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What to do, what to do.......

Hugh 0ne

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So I ran over a squirrel this morning in my truck. I looked in the rear view mirror, and the little f*cker was convulsing in the middle of the road. Should I have gone back and ran him over a few more times to put him out of his misery, or just let nature take its course and what for the next truck to finish him off, letting him flail around in pain indefinitely?



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So I ran over a squirrel this morning in my truck. I looked in the rear view mirror, and the little f*cker was convulsing in the middle of the road. Should I have gone back and ran him over a few more times to put him out of his misery, or just let nature take its course and what for the next truck to finish him off, letting him flail around in pain indefinitely?






why do you hate america?

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So I ran over a squirrel this morning in my truck. I looked in the rear view mirror, and the little fu/bcker was convulsing in the middle of the road. Should I have gone back and ran him over a few more times to put him out of his misery, or just let nature take its course and what for the next truck to finish him off, letting him flail around in pain indefinitely?








Edit to add: This one time in High School, a buddy and I were tripping and we found this dying cat on the sidewalk. My buddy smashed its head with his boot to end its misery. That is the only memory I have from that trip, that was some good candied yams

Edited by T_bone65
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end the little fella's misery.

............. and this week on "cooking in the huddle" soy, garlic marinated squirrell with our guest host hugh one.



I just kinda figured the people might have looked at me funny as I was trying to line up my tires with the convulsing squirrel, and backed up over the little f-er multiple times. Plus, by doing this, I probably would have dirtied up my truck as well.

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You should just keep watching the longest soccer game in history. I believe the score is still 0-0. And that's why soccer sucks. Over 90 min. of running around kicking a ball and it ends in a 0-0 tie. :D

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As most of you know I live near Hugh and amazingly enough I was driving behind that heartless B//a[/b]stard when he comitted this atrocious act..Luckily I was there and arrainged for the little guy to get to a safe place and get the life saving help he needed.

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As most of you know I live near Hugh and amazingly enough I was driving behind that heartless B//a[/b]stard when he comitted this atrocious act..Luckily I was there and arrainged for the little guy to get to a safe place and get the life saving help he needed.




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As most of you know I live near Hugh and amazingly enough I was driving behind that heartless B//a[/b]stard when he comitted this atrocious act..Luckily I was there and arrainged for the little guy to get to a safe place and get the life saving help he needed.




Talk about instant classic, that is it right here :D

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As most of you know I live near Hugh and amazingly enough I was driving behind that heartless B//a[/b]stard when he comitted this atrocious act..Luckily I was there and arrainged for the little guy to get to a safe place and get the life saving help he needed.




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