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NOVA: Intelligent Design on Trial


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Everyone agrees that there are holes in the evolution theory but it is obvious that evolution is the only theory that you'd ever consider.


Its been asked again and again in this post for the creationists to provide a testable example of creationism. Just as soon as someone does that, I'll be able to consider it. Until then, its nothing more than a literal interpretation of the Bible.

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Its been asked again and again in this post for the creationists to provide a testable example of creationism. Just as soon as someone does that, I'll be able to consider it. Until then, its nothing more than a literal interpretation of the Bible.

What do you want a formula?

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What do you want a formula?

No, he wants something like:


A testable implication of the Creation Hypothesis is that fossil records should indicate evidence that complex life forms existed at the same time as the earliest non-complex life forms. There should be no evidence that only the least complex life organisms existed existed at the earliest times in earth's history and that complex organisms came about over time.


In other words, we should expect to see, say, monkey fossils interspersed with ameoba fossils in the oldest rocks that contain fossils on earth.


That is a clear testable implication of the Creation Hypothesis.

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No, he wants something like:


A testable implication of the Creation Hypothesis is that fossil records should indicate evidence that complex life forms existed at the same time as the earliest non-complex life forms. There should be no evidence that only the least complex life organisms existed existed at the earliest times in earth's history and that complex organisms came about over time.


In other words, we should expect to see, say, monkey fossils interspersed with ameoba fossils in the oldest rocks that contain fossils on earth.


That is a clear testable implication of the Creation Hypothesis.

I'll answer your question for both evolution and creationism, I'll start with evolution. The theory of evolution, though often presented as an established fact, is up to the present time only an unverified hypothesis. Under the discipline of science, a theory must posses at leat three essential properties to establish it as fact: data, observation and repeatability. Since evolution cannot provide data linking evolution of one kind to another, or prove through data examination (such as fossils) a transition, then the evolutionary scheme remains a hypothesis. It should be noted that those who hold to the involvement of a supernatural forces in man's origin, also have only established a hypothesis, when examined in light of the preequisites of science.

Edited by Jumpin Johnies
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That is inaccurate. It's hard to discuss when some of us are using terms in their strict scientific sense while I'm trying to figure out of others are using the common "slang" type terms or are just completely misinformed.

My posting described what three elements are needed for something to become a theory, are you confused?

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I'll answer your question for both evolution and creationism, I'll start with evolution. The theory of evolution, though often presented as an established fact, is up to the present time only an unverified hypothesis. Under the discipline of science, a theory must posses at leat three essential properties to establish it as fact: data, observation and repeatability. Since evolution cannot provide data linking evolution of one kind to another, or prove through data examination (such as fossils) a transition, then the evolutionary scheme remains a hypothesis. It should be noted that those who hold to the involvement of a supernatural forces in man's origin, also have only established a hypothesis, when examined in light of the preequisites of science.



Well this is just false. There is a great deal of data for evolution that has been posted time and again in this thread. You have attacked much of it, yet not posted one piece of evidence for creationism.

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Well this is just false. There is a great deal of data for evolution that has been posted time and again in this thread. You have attacked much of it, yet not posted one piece of evidence for creationism.

Maybe you could be so kind as to pointing out to us the answers to the three criteria of evolution being considered a theory. I've posted plenty of evidence of creationism, it's in the Scriptures, you've probably noth bothered to look into it though.

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Maybe you could be so kind as to pointing out to us the answers to the three criteria of evolution being considered a theory. I've posted plenty of evidence of creationism, it's in the Scriptures, you've probably noth bothered to look into it though.

Your evidence is hearsay, effectively. You can choose to call it the evidence of eyewitnesses.....and up to a very limited point where there is contemporaneous accounting, you might be right. Otherwise all there is is the reported prophecies and acts of people who were written about hundreds of years later.


That's called belief and there's nothing wrong with that but evidence it is not.

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Here are two requirements for a scientific theory by Stephen Hawking:


According to Stephen Hawking in A Brief History of Time, "a theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements: It must accurately describe a large class of observations on the basis of a model which contains only a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations". He goes on to state, "any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis; you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other hand, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation which disagrees with the predictions of the theory".


The theory of evolution meets both these criteria. Those on the evolution side KNOW they cannot prove the theory beyond all possible doubt but can prove beyond a reasonable doubt. You, OTOH, JJ, have no chance because you don't have a theory, you have faith.


On that subject, if God did reveal himself, he would be a fact and therefore require no faith. And without faith, God is nothing. Therefore, if God is shown to exist, he immediately won't.


*Apologies to the great philosopher Oolon Colluphid.

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Here are two requirements for a scientific theory by Stephen Hawking:

The theory of evolution meets both these criteria. Those on the evolution side KNOW they cannot prove the theory beyond all possible doubt but can prove beyond a reasonable doubt. You, OTOH, JJ, have no chance because you don't have a theory, you have faith.


On that subject, if God did reveal himself, he would be a fact and therefore require no faith. And without faith, God is nothing. Therefore, if God is shown to exist, he immediately won't.


*Apologies to the great philosopher Oolon Colluphid.

I was asking for the three common elements needed for something to be considered a theory. Stephen Hawking simply made up his own rules.

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