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Huddle Up Fathers.....

nuke'em ttg

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Me, my family, my in laws and my parents


On my deck


Burgers , dogs, Kielbasa, Salads and baked ziti


Beer/ wine / soda


Fruit and Cakes

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Me, my family, my in laws and my parents


On my deck


Burgers , dogs, Kielbasa, Salads and baked ziti


Beer/ wine / soda


Fruit and Cakes


Did anything of them take a dive and act like they were injured? :D

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myself, my wife, my kids, my in-laws


out to breakfast & then to the Mariner game.... I get to see bonds for the first time.


also it's YMCA youth day...... all the kids get to have a parade on the field & meet some of the players prior to the game..... along with their t-ball coach...... me. :D


should be a blast !



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Did anything of them take a dive and act like they were injured? :D




Only when my wife cooks but im on grill duty today

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Cook out at the inlaws in the early afternoon w/ me, my wife, our son, mother and father in-law and brother in-law. Then another cook out at my parents house later in the day w/ me, my wife, our son, mom and dad, my sister and my brother in-law.


It was a great family day.

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Kid's gave me a Frank Sinatra Zippo, and some very sweet framed pictures of them and a video of them telling me happy Father's Day and they love me, 2 and 4 years old, it was great. Then I had to work :D

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Me and Marauders and Families, my Dad all went to Knoebles Grove for the weekend, just got home. Fun time.

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I cooked ribs for the FIL and I, they were awesome. Filled up the baby pool and Elise enjoyed floating around splashing herself and :D but that didn't stop her from doing it the rest of the afternoon. Hard to believe she will be 1 year old on the 10th of July.

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