for years and even though my kids loved it during the summer, the upkeep and expense just wasn't worth it to me. When we moved a few years ago, I avoided houses with pools because our town has a swimming pool and the kids see all their friends there. Even the kids who have pools at home go to the town pool to hang out.


Now my question: How are you able to qualify for a new mortgage? Last I heard, you had stopped payments on your house in the ghetto. Did the bank end up working with you?

Long story, and still a work in progress.

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You've been getting good advice, from mine, my parents and my in-laws experiences. If you will use the doggone thing damn near every day it's warm enough, it's probably not a bad idea. Otherwise, it's a very expensive hole in the ground you have to maintain.

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Get a deal on a house with a newer pool, the newer the better. It is up to you if you are looking for the type of deep pool with a diving board or maybe a smaller pool with more features and a nicer hot tub with better landscaping, etc. With a house that has an existing pool, you may be able to negotiate the price of the home where the pool is not really priced in. Good luck and keep us updated.

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I'm guessing your homeowner's insurance reflects that risk too?



Homeowners insurance or not, I prefer to keep my kids alive.


But mileage varies.

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