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F@!$*ng Golf!


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Why do we play this ridiculous, stupid game!?!


Took up the game about six years ago, and my first year I ended up with an index of 19.4. In the calendar year of 2010, I played to a 2.6 index. Had 23 rounds in a row in the 60's/70's at one point. I thought I had finally arrived and was pushing to a positive handicap and was hoping to embark on an amateur career of some kind.


First round of 2011, I was 6-under through 7. Then went triple-triple, en-route to a 76. In the calendar year of 2011, I'm playing to a 21.4, haven't broken 90 in four months. Last night, I had my dad put my sticks in his storage unit so I now have no access. It was starting to really affect my demeanor and personal life. Anybody know of a golfer's who suck support group? Has anybody walked away from the game for any similar reasons? Did you end up going back? I know I'm done for this year, but I'm really starting to consider buying a tennis racquet.

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Soooo, you are actually saying in six years you became a low single digit handicap? And now you're around a twenty? Being in the biz so to speak, I've rarely if ever seen this done. Which leads me to believe you were either (A) playing putt-putt courses to get to the low handicap, thought you were good and then started playing real courses. B- Suffered from some sort of injury, which drastically changed your mechanics, or C- your eraser wore out.


Believe me if you ever were a true 2.6, your clubs and yourself would be on the range as we speak.


Answer to your question is yes, but only maybe for a couple months, and that is from burnout. Then again, I'm only a 12 or so depending on the course rating.

Edited by Hugh B Tool
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Felt the same way about Fantasy Football a few years ago ,,,,

I won our locale the first 3 years we played 96 , 97 & 98 then

Decided to join a couple of high stakes dynasty leagues and was in the basement in both leagues until 2004

Finally broke out with a win in one & 2nd place in the other ,,, of course it didn't hurt that I had 5 years of high 1st round draft picks :wacko:

Been chasing the high of winning a big league ever since with only one win after 2004 but have been to the super bowl 3 other times

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Why do we play this ridiculous, stupid game!?!


Took up the game about six years ago, and my first year I ended up with an index of 19.4. In the calendar year of 2010, I played to a 2.6 index. Had 23 rounds in a row in the 60's/70's at one point. I thought I had finally arrived and was pushing to a positive handicap and was hoping to embark on an amateur career of some kind.


First round of 2011, I was 6-under through 7. Then went triple-triple, en-route to a 76. In the calendar year of 2011, I'm playing to a 21.4, haven't broken 90 in four months. Last night, I had my dad put my sticks in his storage unit so I now have no access. It was starting to really affect my demeanor and personal life. Anybody know of a golfer's who suck support group? Has anybody walked away from the game for any similar reasons? Did you end up going back? I know I'm done for this year, but I'm really starting to consider buying a tennis racquet.


I basically took 2 years off after college. Never wanted to see another club again. Then someone convinced me to come play in a scramble and that was all it took for me to get back, but I definitely enjoy it more now and I don't take it as seriously. Not playing at the competitive level I once did, but still playing enough smaller am events to get the juices flowing. 2 weeks ago I was -1 through 8, took an 11 on #9 (par 4 - dumped 3 in the lake) , punished myself by playing a pink ball on 10 (I know, I know, one ball rule..blah blah), birdied 10 and ended the round 4 over. In my serious golfing days, that 11 would have destroyed me. I would have been 42 over on the back. It's just a game.

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Soooo, you are actually saying in six years you became a low single digit handicap? And now you're around a twenty? Being in the biz so to speak, I've rarely if ever seen this done. Which leads me to believe you were either (A) playing putt-putt courses to get to the low handicap, thought you were good and then started playing real courses (:wacko: Suffered from some sort of injury, which drastically changed your mechanics, or©your eraser wore out.


Believe me if you ever were a true 2.6, your clubs and yourself would be on the range as we speak.


Answer to your question is yes, but only maybe for a couple months, and that is from burnout. Then again, I'm only a 12 or so depending on the course rating.

Thankfully I was born with some athletic coordination. After my baseball career ended, I tried golf and got hooked almost instantly. Took a job in the industry and went on that Tin Cup dream to make an open someday. My old man was a scratch for quite a while, which helped my learning curve quite a bit. I really put in the work. I was on the range or at the course 300+ days a year for the first 3-4 years. I became a ten within about two years. I thought the rest would come quickly, but as I'm sure you know, going from a 10 to about a 4 is thrice the work of going from 10 to 20. I spent the next two years really hitting the greens hard and those next five strokes finally started to come off.


