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Tebow stinks.

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Tebow is making some good throws but he is also missing some open receivers and making bad passes.


Rivers does not look good but I am guessing Rivers wins this game.


:wacko: Good call.


Why is so difficult for you to admit that in today's game that Tebow is having a better game passing the ball than Rivers? Noone is asking you to admit that Tebow is a better passer than Rivers - clearly he isn't, not even close. But today Tebow did the better job throwing the football.

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:wacko: Good call.


Why is so difficult for you to admit that in today's game that Tebow is having a better game passing the ball than Rivers? Noone is asking you to admit that Tebow is a better passer than Rivers - clearly he isn't, not even close. But today Tebow did the better job throwing the football.



Seems to be a trend of the opponent's Q.B. playing down to Tebow's level.

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:wacko: Good call.


Why is so difficult for you to admit that in today's game that Tebow is having a better game passing the ball than Rivers? Noone is asking you to admit that Tebow is a better passer than Rivers - clearly he isn't, not even close. But today Tebow did the better job throwing the football.

He did have some nice throws - I would even say it was the best I have seen him look.

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I read these teams almost tied. :wacko:


Coach John Fox believes in his quarterback.


“Tim has outstanding ability,” Fox said. “He proved it at a high level of college football in the SEC at Florida. It’s (the option) something that he is comfortable with. I think our team has adapted to it. Right now it’s working in the run portion of our offense. We still have some growth to do in the pass portion.”


Tebow is lucky John Fox is his coach. Fox kept Delhomme the starter until he was fired.

Edited by WaterMan
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The shame is, back in their SB year, when Baltimore's D was completely carrying that team, everyone rightly pointed to it. Perhaps because the QB was a guy who we'd all seen enough of and had already decided wasn't really all that good.


Now, Denver's D is totally carrying this team and all we talk about is Tebow. If Tebow was simply spreading out his few scoring drives throughout the game, rather than cramming them all into the 4th quarter, he'd just be a basically ineffective QB who is being carried by a D that is playing light's out. But, because he's sucking ass for most of the game, then all of a sudden catching fire and putting up 10 or so points in the 4th (which, of course, only equates to a win because the D is holding the other team to less than 2 TDs), he's "the difference".


It would just be nice to give credit where credit is due. And Tebow certainly deserves some of it, but the D is playing out of it's freaking head right now.

Edited by detlef
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The shame is, when Baltimore's D was completely carrying that team, everyone rightly pointed to it. Perhaps because the QB was a guy who we'd all seen enough of and had already decided wasn't really all that good.


Now, Denver's D is totally carrying this team and all we talk about is Tebow. If Tebow was simply spreading out his few scoring drives throughout the game, rather than cramming them all into the 4th quarter, he'd just be a basically ineffective QB who is being carried by a D that is playing light's out. But, because he's sucking ass for most of the game, then all of a sudden catching fire and putting up 10 or so points in the 4th (which, of course, only equates to a win because the D is holding the other team to less than 2 TDs), he's "the difference".


It would just be nice to give credit where credit is due. And Tebow certainly deserves some of it, but the D is playing out of it's freaking head right now.


Agreed, the Bronco's defense has been playing great but ball security is so important in the NFL and Tebow only turning the ball over once in 236 touches is pretty damn impressive. He's not winning games all by himself but he's also not losing them either and that's pretty good for a guy most "experts" said had no business being a starting NFL QB.

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Agreed, the Bronco's defense has been playing great but ball security is so important in the NFL and Tebow only turning the ball over once in 236 touches is pretty damn impressive. He's not winning games all by himself but he's also not losing them either and that's pretty good for a guy most "experts" said had no business being a starting NFL QB.

I should have mentioned that. Then again, Dilfer wasn't making mistakes for the Ravens either. Was he "the difference?' No, the story then was the fact that the Ravens were winning games despite an anemic offense.

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The shame is, back in their SB year, when Baltimore's D was completely carrying that team, everyone rightly pointed to it. Perhaps because the QB was a guy who we'd all seen enough of and had already decided wasn't really all that good.


Now, Denver's D is totally carrying this team and all we talk about is Tebow. If Tebow was simply spreading out his few scoring drives throughout the game, rather than cramming them all into the 4th quarter, he'd just be a basically ineffective QB who is being carried by a D that is playing light's out. But, because he's sucking ass for most of the game, then all of a sudden catching fire and putting up 10 or so points in the 4th (which, of course, only equates to a win because the D is holding the other team to less than 2 TDs), he's "the difference".


