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Hurricane Irene


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will do guys & tks....that tree made a big a$$ thud too

We had two pines about 30 inches in diameter fall in the front of our house during Elena like dominoes. We watched them fall about 20 ft in front of the house and we couldn't hear a thing over the wind.

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I was feeling at ease somewhat yesterday since I'm in SC near Myrtle Beach. However, the projected path shifted westward slightly over the last 24 hrs and now I'm no longer feeling at ease. I too am worried about a tree that's pretty close to the house that I should of had taken down earlier this year when I first noticed that it was looking diseased.


My insurance deductible for damage caused by a named storm jumps up to $12.5K. Another example of an insurance scam raising your deductible for just about the only thing you're ever going to have a claim for in these parts. So if this tree falls and knocks down my front porch and the cost of the damage is $12.5K or less, I'm basically on my own.


This time my procrastination might cost me big time! :wacko:



Good luck man!





In the end I didn't do anything regarding the tree. I didn't feel comfortable cutting a slit in the tree to try to influence the way that it would fall so I just left it alone.


All in all about 7 trees fell down in my sub-division but luckily the one I was worried about wasn't one of them.


The storm was bad (not terrible) here. I've been through about 4 or 5 hurricanes/tropical storms since I've lived here and like someone else mentioned on here they are all different. You can't always just rely on the category level to determine how bad it will be. This storm didn't have the wind speeds that some of the others have had but it was slow moving so it had sustained high winds for a long time. The winds started kicking up around here at about 11PM and didn't let up till about 6AM the next morning. And we were just on the outskirts of the storm on what was supposed to be the weaker side. I can't imagine what those areas that are taking this thing head on are going through.


I wish everyone the best if it is still coming your way or you are dealing with it now.

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still getting some strong gusts...supposed to see 30+ mph winds thru about 4 am....lost power around 9:15...been conserving battery power on my laptop but it is gonna die in about 10 mins or so...but the only reason I have internet is because my battery backup is still going but that too is almost ready to die....going dark...hopefully see everyone safely on the other side


good luck!

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I'm near the Delaware River in Philly and things are starting to look real dicey.



very ugly here now...about 6 inches of rain thus far, and not supposed to stop until after daybreak. Oh, and I did I mention tornado warnings have been issued?


Its ugly....and the Schuylkill will apparently flood at levels not seen since 1869. Good times.

good luck guys

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I thought I was going to wake up to Armageddon, but it looks like my area just got a lot of rain and a little wind. No trees down, major flooding, or anything else I expected. Hopefully everyone else was that lucky.


Now that is excellent news!

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I thought I was going to wake up to Armageddon, but it looks like my area just got a lot of rain and a little wind. No trees down, major flooding, or anything else I expected. Hopefully everyone else was that lucky.

things seem ok here too but the winds are still really whipping - hoping to maintain power

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I thought I was going to wake up to Armageddon, but it looks like my area just got a lot of rain and a little wind. No trees down, major flooding, or anything else I expected. Hopefully everyone else was that lucky.


+1 I expected a lot more than what we got...there wasn't even a power outage...but there were some areas that really got whoopt...I hope things have gone well in those areas like what happened here..

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I thought I was going to wake up to Armageddon, but it looks like my area just got a lot of rain and a little wind. No trees down, major flooding, or anything else I expected. Hopefully everyone else was that lucky.



Same here. Constant heavy rain but so far so good on anything major . Our back door that leads to the deck started leaking at the top of the frame about 2 am. I was like :wacko: As I have said on here before, I have the handy man skills of Liberace but I had to do something. I found some door siding in my garage . It has the small rubber lip and a thin piece of metal. I saw the spot above the door where the water was coming in. I stuck the rubber lip in and nailed it and it completely stopped the leak. I have been walking around here like a peacock every since.


Stay safe everyone. So far so good here

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Lost power around midnight on long island. Switched to ice, etc. Some trees down snd my chimney hat just blew off. Unbelievably, kids/wife driving me nuts today about a hot house and no electricity.


Alerted LIPA (utility) on automated line last night. All I get now is busy signal.


Be safe all!

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We just lost a ~40 year old maple tree in the yard from the wind, maybe 10 minutes ago ... but thankfully it fell in a direction away from the house, driveway and road. Supposedly the morning high tide just passed, but at present it is tough to say if the worst of the surge is over or not ... water from the small river across the street that has overflowed it's banks is still maybe ~50 yards from my house, with any luck it will stay there.


I'll be happy when this is done, even if it means I'll then have to sort out what to do about a fallen tree, but if that ends up being the worst of my personal hit from this storm, I'll take it ... hopefully everyone else in the area will come away from this w/o too much damage.

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