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What did you get?


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same here :wacko:

I was about to give you one of these: :tup: but then I realized that my Christmas phone call to you came a few minutes after you made this post. :lol:



As for me, my wife got me an autographed copy of Jimmy Carter's "Beyond the White House: Waging Peace, Fighting Disease, Building Hope" (which she found for $10 at a library book sale.

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A 5 piece Lie-Nielsen Socket Chisel set.

A new fence for my bandsaw.

$500 gift certificate to Highland Woodworking.

Some clothes (I may be going metrosexual).

A cock in my ass courtesy of L. McCoy.

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M83 CD

2 Steve Hillage CDs

1 Beer mug (now used)

Man With No Name trilogy

iTunes gift card (more music)

Amazon gift card (even more music)


Family round, all stuffed with food and chitfacred. Couldn't ask for more.

Oh, and a 160GB iPod Classic

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Given the sheer volume of jokes made about my tomes (warranted to be sure), I would expect that we would have gotten to the point where they'd actually have to be funny or at least make sense to get a laugh.


It's like the scene in that Steve Martin flick where he has the huge nose. "You've got this to work with? And the best you can come up with is 'Hey big nose'?"



You should see the grindstone.

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I got a display case for the flag which covered my Grandfather's coffin before he was buried at Arlington. That flag has languished too long in a case unworthy of display. I got a couple of dress shirts. That was nice as 21/37 is a tough size to pick up just anywhere.


Mostly Christmas was about giving. I spoiled my wife and daughter. We gave to the USO and to Wounded Warrior, Catholic Charities, the Dumb Friends League, Juvenile Diabetes, M.S. Society, and we bought presents and clothes for 39 orphans at Mount St. Vincent's. You should have seen the checker at Walmart as we rolled up with all those carts filled to the brim for those little kids.

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For my gift I asked for donations to charity. Not saying that like I'm so great it just worked for me. Didn't need "stuff" really.

With my siblings, we normally pick a name and give a gift to one person. My brother got my name and I told him the same thing--I don't need anything, so just give the money to a charity.


My wife and I going to approach the rest of our family with the idea of doing something similar next year for all of the adults. There are various charities where you can pick to fund certain items for families around the world (such as buying people goats, chickens, etc. or part of a water well or something like that). We think it would be kind of cool for people to give a gift to the charity that reflects the person to whom the gift would have originally gone. (For example, my dad raises bees, so it might be cool to give a beehive to some poor family somewhere in his name.)

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I was thinking about getting one of those classics myself. Want to get into music more and think that may be the route to go so I never have to worry about space and clouds and stuff.

I should be able to get about 8,000 tracks on it, almost but not quite the entire collection. Many of those tracks are 10 minutes plus. The idea is to load it up, plug it in to the glove compartment USB port and just leave it there, except for the occasional addition / subtraction as I get new stuff.

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I should be able to get about 8,000 tracks on it, almost but not quite the entire collection. Many of those tracks are 10 minutes plus. The idea is to load it up, plug it in to the glove compartment USB port and just leave it there, except for the occasional addition / subtraction as I get new stuff.

You really must have some long tracks. Just checked my itunes and I've got 11,000+ tracks and it only takes up 82G. And, I've got a decent amount of longish tracks as well.

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Nice change of pace, my parents came to visit instead of us traveling to Philly/CT. Last week was hectic but Christmas itself was the best in recent memory. We ate good food, sat around by the fire, watched movies and just relaxed. Everyone got lots of good "stuff" that we wanted, but really the first Christmas in the new house just chilling was the best present I could have asked for.

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Nice change of pace, my parents came to visit instead of us traveling to Philly/CT. Last week was hectic but Christmas itself was the best in recent memory. We ate good food, sat around by the fire, watched movies and just relaxed. Everyone got lots of good "stuff" that we wanted, but really the first Christmas in the new house just chilling was the best present I could have asked for.


Christmas in Atlanta is the best kind of Christmas.

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Christmas in Atlanta is the best kind of Christmas.

Was thinking back through the years and realized this was my first Christmas here ever. Those first 12 years I flew home every single year. Usually my mom has a big party at her house and complains the whole time about all the stress and her ungrateful siblings. Looks like we have a new tradition. :wacko:

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Good times spent with family and friends is the best present I got.


As far as material things go, I got a pair of boots that are nice enough to wear with a suit, but still look good with jeans. A gift certificate to Jos. A Bank because none of my suits fit since I've lost some weight.


The best present that was actually given to me was a drawing of a buck that my 13 year old daughter did. She is quite the artist. I'll be hanging it in my office.

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You really must have some long tracks. Just checked my itunes and I've got 11,000+ tracks and it only takes up 82G. And, I've got a decent amount of longish tracks as well.


I haven't used iTunes in some time and I don't have all my music loaded. I just checked and I have 1,112 songs loaded at 4.95 GB. Multiply that by 10 and I'd have about 11,000 tracks at 49.5GB. :wacko:

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I haven't used iTunes in some time and I don't have all my music loaded. I just checked and I have 1,112 songs loaded at 4.95 GB. Multiply that by 10 and I'd have about 11,000 tracks at 49.5GB. :wacko:

Most of mine have been pulled from CD and are M4A format, Apple's lossless codec, so they are considerably bigger than most MP3s. As far as long tracks go, I have more than 50 that are 20 minutes plus.


IIRC, it's possible to sync an iPod and have iTunes convert to MP3 on the fly as it loads the iPod. I don't know if this reduces the size much or what.

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My wife and I said that we would definitely not get each other anything for Christmas this year because we are saving money for a trip at the end of January. I had a $10 rewards coupon from Best Buy, so I went and got her a CD that I thought she would like using that certificate. She bought me a Samsung Galaxy S II. :tup::wacko:

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My wife and I said that we would definitely not get each other anything for Christmas this year because we are saving money for a trip at the end of January. I had a $10 rewards coupon from Best Buy, so I went and got her a CD that I thought she would like using that certificate. She bought me a Samsung Galaxy S II. :tup::wacko:

So are you in the chit......or not? Wimmins is difficult to understand sometimes.

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My wife and I said that we would definitely not get each other anything for Christmas this year because we are saving money for a trip at the end of January. I had a $10 rewards coupon from Best Buy, so I went and got her a CD that I thought she would like using that certificate. She bought me a Samsung Galaxy S II. :tup::wacko:

That's the way it works sometimes. :lol: BTW, that is a pretty awesome phone. I have had the Sprint version for about 3 months, let me know if you have any ?s.

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