It would just be nice to give credit where credit is due. And Tebow certainly deserves some of it, but the D is playing out of it's freaking head right now.

This is a good point. Tebow gets the "win" when the whole team wins. The Denver D is the difference, but with Tebow at the helm, I'll bet ticket sales went up because they made the switch.

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It would just be nice to give credit where credit is due. And Tebow certainly deserves some of it, but the D is playing out of it's freaking head right now.


Maybe true...but why weren't they getting these results before Timmy stepped in? They were 1-4 at that point.


Only one tangible thing changed.

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Maybe true...but why weren't they getting these results before Timmy stepped in? They were 1-4 at that point.


Only one tangible thing changed.

Dumervil was injured early in the season and Von Miller is a rookie so perhaps he's begun to figure out the game. I'd say both of those could matter.


Azz has tried to point to a statistical correlation between Tebow's brand of offense and the D putting up better numbers (that's actually very dubious and, yes Azz, I'd be happy to open that discussion back up).


Now, perhaps Tebow simply has "it" and he's somehow inspired the D to play at a new level. That said, we've seen how it plays out in the long run if the offense keeps needing the D to bail them out. Eventually, it starts to turn. I'd have to wonder how soon it will happen if that same D, who keeps holding teams down, keeps getting overlooked as to the reason why Denver is winning.

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I should have mentioned that. Then again, Dilfer wasn't making mistakes for the Ravens either. Was he "the difference?' No, the story then was the fact that the Ravens were winning games despite an anemic offense.



No comparison between the Ravens D of that year and the Broncos D this year. The Broncos D isn't even close to being in the same league as that D was, which was a defense that would routinely hold teams to single digits. Ravens D was the type that would routinely take a game over, the type of D that struck fear in the eyes of opposing offenses. Denver's D doesn't do any such thing. But it's a HELL of a lot easier for a defense to do its job when the QB doesn't turn the ball over, as too often times happened when orton was behind center. That isn't happening now, yet the Tebow led offense is moving the ball just as effectively if not moreso than it was with orton (not through the air mind you, but on the whole as the ground game has certainly benefited from his "option" style). Tebow is very obviously the difference compared to what Orton was before him. That doesn't make Tebow outstanding, nor "the reason" why they're winning games (he himself has stated repeatedly that the whole team deserves credit as it is a team game), but it certainly makes him a lot better than the QB who preceded him..

Edited by Crazysight
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No comparison between the Ravens D of that year and the Broncos D this year. The Broncos D isn't even close to being in the same league as that D was, which was a defense that would routinely hold teams to single digits. Ravens D was the type that would routinely take a game over, the type of D that struck fear in the eyes of opposing offenses. Denver's D doesn't do any such thing. But it's a HELL of a lot easier for a defense to do its job when the QB doesn't turn the ball over, as too often times happened when orton was behind center. That isn't happening now, yet the Tebow led offense is moving the ball just as effectively if not moreso than it was with orton (not through the air mind you, but on the whole as the ground game has certainly benefited from his "option" style). Tebow is very obviously the difference compared to what Orton was before him. That doesn't make Tebow outstanding, nor "the reason" why they're winning games (he himself has stated repeatedly that the whole team deserves credit as it is a team game), but it certainly makes him a lot better than the QB who preceded him..

1) Fair enough, the Ravens were a better D than the Broncos. Then again, the offense averaged more points per game than the Broncos under Tebow. That said, of the four teams who lead the league in points against, (Balt, Pitt, SF, Houston), only two (SF and Houston) have fared better than Denver in that regard over this 4 game win streak (I went back one extra week with Pitt and Houston since they had a bye during that stretch).


2) As far as moving the ball more effectively, they really haven't. Their yards per game are up from 310 to 320 per game (but they've also played 2 OT games which pads that a bit). But they're down in first downs from 20.25 per game to 17 under Tebow.


Also, during this 4-1 stretch, Denver is converting 24.6% of first downs.


If they did that over the course of the season, that would rank them dead last by a large stretch


Yes, Orton was a TO machine and had a knack for crapping the bed at the wrong time. I don't think there's a person alive who thinks, at this point, the team would be better off with him at the helm. My only point is that the team is winning despite the offense really not doing anything impressive other than pulling it out of their ass at the end of games. A luxury that they only have because their D is typically holding teams to less than 2 TDs. Yet, for every whisper that the D is playing outstanding, there's 100 bullhorns blaring that Tebow is reason they're winning.

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