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Inner ear infection


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I can't ever remember having an inner ear infection, until now. I'm not impressed at all! This is some serious pain! I slept for a total of maybe three hours last nignt. The pain goes from my temple to my jaw. The doctor said I should have come in earlier, and that my ear is in really bad shape. I'm just waiting for the eardrops to kick in so I can catch a nap. Thank god my kids don't have problems with their ears. This sucks!! I'm done :D. It's nap time.

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Yeah...once about 10 years ago. It sucked hard. I remember it to this day. I just slept with my ear on a heating pad and it helped a bit.





[Richard] Don't let monkeys stick their dicks in your ear. [/Pryor]

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I can't ever remember having an inner ear infection, until now.  I'm not impressed at all!  This is some serious pain!  I slept for a total of maybe three hours last nignt.  The pain goes from my temple to my jaw.    The doctor said I should have come in earlier, and that my ear is in really bad shape.  I'm just waiting for the eardrops to kick in so I can catch a nap.  Thank god my kids don't have problems with their ears.  This sucks!!  I'm done  :D.  It's nap time.







Inner ear? :D When I had an inner ear infection there was no pain at all, but the room was spinning like a 100mph. (vertigo) Went to the ER and they tested me, and gave me some pills that slowed the room down to 25 mph. Lasted about 3-4 days.

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I was too young to remember this, but I did have a bad infection for about 6 months at about age 2. It apparently got so bad that I was deaf for much of the time andhad one relly bad day where I almost died in serious condition. Of course my father absolutely refused considering seeking medical help and my mother's prayers was the only thing she could do.

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Inner ear?  :D When I had an inner ear infection there was no pain at all, but the room was spinning like a 100mph.  (vertigo) Went to the ER and they tested me, and gave me some pills that slowed the room down to 25 mph.  Lasted about 3-4 days.







That is true, my grandfather suffers from inner ear infections, and the pain usually isn't that bad, but it make him dizzy as hell.


Now just a plain ole ear infection, I haven't had one since I was a kid. My oldest daugher had to have tubes put in her ears three times, and interestingly enough my wife has one right now. The pain from these things is agonizing, and from what I gather from everyone I've heard that has had both, a regular ear infection hurts a hell of a lot more than an inner ear infection, but the inner ear infection is maddening because of the effects it has on the equalibrium.

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i had a nasty one just a couple years ago. it was unbelievably painful one night in bed then i heard/felt a 'pop', then heard/felt an oozing feeling as well as a tremendous relief of the pain. obiously, the chit finally ripped right through my eardrum. after the rupture i finally was able to fall asleep for a few hours, woke up with a pretty nasty little puddle of drainage. that chit was no fun.

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Agree with everyone else... gotta be just a plain old ear infection. Something the Dr's told me was a childs problem and not an adults. LOL


The pain is something to behold for sure. After mine, I then knew what kids go through and why they act the way the do when they have one.


After some of the most painful days of my life (three of them) I ended up going to the Dr and having my ear drained.... or whatever it is that they do. The relief from the pain was a thing of beauty.

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I'm with Perch and robn here. It sounds more like an ear infection than an inner ear infection. Both suck, but the plain old ear infection hurts like hell.






Agree with everyone else... gotta be just a plain old ear infection. Something the Dr's told me was a childs problem and not an adults. LOL







yeah yeah that's what i had too, just plain old ear infection. couldnt hear out of that ear for like 3 weeks after my eardrum busted.


kids get them mostly, but i had some sort of nasty throat thing for like a week before that and the doctor told me there's just a thin membrane separating parts of the throat from parts of the ear and it's pretty common for infections to get across.

Edited by Azazello1313
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I once worked with a woman who was into herbal remedies and such. She would be throwin' you down right now and dripping wax in your ear. I forget what she called it (candleing or something like that), but it was a whole industry from what I remember. Supposedly the crap that cleans out of your ears makes your entire body feel better.


I can remember when I was a kid laying on my bed and rocking in the fetal position, calling for my Mom to help as the pain was so bad from an earache. Earaches and tooth aches...the worst.

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I once worked with a woman who was into herbal remedies and such.  She would be throwin' you down right now and dripping wax in your ear.  I forget what she called it (candleing or something like that), but it was a whole industry from what I remember.  Supposedly the crap that cleans out of your ears makes your entire body feel better.





interestingly enough, olive oil also works pretty well for ear aches.

