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The last movie you saw


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Tron - puke. In fairness I didn't last more than about 30-40 mins into it but gave up at that point. Let's face it, the novelty of the orig Tron was its main appeal, it wasn't much of a movie in strict theatrical terms - and since that is gone here, it must stand more on its own merits. Clearly it did not unless it made some amazing turn of quality later on. I turned it off when they digressed from the whole martial arts action thing to a matrix-like slo mo shot which made me hurl at its total unoriginality and overall cheesiness. The only thing missing was Keanu Reeves and that was its most redeeming feature.

Edited by BeeR
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Tron - puke. In fairness I didn't last more than about 30-40 mins into it but gave up at that point. Let's face it, the novelty of the orig Tron was its main appeal, it wasn't much of a movie in strict theatrical terms - and since that is gone here, it must stand more on its own merits. Clearly it did not unless it made some amazing turn of quality later on. I turned it off when they digressed from the whole martial arts action thing to a matrix-like slo mo shot which made me hurl at its total unoriginality and overall cheesiness. The only thing missing was Keanu Reeves and that was its most redeeming feature.




wait a minute. You talking TRON or Legacy. :wacko: cause they both suck to be honest... Yeah...i worked on Tron...suck it]

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Limitless - eh. I really like this kind of movie which probably explains why I stuck it out. I wouldn't say it was "bad" and I liked the main character ie actor. But it could have been so much better. For starters the camera work was often some of the most annoying I have ever seen. That stupid zoom-down-the-street thing was the worst - so bad I actually looked away until it was done. DeNiro was almost entirely wasted in this film. The girlfriend thing seemed like just a token gesture that didn't get enough attention because they were so into showing you the "thrill ride" of this guy. I get that's that main gist of the movie, but cmon. Most if not all of the characters lacked either believability or likability. And for a "genius" he was so stupid in various ways that I found myself wanting him to die well before the end.


That said it was watchable and had its appeal but could have been a lot better.

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Ides of March -- Great cast, very good performances and a story that keeps you guessing all the way through. Good exploration of the backstabbing and maneuvering that happens in a political campaign. Gosling is a good young actor, wasn't sure if he could carry a whole movie but he does, while Clooney, Giamatti and Seymour-Hoffman are great as usual. This isn't a candidate for movie of the year and doesn't aspire to be, it's just a good entertaining flick.

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Real Steel


Went and saw it with my 7 year old son. It was a PERFECT movie to see with my 7 year old son. I liked it. He loved it! I'm guessing that chicks and guys without kids might not appreciate it as much. But as a Father of a 7 year old boy, I give it 10 stars and 2 thumbs up! :wacko::tup:

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TAZ, what is a "GRIP" in lamans terms




In the U.S. and Canada, grips are lighting and rigging technicians in the filmmaking and video production industries. They constitute their own department on a film set and are directed by a key grip. Grips have two main functions. The first is to work closely with the camera department to provide camera support, especially if the camera is mounted to a dolly, crane, or in an unusual position, such as the top of a ladder. Some grips may specialize in operating camera dollies or camera cranes. The second main function of grips is to work closely with the electrical department to create lighting set-ups necessary for a shot under the direction of the Director of Photography.
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I'll add a little to that. Grips are basically the mules on set. Besides a production assistant, they do pretty much all of the grunt work. I've gripped on a few movies and while the pay was ok, the work done doesn't equate. Probably one of the least respected jobs on set.

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Red Violin - watching this after crap like Tron etc was like going from a fast food hamburger ($1 special!) to a good steak. Not that you can't enjoy the burger but nice to have a movie I can take seriously. Samuel L Jackson who I like was a dumb choice for that part though. And the end was lame...

Edited by BeeR
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Friends with Benefits -- Painfully, painfully, painfully bad. Even with Mila Kunis in her underwear several times, I can't recommend this piece o' crap. The dialogue actually made me angry, that's how inane and pointless it was. Want more? The big climax involved a flash mob, and it wasn't the first flash mob scene in the film either. Because that's how New York is, everywhere you go, large groups of people just spontaneously break out into elaborate dance routines. That's why everyone likes to visit around the holidays, not for the tree or St. Patrick's, or the shopping, but for the flash mobs. I wanted to murder everyone involved in the production of this movie. Even my wife hated it. It sucked.

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