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Vandalism at the Rovers Estate


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Well, that sucked. 5 kids, walking down the block, joking loudly about "Do we need any stones today?" They don't steal any, but do pick up the pieces left in the street and start thowing them around, having a great old time. I hear them talking about the stones they have stolen. I take some pics. I should have done nothing, and staked them out again on Monday.


I caught up to them in the corner store and read them the riot act. Then I called the police. Police say they can't do chit.

Ya effed up. Take videos, not pics. And yes letting them know you knew when you hadn't caught them then thinking the police are worth a flip were bad moves.


Maybe I should just follow them home, and go to war on THEIR flockin houses. Tempting.
Yeah but the kids aren't paying for that stuff. Maybe if they have bikes find out and follow; if they park them somewhere go eff em up.
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Ya effed up. Take videos, not pics. And yes letting them know you knew when you hadn't caught them then thinking the police are worth a flip were bad moves.


Yeah but the kids aren't paying for that stuff. Maybe if they have bikes find out and follow; if they park them somewhere go eff em up.


Yup, the cop pretty much said still pics aren't enough, it has to be video.


wildcat... tell me you wouldn't at least think about kicking their a-r-s-e-s.... that's all I did was think about it. Don't be a dillweed. Well, you can at least try, can't you? Maybe just think about it.


Glueing the entire retaining wall would take two days... tearing it down and rebuilding it from the ground up. Just glueing the top stones would mean they would just take two stones instead of one. Brilliant idea by the cop. As far as the cops go.... they make 120,000 a year and spend most of their time parked in 2's and 3's behind firehouses. Don't even lecture me about the Nasau conty cops who work in one of the lowest crime areas of the counrty and get paid the highest salaries in the NATION. Nassau county has the highest taxes in the COUNTRY, and 99% of the time, the cops here sit behind firehouses in groups doing nothing.


Then when you do call them, they tell you "Since you work at home depot buy some glue." ...or get a video system.... oh yeah, to protect and serve, they won't even go to the middle school with me to at least talk to these kids.


The law protects those who break it.

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Video cans are cheap and effective. A motion activated deer cam works great. Also, as far as physical violence, get a kid under 18 to kick the sheet out of them. Hire him/them to stakeout your property and do the deed. Just make sure they they do work on the bassturds on your property.

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Rovers -


You do realize you have no evidence, right? It's your word against there's should they deny it. Basically other than an accusation, you had nothing for the police to go on.


Hopefully you scared them enough to knock it off, flip side is you just played your hand, got no evidence and now they may escalate.


Hopefully it is the former.

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The best advice is a cam. Or a neighbor that would be willing to watch during aforementioned hours. He/she would have to be willing to testify.

The cops...well their hands are tied to a certain degree. I do agree with "The law protects those who break it." and when applied to juveniles makes it x10.

Tough situation. Understand your anger. Your thought about bashing them is a fantasy I'm sure. A fantasy we all would think of in your situation. You are a reasonable person, but when pushed to the brink, you want to clobber them...we ALL would want to clobber them. I can understand that even though some here think you're gonna do it... you won't. You're a good man.

Sorry to say I don't think your interaction will scare them (check Hows comment above...spot on). Too many kids today know they can't be arrested/taken to task, etc.. They KNOW the law protects them.


I wish I could offer more, but I can't. Stretch the budget, get a cam (or neighbor) and nail the bastages! Stay legal. Putting a new pretty rock out there, w/ dog dooty under it is NOT a bad idea. There also used to be detection powder (I used it to nab a thief when I was teaching). It turns the hands purple at a simple touch and they can't get rid of the stain for days. It's invisible to the eye and I got it from the local PD.


Good luck my friend. I'm sure you'll get 'em.


Edited by rocknrobn26
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The best advice is a cam. Or a neighbor that would be willing to watch during aforementioned hours. He/she would have to be willing to testify.

The cops...well their hands are tied to a certain degree. I do agree with "The law protects those who break it." and when applied to juveniles makes it x10.

Tough situation. Understand your anger. Your thought about bashing them is a fantasy I'm sure. A fantasy we all would think of in your situation. You are a reasonable person, but when pushed to the brink, you want to clobber them...we ALL would want to clobber them. I can understand that even though some here think you're gonna do it... you won't. You're a good man.

