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Who here downs energy drinks?


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5-Hour Energy binge lands woman in hospital


For many of us who march in the sleep-starved army that is the American workforce, it’s as critical to our survival as air, food, and bad reality TV: Caffeine. Beloved, energizing, career-preserving caffeine.


But here's a word of caution to you true overachievers: the slightly sweaty/foot-tapping/takenobreathsbetweenwords caffeine junkies. For you, coffee was the gateway drug -- to energy drinks and, later, to energy shots. Too much of a good thing may help shrink that massive work stack before the 5 p.m. whistle, but it also may kill you -- or just land you in the hospital.


Case in point: The 22-year-old woman who arrived at an emergency room complaining of upper abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and a slight fever, according to the June 22 edition of the Journal of Medical Case Reports. A scan of her midsection was normal. She was sent home. She returned, however, even sicker, and bathed in a yellowish tint -- jaundice -- meaning her liver was failing. Doctors diagnosed the woman with acute hepatitis.

The staff checked her for viruses, alcohol and drugs. Nothing. Then the woman revealed a key part of her diet over the previous two weeks: 10 bottles of 5-Hour Energy per day.


Math time, lady: If the product indeed provides a five-hour boost, that two-week binge totaled 700 hours of “energy.” There are only 336 hours in two weeks. Must have been one hell of a deadline.


Doctors believe the woman overdosed on one ingredient: niacin -- also called vitamin B3 -- which can damage the liver when ingested in high amounts. She was successfully treated and discharged after her symptoms vanished.


Makers of 5-Hour Energy print recommendations on their labels: “Do not exceed two bottles” per day. The shots “contain caffeine comparable to a cup of … coffee,” they add. The drink’s sales pitch: “Zero sugar. Four calories. No waiting. No hassles.”


“Energy drinks are propped up by all sorts of sexy marketing, but they’re not as magical as the ads would have you think,” says TODAY nutritionist Joy Bauer. “The ‘lift’ they give you comes from caffeine -- nothing fancy there. … The high doses of B vitamins and amino acids they dump in are purely for glitz and glam -- they don’t actually help you instantly perk up.


“Energy shots offer a very concentrated dose of caffeine, which makes it difficult to stop when you feel like you’ve had too much, unlike if you’re slowly sipping a cup of coffee.”


But even coffee has its human limits, according to the website energyfiend.com -- which offers a macabre calculator to reveal the fatal dose of nearly any caffeinated beverage, based on body weight.


A 130-pound person, for example, would “be pushing up daises” after guzzling 151.67 cans of Mountain Dew, the site estimates. And for a 200-pound person, the site warns, “Gulp down 143.68 cups of Starbucks Tall Cafe Mocha and you’re history.”


In that case, hold the whipped cream.


Bill Briggs is a frequent contributor to msnbc.com and author of “The Third Miracle.”

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I do 1-2 a week. Right before my shifts at the bar. Gives a nice burst . We set up 2.5 hours before a party then the parties are 5 hours. I take it right before cocktail hour and ride it to the end of the party

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A few summers ago, Dorey invited me to join him for the Texas Testosterone Festival, a 2-day event in Austin that showcased all things dude. Tattoos, jet skis, MMA, fantasy football (obviously where we fit in), and hot chicks in bikinis.


We did an "experts" :tup: draft on the main day.


A couple days prior, they had a "kickoff" event at a local watering hole (Bikinis - kind of like Hooters) where they had a bunch of contests and stuff. Well, they had an energy drink (NOS) as one of the sponsors and they had a "chugging contest". They had a ladies contest, then a guys contest. I won the guys contest by at least 5 seconds. :rofl:


Then they suggested that the ladies winner face off against me. :lol: Of course, the ladies had slammed the small can, while we had done the massive 20oz'er. They made us face off using the 20oz'er, so I had 40oz of energy drink in about 5 minutes.


Yes, the chick beat me (she had pounded her share of beers in her day, and c'mon, I just pounded one 2 minute prior!).... but it wasn't by much, and she had half the drink on her. :wacko:


Safe to say I was acting like this for the next 4-5 hours. :rofl:

Edited by darin3
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It always astounds me that people seem to think that they're actually good for you. I had a noodle shop with a self-serve drink cooler and recall two such times involving Sobe.


Once, a kid grabs a Coke and mom says, "Put that back and get a Sobe, it's better for you." :wacko:


Another time, a lady comes to the counter and asks what Guarauna (sp?) was. I said it apparently gives you energy. Then she says, "So it might make my kid hyper?" That effing drink is loaded with both sugar and caffeine, and chick is worried about that?

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It always astounds me that people seem to think that they're actually good for you.
Really? Stupidity in people never astounds me.



