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Things having a baby has taught me so far.


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1. If you can get 30 minutes at any point where you don't have to do anything baby or chore related, you are a lucky individual.


2. Often times I'd rather do the dishes, laundry or clean then hold a baby that's been crying for 20 minutes or much longer.


3. You know they don't do much in the first 2 months when you are excited that they are smiling.


4. Dishwashers and in house washer and dryers are a must if having a baby.


5. Stairs are not your friend when you have fifty million tons of baby crap to cary to the car, kitchen, etc.


6. How can something so small have so much stuff?


7. People say that breast fed babies' poop doesn't smell badly. They lie. It just doesn't smell as badly as formula fed babies. There is a difference.


8. Thank God my baby likes the car and stroller because I'd go nuts if I couldn't get out of the house.


9. Babies like to eat. A lot.


10. Babies like to sleep, but not when you like to sleep.

Edited by TDFFFreak
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1. If you can get 30 minutes at any point where you don't have to do anything baby or chore related, you are a lucky individual. edit: 5 minutes for twins


2. Often times I'd rather do the dishes, laundry or clean then hold a baby that's been crying for 20 minutes or much longer. Edit: same here


3. You know they don't do much in the first 2 months when you are excited that they are smiling.


4. Dishwashers and in house washer and dryers are a must if having a baby. Edit: and they run all the time


5. Stairs are not your friend when you have fifty million tons of baby crap to cary to the car, kitchen, etc. EDIT: Oh heck yea


6. How can something so small have so much stuff? Edit: X2


7. People say that breast fed babies' poop doesn't smell badly. They lie. It just doesn't smell as badly as formula fed babies. There is a difference.


8. Thank God my baby likes the car and stroller because I'd go nuts if I couldn't get out of the house.


9. Babies like to eat. A lot.


10. Babies like to sleep, but not when you like to sleep. Edit: this couldn't be a more truthful statement


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1. If you can get 30 minutes at any point where you don't have to do anything baby or chore related, you are a lucky individual.


2. Often times I'd rather do the dishes, laundry or clean then hold a baby that's been crying for 20 minutes or much longer.


3. You know they don't do much in the first 2 months when you are excited that they are smiling.


4. Dishwashers and in house washer and dryers are a must if having a baby.


5. Stairs are not your friend when you have fifty million tons of baby crap to cary to the car, kitchen, etc.


6. How can something so small have so much stuff?


7. People say that breast fed babies' poop doesn't smell badly. They lie. It just doesn't smell as badly as formula fed babies. There is a difference.


8. Thank God my baby likes the car and stroller because I'd go nuts if I couldn't get out of the house.


9. Babies like to eat. A lot.


10. Babies like to sleep, but not when you like to sleep.




Good stuff.. :D Its so true about the first time your kid smiles or laughs..You never forget it.

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10. Babies like to sleep, but not when you like to sleep.



very cool topic BTW..... there's sooooo many answers here..... it's infinite.


as for the sleeping..... Mrs. Frazia put a note on the fridge when the twins were born........


"sleep when your kids sleep"


these words are key. and FYI... they don't stop eating. :D

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11. People who dont want to have any kids are selfish idiots who have a meaningless and worthless existence and will never know the real meaning of life.


:D Wasn't there a thread about this recently?

Edited by Front Row
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I wish I could snap my fingers and make my kids babies again, that time went way to quick.



I know what you mean. My wife and I were talking the other day in an office with a lot of toddlers and babies around. We were waxing nostalgic and I suggested maybe we should adopt a baby. The look I got was totally priceless. :D I guess she's not ready for a baby again.


:D our little one is having her 2nd sleep test tonight

we can't wait to get rid of that oxygen tank......




Good luck, Bier!

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Bier, good luck.


Two months until I can enjoy the ...uh...pleasures you have described. Cannot wait for little skins and I just showed my wife this thread so she can see that I an not just "chatting" with my ghey friends online. :D

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I just showed my wife this thread so she can see that I an not just "chatting" with my ghey friends online. :D


First rule of Huddle: Never talk about the Huddle! And you never show the sammich makers what goes on here!


P.s. Good luck Bier!!

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Bier, good luck.


Two months until I can enjoy the ...uh...pleasures you have described. Cannot wait for little skins and I just showed my wife this thread so she can see that I an not just "chatting" with my ghey friends online. :D




Man I can't wait to hear the news. One thing that was way cool was going through a pregnacy with T_bone65. Hmmmmm. That doesn't sound right. But you all know what I mean. Even though he is a worthless, good for nothing, ball tasting, nut rubbing, blue and silver butt nugget cowboy fan, it was still cool.

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