Sorry to say I don't think your interaction will scare them (check Hows comment above...spot on). Too many kids today know they can't be arrested/taken to task, etc.. They KNOW the law protects them.


I wish I could offer more, but I can't. Stretch the budget, get a cam (or neighbor) and nail the bastages! Stay legal. Putting a new pretty rock out there, w/ dog dooty under it is NOT a bad idea. There also used to be detection powder (I used it to nab a thief when I was teaching). It turns the hands purple at a simple touch and they can't get rid of the stain for days. It's invisible to the eye and I got it from the local PD.


Good luck my friend. I'm sure you'll get 'em.



Tom, thank you for your response. Of course I'm not gonna kick their a-r-s-e-s. Sure wanted to though. The ringleader was a defiant little prack. Like I said, the wall is now irreparpably damaged, I can no longer find or buy matching replacement stones, and that is what really has be ticked off. Thsi wall, if contracted with a landscaper would cost near $1500, and now, it's pretty much ruined. This cop compared this damage to home owners who ave kids piss on their property. That frosted me even more. This is serious vandalism considering replacement stone are no longer available.


Thing is I heard these kids admit to doing it, I saw them and took pics of them throwing the broken stones around, but that doesn''t count as far as the law goes. At least according to this cop.


So.... I just spent an enire week's salary (Home Depot pays a lot :tup: ) on a wireless two camera system. I found an "open box" two camera system with DVR on line, normally $599. Installation won't be fun, I'll have to install the cameras under the soffets ( not rated for direct rain or snowfall, but rated for outside use) so I'll be on the 20 foot ladder later this week. Good lord, how I hate ladders. All because of some little jerk wad kids.


Having said that... maybe it's payback, I was no angel as a kid... but I never did this sort of damage either. A few eggs was the worst we ever conjured up. And that was only for the people who frankly, deserved it, it wasn't random. One foot on their lawn caused a neighborhood rebellion. I never did anything to these kids. Even after they started to steal the replacable stuff. Solar walk way lights, OK, replacable, no big deal. This retaining wall is a different story.


Once I get this system installed, if they repeat this behavior, I will take them and their parents to the max. I'm pretty pissed. Maybe sue to get the entire wall replaced, because it IS irreparibly damaged now. I'd prefer to make the parents search 3 states to find replacement stones. :rofl:


These past two weeks have been full of such nonsense... coffe clutch crap at work (being told that in my new dept my 15 minute breaks are too short) to, my next door neighbor and ex friend screaming at me calling me a F ' n a hole for renovating my lawn as I blew the dead debris causing a dust cloud on a Friday at 1pm.... it's not like he was out barbequeing,,,, I could go on.... I'm just ready to snap. Then these little a-r-s-e holes.... and my nephew's buddy. living downstairs to "get him over a difficult time" has been here for 9 months and stinks the joint up because he smokes the evil Josh Gordon daily.... I'm just... ready to kick someone's a-r-s-e.


Well, now I am rambling and off topic. I'm sure wildcat will have some more words of wisdom for me now. :wacko::lol:

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That's incredibly strange... Growing up in Marietta where (depending on which part), crime was not very rampant, they pretty much taxed all the parents in the area by catching their kids doing stupid stuff. Our PD actually had an "Underage Drinking Task Force", and they were more than happy to respond...Perhaps so many parents have complained that things have changed, but I'd still think they'd be there waiting to nail a DD.


Oh, and as for the OP, paging Cliaz :tup: .... Or maybe not, the border-line if not flat out illegal stuff probably is not a great idea when dealing with minors (though if it's your own property :wacko:) ... I had thought about a deer-camera or something like that, but I'm not sure that a camera that's set to take pics of all the kids that come by, not just the vandalizer is a very good idea either...


This is precisely what I'd do. It's your property and you can take pictures of whatever the hell you want. I own 7 high end trail cameras, which wouldn't be applicable in your case, but they make inexpensive ones that would more than get the job done for you.

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Well, at least for today, these kids took a different route home from school. Hopefully, they are just mischeviuos and not destructive by nature or upbringing. Of the 5 of them, only one was defiant. The others were fairly contrite when confronted. They seemed like decent kids who did some stupid chit. that one though... I'm not sure I've seen the last of him.

