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I TOLD you this was coming....


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NBA can suck a big fat one!

I agree but if ever there was an example of lies, damned lies and statistics, it is this one:


An average of 17,870 fans have attended MLS games over the course of the 2011 season -- that's 3.0 percent more than the NBA and 4.1 percent more than the National Hockey League.


Well, duh! Calculating by average attendance per game places quite the restriction on the NBA and NHL, doesn't it, given that they are both capped at 20,000 and play 82 games apiece?


Side note - attendance figures at all US sports are completely bogus anyway, having little to do with tickets sold and nothing whatsoever to do with bums on seats. IIRC, only the Chicago Bears in the NFL accurately report physical game day attendance as the Attendance figure seen in the following day's paper. Might be wrong on that but I do remember reading it somewhere.

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those friggin honkeys were pricks and crybabys in boston, the DR. and Penthouse were my favs :tup:

:wacko: forgot close to winter the brain is starting to freeze up.also don't think Parrish and DJ would appreciate being called honkeys.

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I think what's helped soccer here as much as anything was the change over to 16x9 tv aspect ratio with hdtv. It seemed back in the day the camera was always too close to the ball to see the action happening away from the ball. Going rectangular, and pulling the cameras back illustrates much more of the game for a TV audience than before.

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