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First Job?


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I had just turned 14 when I got my first job in 1988 at Isaly's. Pretty much just did grunt work. Dishes, mopping floors, bussing tables. Pay was min wage but I did get free milkshakes.

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It was still $3.35 in 1989.


Ah yes........the year I graduated. :D I was still at my first "official" job then at the movie theater at local mall. We (my bud and I) had a nice little ticket resell scam going on...........cash money!!! :D

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I was a tour guide in Frankenmuth, MI for 2 summers while in high school. 45 minute guided tour of a Bavarian themed tourist trap city in Saginaw County. I wore lederhosen and drove a bus or jeep/trailer. I loved that job.

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Aside from mowing lawns which I started doing around 9-10 years old (I think I had 3 lawns I was mowing), at 13 I was working Manuel labor for my family's construction company. My first job to alternate off and on a 120# jack hammer with Manuel. One of us would be on the hammer, the other picking up the chunks of concrete, and throwing them into the tractor bucket. I pretty much worked construction every summer with the exception of one from the time I was 13 until I graduated college. One summer I waited tables, and made a lot more than I did working for the family business, but dad sayed if I planned on going into the business, then I needed to be working for it during the summers. So I was basically the lowest payed employee out there, even when I was in my upper teens running rodbusting crews and wrecking crews. I also worked as a sacker at the local grocery store part time during the school year (excluding football season ofcourse).

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My first job was a janitor at this small guitar store by my house...


...so basically i came in at 6:00, took out the garbage, sat behind the counter playing guitar, then vaccumed the studios downstairs and left at 8:00...


I was let go after two months...

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I did the paper route thing when I was 5th and 6th grade, but before that as a 2nd and 3rd grader, I had a neighbor, family friend, who paid me .05 cents for every empty milk carton i could collect, you know the old cardboard type. So twice a week or so I would knock on all my neighbors doors to get thier empty milk cartons. He ran a small store at the nearby state park and used these for ice. No that Im that old or anything but I just dont remember having the bagged ice back then, maybe it was before plastic. :D

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