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Well, at least for today, these kids took a different route home from school. Hopefully, they are just mischeviuos and not destructive by nature or upbringing. Of the 5 of them, only one was defiant. The others were fairly contrite when confronted. They seemed like decent kids who did some stupid chit. that one though... I'm not sure I've seen the last of him.


Yep... and Halloween is coming up in a week. Pretty sure your house might have a big bullseye on it right about now.

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Yep... and Halloween is coming up in a week. Pretty sure your house might have a big bullseye on it right about now.


I am hoping to recieve the new two camera (night vision and audio) system this week for a Friday install. I will also buy a dummie camera for the far side of the house. It's the near side that has stuff I am worried about. I don't care about eggs or even paint filled balloons, I can replace /clean (if it's latex) that sort of damage. It's the stuff that costs alot (autos) and brickwork that concerns me.


I may take Halloween off, as I am scheduled to work that evening. I hate to take sick days, but I might have to in this case.

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I am hoping to recieve the new two camera (night vision and audio) system this week for a Friday install. I will also buy a dummie camera for the far side of the house. It's the near side that has stuff I am worried about. I don't care about eggs or even paint filled balloons, I can replace /clean (if it's latex) that sort of damage. It's the stuff that costs alot (autos) and brickwork that concerns me.


I may take Halloween off, as I am scheduled to work that evening. I hate to take sick days, but I might have to in this case.

Dude please cancel that stuff, I hate to see you wasting money. These kids need the kind of justice that those cameras, the courts, and law-abiding people like us just can't get. Best case, you catch em, uh, what's the retail value of a rock, $5 best case? You think they'll get thrown in the supermax and get pounded in the ass daily like they deserve? I guarantee, you see this through the system, you'll be a million times more frustrated after all the time and effort wasted.


Get your ass back in Redraft Wars next year. :wacko:

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Dude please cancel that stuff, I hate to see you wasting money. These kids need the kind of justice that those cameras, the courts, and law-abiding people like us just can't get. Best case, you catch em, uh, what's the retail value of a rock, $5 best case? You think they'll get thrown in the supermax and get pounded in the ass daily like they deserve? I guarantee, you see this through the system, you'll be a million times more frustrated after all the time and effort wasted.


Get your ass back in Redraft Wars next year. :wacko:


If the wall is irreparably damaged, since the stones are no longer replacable, we'ree talkin $1500 to replace it. not 5 dollar rocks. If it was $5 stones, I'd blow the whole thing off as a who cares, no big deal. There are holes in the wall now, and I can't replace them. Like I said earlier, this is serious vandalism since I cannot buy replacement stones. THAT is why I'm so pissed.


Redraft Wars I miss a lot, but it was a time issue, working 2 jobs there was NO way I could do a live slow draft. It wasn't the 50 bucks. I just had no time and no inner nets access. I miss that league, I founded the freakin thing. I hope to be in a better situation next year.

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If the wall is irreparably damaged, since the stones are no longer replacable, we'ree talkin $1500 to replace it. not 5 dollar rocks. If it was $5 stones, I'd blow the whole thing off as a who cares, no big deal. There are holes in the wall now, and I can't replace them. Like I said earlier, this is serious vandalism since I cannot buy replacement stones. THAT is why I'm so pissed.


Redraft Wars I miss a lot, but it was a time issue, working 2 jobs there was NO way I could do a live slow draft. It wasn't the 50 bucks. I just had no time and no inner nets access. I miss that league, I founded the freakin thing. I hope to be in a better situation next year.

I know, I hear ya, I don't want to diminish what the little burritos have done, but as a practical matter your odds of being made whole here, going thru the system are virtually nil. The cameras you're just adding to your losses.

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i was thinking along the same lines as Tom. Maybe getting your hands on some of that red dye that releases from cash in a bank robbery (note - do not rob a bank to get some) or from a fire alarm pull box. Get the stuff, rig it in a section of the rock "wall" and hopefully catch the bugger(s).

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Sit on your porch around 2:15 and clean your shotgun.


Problem solved.


I might get some critisism for that sort of approach, as I was scolded for even thinking about beating their little hineys.


Hmmmm.... what about a pellet gun?

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