I had a noodle shop with a self-serve drink cooler and recall two such times involving Sobe.


Once, a kid grabs a Coke and mom says, "Put that back and get a Sobe, it's better for you." :tup:


Another time, a lady comes to the counter and asks what Guarauna (sp?) was. I said it apparently gives you energy. Then she says, "So it might make my kid hyper?" That effing drink is loaded with both sugar and caffeine, and chick is worried about that?

But if the kid gets hyper, remember, it must be ADD. Give em some ritalin. Combat drugs w/more drugs! It's the new math :wacko:


I can see an occasional "energy drink" substituted for tea/coffee, but people drinking them in addition I don't get. Not only are they loaded with sugar and caffeine like you said and overpriced to the point of silly (why not just drink a Jolt?), but they always seemed like just another trendy sheeple thing. Lame. The weirdest I ever heard was mixing those with booze ie red bull with vokda etc. wtph?

Edited by BeeR
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My industry is notorious for slamming the energy drinks. When I'm on set, I usually start the day off with a 16oz Red Bull, followed by another a few hours later and I top it off with a 5h energy drink around the time I think we are a few hours away from wrapping for the day. Yeah its not very healthy, but I'm not a big coffee drinker and working 14-16hr days requires some sort of artificial punch.

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My industry is notorious for slamming the energy drinks. When I'm on set, I usually start the day off with a 16oz Red Bull, followed by another a few hours later and I top it off with a 5h energy drink around the time I think we are a few hours away from wrapping for the day. Yeah its not very healthy, but I'm not a big coffee drinker and working 14-16hr days requires some sort of artificial punch.


Dude! :wacko: And you haven't had a heart attack yet?

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I don't do energy drinks, but I do drink 2 Mt. Dews a day when I @ work.

Dude, I hope you're a regular visitor to your dentist. I did that for about 6-7 months back in around 2000 and went from having just one small cavity in my first 29ish years to having to get 2 hugh cavities filled, one requiring a root canal. :wacko:

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Dude, I hope you're a regular visitor to your dentist. I did that for about 6-7 months back in around 2000 and went from having just one small cavity in my first 29ish years to having to get 2 hugh cavities filled, one requiring a root canal. :wacko:

I go to the dentist every 6 months. Knock on wood, I've never had a cavity.

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I go to the dentist every 6 months. Knock on wood, I've never had a cavity.


There is a big scandal right now involving wood dentures :wacko: Apparently, those silly Chinese have been shipping our unsuspecting dentists dentures that are wood inside. Oops.....

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I don't do energy drinks, but I do drink 2 Mt. Dews a day when I @ work.



Dude, I hope you're a regular visitor to your dentist. I did that for about 6-7 months back in around 2000 and went from having just one small cavity in my first 29ish years to having to get 2 hugh cavities filled, one requiring a root canal. :wacko:



I go to the dentist every 6 months. Knock on wood, I've never had a cavity.


Diabetes and obesity are bigger problems.


Sugar, particularly refined sugar, is deadly stuff.

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An old chef of mine was drinking around 5-6 red bulls a day, and chewing half a pouch of Red Man.


He just had a heart attack at the age of 47. I am sure they have nothing to do with each other . . .

Right in the first few months of opening Jujube, I had a really bad kidney stone, obviously from too much coffee. None the less, it was hardly the time to take off, so I was getting through the days by chewing on percocets to kill the pain and slamming red bulls to counteract the drowsiness from the percs.


Not exactly the healthiest approach, but work calls...

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Right in the first few months of opening Jujube, I had a really bad kidney stone, obviously from too much coffee. None the less, it was hardly the time to take off, so I was getting through the days by chewing on percocets to kill the pain and slamming red bulls to counteract the drowsiness from the percs.


Not exactly the healthiest approach, but work calls...


Yeah . . if my chef needed off for a week or so right now, we could make it work. It isnt ideal, but then again you are a chef/owner with different pressures and circumstances.


My chef needed 3 stents put in, after he drove himself to the hospital :wacko:

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My industry is notorious for slamming the energy drinks. When I'm on set, I usually start the day off with a 16oz Red Bull, followed by another a few hours later and I top it off with a 5h energy drink around the time I think we are a few hours away from wrapping for the day. Yeah its not very healthy, but I'm not a big coffee drinker and working 14-16hr days requires some sort of artificial punch.

Cheaper then cocaine too.

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Yeah . . if my chef needed off for a week or so right now, we could make it work. It isnt ideal, but then again you are a chef/owner with different pressures and circumstances.


My chef needed 3 stents put in, after he drove himself to the hospital :wacko:

Hell, now I'm not sure if they wouldn't be better off without me for a few weeks. But it certainly wasn't that way back then.

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