Then I don't know what happened. I haven't hit a ball solid in months now. Not a single one. Even when I'm at the range hitting the ball okay, something doesn't feel right. I took a few lessons from the wrong guy that got me even more screwed up. I've battled the shanks, the snaps, you name it. I'm starting to think I might have some kind of full-swing yips. I've got a fairly complex swing as it is, so when one thing goes wrong, the whole thing kind of collapses, but whatever that one thing is, I've tried everything, and I can't find it. I've hit somewhere around 50 buckets over the last two weeks. I've taken half swings, I've hit a bucket one handed, I've exaggerated my finish, exaggerated getting down on it. I dunno man.Yesterday, I shot a 107 with only one three-putt on an easy as pie track. How's that for ball striking? I'm a bit errant.

Edited by Seahawks21
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I basically took 2 years off after college. Never wanted to see another club again. Then someone convinced me to come play in a scramble and that was all it took for me to get back, but I definitely enjoy it more now and I don't take it as seriously. Not playing at the competitive level I once did, but still playing enough smaller am events to get the juices flowing. 2 weeks ago I was -1 through 8, took an 11 on #9 (par 4 - dumped 3 in the lake) , punished myself by playing a pink ball on 10 (I know, I know, one ball rule..blah blah), birdied 10 and ended the round 4 over. In my serious golfing days, that 11 would have destroyed me. I would have been 42 over on the back. It's just a game.

I hear you, and I've certainly tried. I can't play without being competitive. That is certainly my biggest downfall. I wish I could literally take it as a walk in the park with good company, but if I'm not playing well, I'm not going to have fun. Hopefully someday I can get there.

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The only guess I would hazard would be about your back. There is so much back in golf mechanics and very few people realize this. If you have back problems, soreness, injury, or just aging your back will change your stroke drastically over time. Stretching is the closest you can come to helping this in the short tem - my routine is now nearly 20 minutes before I even strike the ball and then it's a 20 swing lead-up to full clubhead speed - and getting/staying in shape and working the back more might help as well. I was down about 30 yards with terrible accuracy this spring and almost hung them up. Now I'm really stroking it and even got some new irons to take the next step.


The only other thing, and you already know this, is to get a pro you trust and do a program with him.

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Why do we play this ridiculous, stupid game!?!


Took up the game about six years ago, and my first year I ended up with an index of 19.4. In the calendar year of 2010, I played to a 2.6 index. Had 23 rounds in a row in the 60's/70's at one point. I thought I had finally arrived and was pushing to a positive handicap and was hoping to embark on an amateur career of some kind.


First round of 2011, I was 6-under through 7. Then went triple-triple, en-route to a 76. In the calendar year of 2011, I'm playing to a 21.4, haven't broken 90 in four months. Last night, I had my dad put my sticks in his storage unit so I now have no access. It was starting to really affect my demeanor and personal life. Anybody know of a golfer's who suck support group? Has anybody walked away from the game for any similar reasons? Did you end up going back? I know I'm done for this year, but I'm really starting to consider buying a tennis racquet.


Kind of strange to me that it is such a big deal to you personally. If it was your career and it went south I could see the whole issue of the demeanor and personal life. You really need to look at why it is so important to you to be good at golf. Seriously, does it change the way you are perceived if you are a 2 vs a 20? The only way people can really even know how well or poorly you are playing is if you tell them. I can assure you that noone wants to hear about your round of golf. Maybe...just maybe, your wife(don't know if you are married) might listen...but even if she did...she does not care. So again...why does it matter in the large scheme of things that you suck at golf? These are not attacks...just trying to make you think about your question. That might help you solve your problem.

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Kind of strange to me that it is such a big deal to you personally. If it was your career and it went south I could see the whole issue of the demeanor and personal life. You really need to look at why it is so important to you to be good at golf. Seriously, does it change the way you are perceived if you are a 2 vs a 20? The only way people can really even know how well or poorly you are playing is if you tell them. I can assure you that noone wants to hear about your round of golf. Maybe...just maybe, your wife(don't know if you are married) might listen...but even if she did...she does not care. So again...why does it matter in the large scheme of things that you suck at golf? These are not attacks...just trying to make you think about your question. That might help you solve your problem.

I do hear your point and gave it some though, and really will try to take it to heart. I just wish it was that simple. I come from a very competitive family full of golfers. When I was the worst, I had to hear about it on nearly a daily basis. Secondly, I take a lot of pride in sports. Good athletes hold their heads higher than most others. When you're playing good in sports, it can lead to confidence in all other areas of life. Shallow as it may be, I naturally carry myself better when I've been playing well. This is especially true of basketball, but golf as well. I don't know if it is right or wrong, but it is the truth. It shouldn't matter, of course, but it does. Now, it isn't like I walk through the grocery store and tell the cashier about my golf round. I rarely talk about it with my wife or friends that don't play, and I don't think I've really spoken about my game around here. It isn't attention I'm after. But golf is one of those games. It entraps you. You get that golf sickness. You get that need to defeat your demons and the course at the same time, to prove to yourself you can do it.


