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Rudi, Julius, & Martin

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I have a big money league draft coming up, basically the only team I ever care about, and I have the 1st pick. So of course, LT2 is my first selection. This is a 10 team league so coming back I have the 20th and 21st selection. Here are the players I expect to be gone when I pick: LT2, Alexander, James, Holmes, Manning, McGahee, Culpepper, Moss, McAllister, Portis, Lewis, K. Jones, Dillon, Green, Barber, Owens, Dom Davis. That is 17 players total. Which leaves either Rudi Johnson, S. Jackson, Julius Jones, or Curtis Martin to fall to me. Of course if any of the players I listed fall to me, I will take one of them. But I've got a couple questions I'd like to be answered: 1. In order (and an explanation if possible), your rankings of J. Jones, Rudi, Jackson & Martin. 2. Would you consider passing up those 4 RBs and getting a combo of Holt/Harrison/Chad Johnson? Any help would be appreciated!


10 Team performance scoring (4 pts/pass td, 1 point 25 yp/ 6 points rush/rec td, 1 point 10 yards rush/rec)

Edited by Primetime9287
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Which leaves either Rudi Johnson, S. Jackson, Julius Jones, or Curtis Martin to fall to me.  1. In order (and an explanation if possible), your rankings of J. Jones, Rudi, Jackson & Martin.  2. Would you consider passing up those 4 RBs and getting a combo of Holt/Harrison/Chad Johnson? 






First of all, I'd be shocked if either Rudi or JJ are still there at 20-21 so I wouldn't plan my draft around them. You are looking at more like SJax, Jordan and maybe Martin.

1. Jordan, Martin, SJax

2. No. Take one of those RBs and one of those WRs.

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First of all, I'd be shocked if either Rudi or JJ are still there at 20-21 so I wouldn't plan my draft around them.  You are looking at more like SJax, Jordan and maybe Martin.

1. Jordan, Martin, SJax

2. No.  Take one of those RBs and one of those WRs.






BSM is wise and gives good input here.

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You can wish for Julius or Rudi but I think if anybody has brains in a 10 league the only thing left will be Martin from your list!


If not take Jones then Rudi then Martin! Then after that I like Chad Johnson!

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First of all, I'd be shocked if either Rudi or JJ are still there at 20-21 so I wouldn't plan my draft around them.  You are looking at more like SJax, Jordan and maybe Martin.

1. Jordan, Martin, SJax

2. No.  Take one of those RBs and one of those WRs.








agreed. BS always gives good advise.

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First of all, I'd be shocked if either Rudi or JJ are still there at 20-21 so I wouldn't plan my draft around them.  You are looking at more like SJax, Jordan and maybe Martin.

1. Jordan, Martin, SJax

2. No.  Take one of those RBs and one of those WRs.







Sounds like everyone likes your advice...might have to take a shot on that. The problem is for some reason I have never been a big Rudi fan and JJ is a toss up IMO. The huddles RB Ease of Schedule makes Jordan not as tempting, but hey, they did have Curtis Martin with the toughest schedule last year. Thanks for the help guys.

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I'm assuming standard performance scoring with no points per reception. I'd like to know the size of your rosters and confirm that WW selections are easy before advising. That being said, BS Miscreant's advice is very sound. I might disagree if you get points per reception though (you didn't mention, so I'm assuming you don't). If I got points per reception, on a ten-team league with rosters sized at 16 or less, I'd go with Harrison and Chad. Those two will get an additional 90+ points each in that scoring, and LT is the best or second best pass catching back in the league right now too. I just think that the RB situation this year, especially in a ten team league doesn't make this such a slam dunk.

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No way JJ or Rudi fall to the end of round two. I agree you'll probably be looking at Jax, Jordan and Martin...of these I think Martin is your best bet...I need to see a full year from Jax and make sure Faulk isn't taking all the 3rd downs and redzone...and Jordan looks good on paper...and so did Barlow last year...


...for what its worth...I'd grab Holt or Chad and then Martin... :D

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I'd go against the above advice and take Rudi. I think JJ has more upside, but Rudi is the safer pick. Rudi will produce and is a great choice for RB2. JJ is the perfect boom or bust candidate. I think he'll have a monster first half, but my worry is that he may not hold up over the course of the season.

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