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BYOB for the Jets-Patriots game next Monday


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And won't they frisk you and confiscate any booze you would bring?







Of course. You can't bring anything into the stadium. Everyone is checked entering the stadium. That being said, you can certainly consume as much alchohol as you want in the parking lot before entering the stadium, and then once again when you leave the stadium in the parking lot, which is probably where most fans will end up staying in a meaningless game, especially if you can't get a beer inside. Stupid ban.

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Of course. You can't bring anything into the stadium. Everyone is checked entering the stadium. That being said, you can certainly consume as much alchohol as you want in the parking lot before entering the stadium, and then once again when you leave the stadium in the parking lot, which is probably where most fans will end up staying in a meaningless game, especially if you can't get a beer inside. Stupid ban.







Yep. What he said.

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Has anyone ever tried to get into the game with something stashed like a bottle? It's not very difficult at Cards games that's for sure. I've seen plenty of folks walk right in with a drinks stashed in pockets etc etc.


Suppose ABC had anything to do with this too? It is afterall the last ABC Monday Night game. They don't want any surprises.

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Has anyone ever tried to get into the game with something stashed like a bottle?  It's not very difficult at Cards games that's for sure.  I've seen plenty of folks walk right in with a drinks stashed in pockets etc etc.


Suppose ABC had anything to do with this too?  It is afterall the last ABC Monday Night game.  They don't want any surprises.







Yeah, you can probably get a small bottle in if you put it down the front of your pants, since that's one place they don't really check, for obvious reasons. However, security in the stadium will be watching as well, and if they see you drinking it, they'll take it away and can toss you from the game.

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Has anyone ever tried to get into the game with something stashed like a bottle?  It's not very difficult at Cards games that's for sure.  I've seen plenty of folks walk right in with a drinks stashed in pockets etc etc.


Suppose ABC had anything to do with this too?  It is afterall the last ABC Monday Night game.  They don't want any surprises.







I've snuck alcohol into Giant stadium more times than I can remember. Sometimes security checks and sometimes they don't.


A flask in your boot, or a bladder under your jacket, or a fifth in your crotch. It's really quite easy if you have the will.


I've even seen the "white trash method" . . . . filling up zip lock bags with the drink of your choice.


Security is going to be busy

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I've snuck alcohol into Giant stadium more times than I can remember. Sometimes security checks and sometimes they don't.


A flask in your boot, or a bladder under your jacket, or a fifth in your crotch. It's really quite easy if you have the will.


I've even seen the "white trash method" . . . . filling up zip lock bags with the drink of your choice.


Security is going to be busy







If you have a place where you can buy big sandwiches, you go there, buy a sandwich, eat sandwich, buy same sized bread, hollow out bread, put flask inside bread, wrap bread in sandwich store wrapper.


A little involved maybe, but thats how you smuggle booze into the Coliseum in Oakland, because they let you bring sandwichs in.

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I knew a dude years ago that used to tie a string around the neck of his bottle of choice and hang the thing around his own neck backwards so that the bottle rested basically between his shoulders-that's one place security does not pat you down he used to always say- they check your pant legs, pockets, up your torso to your arm pits, but never at the base of your neck- brilliant!

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the easiest way to sneak anything into gillette or the meadowlands is to wear a hooded sweatshirt and stash something in the hood....security never checks the inside the hoods....done it the last two years at the meadowlands....


but yeah going to the last two pats/jets games in the meadowlands, i can totally see why they are putting an alcohol ban

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What the flock!!!!!!


Scotch is hard to find in most stadiums anyway. And when you do find it, it would take $100 just to get a good buzz on! $7 per 3/4 oz........Yeah right! :D

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