Most importantly, my paycheck has a lot of dependence based on how well I play. I work in the golf equipment industry. I often have to play with customers. If I play like crap, are they going to take the advice of some hack who doesn't know what he's doing? If I'm playing with a customer and two of his buddies, and I put on a show, I just got myself two new customers. They're going to play what I play and they're going to ask me what they should buy, and want to buy it from me.

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Why do we play this ridiculous, stupid game!?!


Took up the game about six years ago, and my first year I ended up with an index of 19.4. In the calendar year of 2010, I played to a 2.6 index. Had 23 rounds in a row in the 60's/70's at one point. I thought I had finally arrived and was pushing to a positive handicap and was hoping to embark on an amateur career of some kind.


First round of 2011, I was 6-under through 7. Then went triple-triple, en-route to a 76. In the calendar year of 2011, I'm playing to a 21.4, haven't broken 90 in four months. Last night, I had my dad put my sticks in his storage unit so I now have no access. It was starting to really affect my demeanor and personal life. Anybody know of a golfer's who suck support group? Has anybody walked away from the game for any similar reasons? Did you end up going back? I know I'm done for this year, but I'm really starting to consider buying a tennis racquet.

and I was proud of myself for shooting 100 even from the blues with two nines on my card and a six on a par three.

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Why do we play this ridiculous, stupid game!?!


Took up the game about six years ago, and my first year I ended up with an index of 19.4. In the calendar year of 2010, I played to a 2.6 index. Had 23 rounds in a row in the 60's/70's at one point. I thought I had finally arrived and was pushing to a positive handicap and was hoping to embark on an amateur career of some kind.


First round of 2011, I was 6-under through 7. Then went triple-triple, en-route to a 76. In the calendar year of 2011, I'm playing to a 21.4, haven't broken 90 in four months. Last night, I had my dad put my sticks in his storage unit so I now have no access. It was starting to really affect my demeanor and personal life. Anybody know of a golfer's who suck support group? Has anybody walked away from the game for any similar reasons? Did you end up going back? I know I'm done for this year, but I'm really starting to consider buying a tennis racquet.


I thought this bit of coaching from Tin Cup might help you out.


Romeo: Put your change in your left pocket. Go on, do it. Now, tie your left shoe in a double knot.


Roy: Tie my left shoe?


Romeo: Right now, do it! Turn the hat backwards. Turn your hat around. Do it, Roy! Take this tee......and stick it......behind your left ear.


Roy: I look like a fool!


Romeo: What do you think you look like shooting chili peppers up Janzen's ass? Do it now or I'm going to quit.


Romeo: I swear to God I'll quit. Good. Take this ball.....and hit it up the fairway. You're ready.


Roy: How'd I do that?


Romeo: Because you're not thinking about shanking or Molly. You're not thinking. You're looking like a fool, hitting the ball pure and simple...


Roy: Ginsu you.


Romeo: Ginsu me, huh? Well, you're cured.


Roy: That's it?


Romeo: That's it. Your brain was getting in the way.


Roy: That's hardly ever been the case.


Romeo: No SHAM WOW!, Sherlock.

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Why do we play this ridiculous, stupid game!?!


Took up the game about six years ago, and my first year I ended up with an index of 19.4. In the calendar year of 2010, I played to a 2.6 index. Had 23 rounds in a row in the 60's/70's at one point. I thought I had finally arrived and was pushing to a positive handicap and was hoping to embark on an amateur career of some kind.


First round of 2011, I was 6-under through 7. Then went triple-triple, en-route to a 76. In the calendar year of 2011, I'm playing to a 21.4, haven't broken 90 in four months. Last night, I had my dad put my sticks in his storage unit so I now have no access. It was starting to really affect my demeanor and personal life. Anybody know of a golfer's who suck support group? Has anybody walked away from the game for any similar reasons? Did you end up going back? I know I'm done for this year, but I'm really starting to consider buying a tennis racquet.


I play golf socially. It is a game that is played by introducing copious amounts of beer and checking out the cart girls. I can not and will not take golf seriously as a competitive event, it is a social forum and a way to get out of the house and waste a bunch of time and sh!t load of money while hanging out with friends who view the game in the same light.


If I am unfortunate enough to play a round with a person who takes the sport too seriously and is competing against me, I'm done. I'll walk off the course and go to the clubhouse and commence getting sloshed.