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Inner ear infection/inflammation = labrynthitis: Predominantly vestibular symptoms--nausea, vomiting, balance problems, vertigo, sense of false movement. Symptomatic treatment = Antivert (meclizine)


Middle ear infection = otitis media: Usually occurs in kids. Typically due to inadequate drainage from the middle ear to the nasopharynx via the Eustachian tube. Predisposing conditions for poor Eustachian tube drainage = upper respiratory infection, hay fever. Can be sterile, viral, or bacteria. Sterile usually not painful but produces muffled hearing. If it gets infected, you get fever, muffled hearing, and ear pain. Usually the body can fight it off although in rare instances it can lead to infection of the temporal bone, deafness, and meningitis. As someone said, sometimes it causes perforation of the tympanic membrane which causes symptomatic relief but, depending on how well the eardrum heals, you could have hearing impairment or deafness. If you take oral antibiotics, the symptoms abate, usually within 24 hours and the chances of any of these bad complications are minimal. Oral decongestants like Sudofed are useful if you don't have hypertension.


Outer ear infection = otitis externa = "swimmer's ear" Bacterial infection of outer ear including the outer part of the ear canal. Usually due to Pseudomonas (a water dwelling bacterium). Causes intense ear pain, swelling, redness. Doesn't usually cause fever. Treatment = corticosporin drops. If really bad treatment may include oral or IV antibiotics.

Edited by MojoMan
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interestingly enough, olive oil also works pretty well for ear aches.






my dad did something similar, he used to take a teaspon of "sweet oil" and heat it up with a match and then pour it into our ears and then stuff the ears with cotton.

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Had many inner ear infections until I turned 12. Feels like you have a knitting needle stuck in your ear drum. Not to mention hearing your heartbeat pounding in your ears. My family doctor now says my ear canals look look a battle field...and I lost. I was allergic to trees, house dust, smoke, and chicken feathers (most pillows back then were stuffed with chicken feathers). Used to give myself injections for the allergies. Eventually outgrew them. I was told that your eustachian tubes are "v" shaped until age 12, and then they straighten out. Once that happens, those who suffer from allergy related ear infections find relief.

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Inner ear infection/inflammation = labrynthitis:  Predominantly vestibular symptoms--nausea, vomiting, balance problems, vertigo, sense of false movement.  Symptomatic treatment = Antivert (meclizine)


Middle ear infection = otitis media:  Usually occurs in kids.  Typically due to inadequate drainage from the middle ear to the nasopharynx via the Eustachian tube.  Predisposing conditions for poor Eustachian tube drainage = upper respiratory infection, hay fever.  Can be sterile, viral, or bacteria.  Sterile usually not painful but produces muffled hearing.  If it gets infected, you get fever, muffled hearing, and ear pain.  Usually the body can fight it off although in rare instances it can lead to infection of the temporal bone, deafness, and meningitis.  As someone said, sometimes it causes perforation of the tympanic membrane which causes symptomatic relief but, depending on how well the eardrum heals, you could have hearing impairment or deafness.  If you take oral antibiotics, the symptoms abate, usually within 24 hours and the chances of any of these bad complications are minimal.  Oral decongestants like Sudofed are useful if you don't have hypertension.


Outer ear infection = otitis externa = "swimmer's ear"  Bacterial infection of outer ear including the outer part of the ear canal.  Usually due to Pseudomonas (a water dwelling bacterium).  Causes intense ear pain, swelling, redness.  Doesn't usually cause fever.  Treatment = corticosporin drops.  If really bad treatment may include oral or IV antibiotics.






Very nice post here! :D You saved me the time.

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I was too young to remember this, but I did have a bad infection for about 6 months at about age 2.  It apparently got so bad that I was deaf for much of the time andhad one relly bad day where I almost died in serious condition.  Of course my father absolutely refused considering seeking medical help and my mother's prayers was the only thing she could do.



Crazy story BJ, man men can be stupid some times. Sometimes I ask my wife to refrain from going to the dr. (for one of the kids) until we feel it's necessary. My thinking is a fever isn't reason enough to go to the Dr. nor is a cough, running nose, etc...


This past week my daughter (almost 2) had a fever but was still pretty active and cheerful for the most part. She took her to the Dr. Tuesday Night while I was at hockey practice with my son. Well it turns out she had a 104 temp and a double ear infection. Boy you feel pretty stupid at that point as a parent although this time I didn't say anything about her taking the baby to the Dr. but it's seems to cross my mind in order to save a COPAY in these high cost medical days.


He also mentioned the dreaded tubes surgery (no not twoobs). She's too young for twoobs. :D


Also reminds me of a story my mom told me about my first few years of life and how she would rarely take me to a Dr. and would always let me "cry" it out because that's what her mom told her to do. Me being the oldest got to be the brunt of this old world philosophy. The woman had 11 kids, no wonder she let them cry it out. She probably couldn't give them the attention they deserve. Sheesh.


Ok, enough of that diatribe.

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Yeah but his droopy boobed avatar still needs to go.  :D







Your wish is my command.


Guess what my new avy is?


I googled for images using the search term....

























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