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Sheriff Joe Arpaio tasks ‘Cold Case Posse’ to investigate Obama’s birth certificate


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My understanding is that it wasn't an actual birth certificate per se, but a certificate of live birth (without all of the detail that a birth certificate is supposed to have). I could be wrong. Again, don't really care. But have fun continuing to try your damndest to paint me as a birther. :tup:


:wacko: no paint needed.

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On a much more important front, can someone explain to me why there's a : before the ::wacko: graemlin?


[detlef]Additionally[/detlef], if you don't put the : in front of the ::tup: graemlin does it make the graemlin without the :?

For some reason, the code for :lol: does not come with the preceding colon.

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Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a Nazi! Can't believe the manure he does and gets away w/.

Read the Bill of Rights azzhole! In this case he's a Nazi/glory hound.

Like Palin/Bachman/O'Donass their credibility is zero.

Can't believe anyone follows them.

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Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a Nazi! Can't believe the manure he does and gets away w/.

Read the Bill of Rights azzhole! In this case he's a Nazi/glory hound.

Like Palin/Bachman/O'Donass their credibility is zero.

Can't believe anyone follows them.

Dunno about being a Nazi. Egomaniacal small town bully for sure.

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Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a Nazi! Can't believe the manure he does and gets away w/.

Read the Bill of Rights azzhole! In this case he's a Nazi/glory hound.

Like Palin/Bachman/O'Donass their credibility is zero.

Can't believe anyone follows them.


I cant say that I really like him. But, The mugshot of the day is pretty funny stuff.

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For the record, I believe Obama was born in Hawaii exactly as he has claimed.


:wacko: no paint needed.


(sigh) EGL I'm going to ask you a serious question here, and I sincerely hope this isn't too embarrassing or anything like that... but are you perhaps at least mildly mentally handicapped? I honestly try to put myself in your brain and I just don't understand the lack of any kind of linear thought process. I'm really not trying to be mean to you here. I just don't quite get it. I think that it must be the case that you maybe are a little on the slow side or whatever the term for it is. If so, please let me know so that I can at least feel a little bit of sympathy towards you and then I can at least know that it might be worth while to make an effort to hear you out when you make your displays of inexplicable ignorance.

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(sigh) EGL I'm going to ask you a serious question here, and I sincerely hope this isn't too embarrassing or anything like that... but are you perhaps at least mildly mentally handicapped? I honestly try to put myself in your brain and I just don't understand the lack of any kind of linear thought process. I'm really not trying to be mean to you here. I just don't quite get it. I think that it must be the case that you maybe are a little on the slow side or whatever the term for it is. If so, please let me know so that I can at least feel a little bit of sympathy towards you and then I can at least know that it might be worth while to make an effort to hear you out when you make your displays of inexplicable ignorance.


You're a funny little man. You are going to call me retarded because you can't keep up with your own schtick. You make remarks like " I have no idea whether he actually possesses an official birth certificate or not. I also don't really care." You sound like a kid. You're respect for the system and the president is absolutely absurd. You and you birther ilk are the scurge of America. But hey take it personal that always works for kids.

Edited by evil_gop_liars
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Sheriff Joe is beloved in Phoenix. Period.If he wants to direct his minions to authenticate Obama's birth certificate. all the best to him.


Proven authentic or not, it still will not settle the Natural Born Citizen question as a requirement for POTUS. If I were a Democrat (And thank God I am not because I would responsible for creating all the entitlements that are about to destroy the greatest experiment in democracy - The USA - in the history of the world, but I digress.) I would want Obama to be declared constitutionally ineligible. Why? Because if Obama is, so are Jindal and Rubio.


For those that do not know, Marco Rubio is a very popular Conservative Hispanic Senator from Florida and likely to be the VP candidate on the next GOP ticket. I do not think he is eligible, but as Obama is setting the precedent - go Rubio!

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You're a funny little man. You are going to call me retarded because you can't keep up with your own schtick. You make remarks like " I have no idea whether he actually possesses an official birth certificate or not. I also don't really care." You sound like a kid. You're respect for the system and the president is absolutely absurd. You and you birther ilk are the scurge of America. But hey take it personal that always works for kids.



I was very careful not to use the word retarded out of respect. I thought it might actually be the case that you are handicapped. I apologize.


You see, I have trouble seeing the links from one thought to another when I read your posts. For instance I have very clearly stated that I believe Obama was born in Hawaii exactly as he has claimed, but somehow those words don't reach whatever rational part of your brain that might exist, and so you ignore it and write that I am somehow a birther using schtick. You can see why I thought you might have a handicap here right? Then you call me a scurge on America and admonish me for presumably taking that personally. Ok, so are you suggesting that you calling me a scurge on America is not personal? Again, it only makes sense for me to conclude that you were handicapped. I'll end by once again apologizing for misdiagnosing your mental state. If you have not actually been diagnosed with a mental handicap then I'm left baffled by the disjointed nature of your attempts at reason. I'd love to hear an explanation sometime of what makes you tick. In the meantime, have a great day!

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I was very careful not to use the word retarded out of respect. I thought it might actually be the case that you are handicapped. I apologize.


You see, I have trouble seeing the links from one thought to another when I read your posts. For instance I have very clearly stated that I believe Obama was born in Hawaii exactly as he has claimed, but somehow those words don't reach whatever rational part of your brain that might exist, and so you ignore it and write that I am somehow a birther using schtick. You can see why I thought you might have a handicap here right? Then you call me a scurge on America and admonish me for presumably taking that personally. Ok, so are you suggesting that you calling me a scurge on America is not personal? Again, it only makes sense for me to conclude that you were handicapped. I'll end by once again apologizing for misdiagnosing your mental state. If you have not actually been diagnosed with a mental handicap then I'm left baffled by the disjointed nature of your attempts at reason. I'd love to hear an explanation sometime of what makes you tick. In the meantime, have a great day!




From the guy who takes the time to try and claim a birth certificate and a certificate of live birth are different.



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