This has nothing to do with your question, but it is how I do the golf Thang.


If you are serious about golf, find yourself a sports psychologist who can help to ease your level of frustration. You have the physical skills and mechanics to be a good golfer... now you've gotta fix your head. That's the hard part and why there are a bunch of good golfers and only 230 or so great golfers. Best of luck.

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if you are capable of shooting 100...you have no business playing from the blues.

my trouble is from 100 in anyway - whats the diff? - and the blues are what 500 more yards a round - thats 27.7 more yards a hole. and 100 is .5 strokes a hole over bogey golf.


get over yourself

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Man, I love me some golf, but man, do I suck at it.



I play golf socially. It is a game that is played by introducing copious amounts of beer and checking out the cart girls. I can not and will not take golf seriously as a competitive event, it is a social forum and a way to get out of the house and waste a bunch of time and sh!t load of money while hanging out with friends who view the game in the same light.


If I am unfortunate enough to play a round with a person who takes the sport too seriously and is competing against me, I'm done. I'll walk off the course and go to the clubhouse and commence getting sloshed.


This has nothing to do with your question, but it is how I do the golf Thang.


If you are serious about golf, find yourself a sports psychologist who can help to ease your level of frustration. You have the physical skills and mechanics to be a good golfer... now you've gotta fix your head. That's the hard part and why there are a bunch of good golfers and only 230 or so great golfers. Best of luck.



+1 on both counts

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I started the summer before my senior year of high school. Managed to make the golf team my senior year since they needed players and I didn't have to beat anyone out. Played a lot of golf and got some good tips from my coach and worked myself down to the low 90's with an occasional high 80s round. Since then I don't play as much and am happy to break 100. Shot a 92 today which was my 2nd or 3rd round this year and the best score I've posted in years. So, I guess since I never had the problem of shooting near par I never had the problem of feeling a letdown and I can enjoy bogeys, get excited about pars and thrilled with the rare birdie (got one today - on 18 - priceless).

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I started the summer before my senior year of high school. Managed to make the golf team my senior year since they needed players and I didn't have to beat anyone out. Played a lot of golf and got some good tips from my coach and worked myself down to the low 90's with an occasional high 80s round. Since then I don't play as much and am happy to break 100. Shot a 92 today which was my 2nd or 3rd round this year and the best score I've posted in years. So, I guess since I never had the problem of shooting near par I never had the problem of feeling a letdown and I can enjoy bogeys, get excited about pars and thrilled with the rare birdie (got one today - on 18 - priceless).


Were you around ATL at the time? A lot of great young players coming up through the AJGA program. I went to high school in Peachtree City and worked at a course for all 4 years. When I was working, I was playing. When I wasn't working, I was playing. My senior year, our golf team tryouts were 4 days, 9 holes each day. I shot 38 or 39 every day and didn't make the team.


Small world though - Went to a local Portland driving range when I was getting my current set of clubs. I had been fitted by my club pro, but for some reason, he recommended I go see this other guy for a 2nd opinion. No big deal so I went. Turns out it was a guy that I had played in AJGA events all through high school. Pretty cool to catch up and now the rivalry has started again.

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Were you around ATL at the time? A lot of great young players coming up through the AJGA program. I went to high school in Peachtree City and worked at a course for all 4 years. When I was working, I was playing. When I wasn't working, I was playing. My senior year, our golf team tryouts were 4 days, 9 holes each day. I shot 38 or 39 every day and didn't make the team.


Small world though - Went to a local Portland driving range when I was getting my current set of clubs. I had been fitted by my club pro, but for some reason, he recommended I go see this other guy for a 2nd opinion. No big deal so I went. Turns out it was a guy that I had played in AJGA events all through high school. Pretty cool to catch up and now the rivalry has started again.


I wasn't too far away but in a much smaller town in Alabama. Nothing nearly that competitive. There are definitely some good golfers and programs in GA. Maybe my son will pick it up and become a real golfer :wacko:.

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my trouble is from 100 in anyway - whats the diff? - and the blues are what 500 more yards a round - thats 27.7 more yards a hole. and 100 is .5 strokes a hole over bogey golf.


get over yourself

Please...You show your true ignorance when it comes to the game of golf. I should not even respond because you don't have a clue. But here goes.


The tips are more than just a few extra yards. More hazards come into play and the angles are different many times from the tips. It has nothing to do with me getting over myself. Again, it's people like you that slow the course down. You and your buddies are not good enough to play from the tips(neither am I). If you are playing from the blues you should be a consistent golfer. Not just one that thinks he hits it far enough to play from the back tees. Even a bogey golfer should not be playing those tees. It must be a manhood thing for you.

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