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Animation War


Family Guy VS Simpsons  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one?

    • Family Guy
    • Simpsons

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That username is almost Menudo-ghey!!! :D



Dalton: All you have to do is follow three simple rules. One, never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected. Two, take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary. And three, be nice.


I'll let that one slide, big guy.


Have a nice day.

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Tough one for me. Simpsons is my favorite tv show of all time. That said, it's getting long in the tooth wereas Family Guy is cracking me up and still fresh (even if it's a Simpsons rip-off). Simpsons gets my vote overall, but if you asked me which one I liked better now, the answer would be Family Guy.

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For me, Family Guy is unwatchable, just don't like it. However I like King of the Hill as much as I like The Simpsons. Both are great and are two of the best comedy shows on TV.


Agree to a point...


I'm shocked to see this poll is as close as it is. Simpsons in their prime is/was comedic gold. I don't see the appeal of Family Guy. :D

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At its best, I have to go with the Simpsons.


Its been so long since I can remember a solid episode tho, just a matter of time before they are knocked off as the best at its peak (as no one can remember a good Simpsons episode).

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