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Ever take 4 RB's with first 4 picks?

The Myth

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I was tempted in the last draft I was in. I know it would be a gamble but would make nice trade bait for a guy that went QB, WR within his first few picks. Just wondering if anyone has done it before and how it worked out. I don't think anyone would expect it and it would ruin a couple drafts a little bit for the bad guys.

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This only works if people are willing to trade later, and they don't get any RB's in the draft. If they have much better talent at other spots and you have the lower level WR and QB then they might not trade with you to spite you and leave your team stacked at one spot.


My brother tried this two years ago, and none of us traded with him all season so he had 5 good RB's on his team(he had traded draft picks to move up). He couldn't play them and had no talent elsewhere. We made due with the other RB's and the better talent at the other spots and he missed the playoffs.

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I was tempted in the last draft I was in.  I know it would be a gamble but would make nice trade bait for a guy that went QB, WR within his first few picks.  Just wondering if anyone has done it before and how it worked out.  I don't think anyone would expect it and it would ruin a couple drafts a little bit for the bad guys.







I have personally taken RB in rds 1,2 and 4. This was due to almost everyone else taking 2 RB's in the first 3 rds and me wanting a quality backup. I placed second that year because I traded my rd 4 RB Ron Dayne (try not to laugh too much) to upgrade my QB to Donovan McNabb.


In my leagues there has only been 1 draft where someone took 4 RB straight - 2 proven RB's and then 2 rookie RB's. It worked out because one of the rookie RB's was Ladanian Tomlinson - so he traded Eddie George to get a top WR. In that type of scenario I think it could work for you. It will depend on where others take RB's.


It is a tough call in some leagues. Is it better to take the 12th best running back over the #2 QB or #1 and #2 WR?

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There is enough chance involved with FF as it is. It's one thing to take the chance that the players I draft will work out but to count on the chance that another owner might trade with me is not something I'm willing to add to the equation.

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There is enough chance involved with FF as it is.  It's one thing to take the chance that the players I draft will work out but to count on the chance that another owner might trade with me is not something I'm willing to add to the equation.









There is yer answer.

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I have personally taken RB in rds 1,2 and 4.  This was due to almost everyone else taking 2 RB's in the first 3 rds and me wanting a quality backup.  I placed second that year because I traded my rd 4 RB Ron Dayne (try not to laugh too much) to upgrade my QB to Donovan McNabb.







Not sure which is worse...you drafting Dayne or the fool that took him off your hands in any combination of trade that included you getting McNabb. Was he a Wisconsin homer? :D

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I could kinda see it if your league is like mine and you can start 3 RBs and 1 WR, and there is a bunch of mediocre WRs where none stick out.







Yep, that's what I was gonna say. My league has a WR/TE/RB flex spot in addition to two RB slots. In that case, you certainly might draft 3 RBs first, then if come round 4, you're looking at a nice RB prospect who dropped to you (like say JJ Arington), you might grab him for bye weeks or trade bait.


More than likely though, I'd grab a top QB or TE in the 4th. WRs are so sketchy this year, I wouldn't worry about passing on one for the "best available player."

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Looking at the WR crop this year, and seeing the rise of the TE spot, I don't think it's so crazy anymore to reach for someone like Gates or Gonzo. 


After the top 5-8 WRs are scooped up, you have a real mess this year.  If you find yourself with a choice between someone like Mason or Gates....


...sh*t grab Gates, watch people start to scramble for 2nd tier TE's, then grab someone like Fitz and/or Burelson later on.






Thanks guys...for those of you that did not treat me like a moron. Just curious. I wouldn't do it...never have...just was tempted...wanted to see how you guys would think about that.


As for you guys that thought you should point to me as a moron...Sorry that is what it takes for you to get it up. Just asking a question sport :D

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I just looked at my lists and I have done it two years in a row now. My league is a dynasty where the draft gets jumbled based on who keeps who, but basically I got like 4 picks of the first 9 the last two years, and stocked RBs to try and build a dynasty core. That was working out great until I traded them all for Peyton and Edgerrin. Now I'm on top of the world baby!!!

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