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Your Bank

nuke'em ttg

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I have 3 times in my life taken my money out of one bank and switched to another.


Ironically, 3 times in my life my bank has changed into another bank while I've had accounts there.

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just curious how many people switch banks or do a credit union or happy with the original :wacko:

Switched about 7 years ago because the president, owner and founder of my original bank is a Republican nutcase who imports cheap labor who can't speak English and makes them tellers, has atrocious customer service, has crappy, shabby branches and believed the Web was a fad and online banking was a waste of time.

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I was about 27 years old and recently married when this occurred. At the time, I had roughly $300 in my checking account at any given time and perhaps another $1000 in savings. I got paid on Fridays and didn't often get a chance to cash it until the next morning. My wife worked for the State and got a monthly check. We also have a joint checking account so we would usually time it so that we cashed or deposited our checks at the same time.


Being the lazy American that I am, I chose to not go into the bank this particular Saturday morning but to go to the drive up teller instead. This necessitated the use of the vacuum gizmo to suck my paperwork the fifty feet to the teller and to shoot the results of my transaction back across those same fifty feet back out to my car. Ms Cid is sitting in the car with me as we were to head out to do some shopping after this transaction. I was to deposit her check and mine and I was to get $100 cash back from my check. All of this was dutifully recorded on the deposit slip that went into the vacuum tube to be shot over that fifty feet.


Now, it should be noted that I did not present the best figure with my ponytail, somewhat outlandish clothes and several Grateful Dead bumper stickers holding what was left of my 1981 Chevy Citation together.


So I shoot this wad of paperwork over to the teller which she promptly processes. She then shoots back the slip showing the record of the transactions she just processed on my behalf. The perceptive amongst you may notice that there was no mention of the $100 being included in the materials returned to me. The conversation that ensued went something like this:


ME: Excuse me m'am, where is the $100 I requested?

TELLER: <crrrssshhh> I'm sorry sir, but you reqested that from a check I did not receive, therefor I could not complete that transaction. <crrrssshhh>

ME: I sent two checks and a deposit slip over to you along with a cash back request for $100 (Honey, check the car to make sure we don't have that check)

TELLER: <crrrssshhh> Sir, there was only one check in the canister. <crrrssshhh>

MS CID: It's not in the car, I saw you put it in the tube.

ME: There was definitely two checks in the tube.

TELLER: <crrrssshhh> I'm sorry sir, there was only one check. You are mistaken.<crrrssshhh>

ME: I'll be right in.


At that point, Ms Cid is wondering what I'm up to. I had already learned the lesson that if I was to get anything accomplished I needed to immediately place her on ignore because I wouldn't be able to move for the constant barrage of questions that would be coming my way. The other thing was that smoke was about to be pouring out of my ears because I was pissed off. Nobody steals my money AND calls me a liar inside of 30 seconds without there being some type of negative reaction on my part.


I went into the bank and confronted the teller. "Would you please check through the documents I sent you again for the missing check?" I asked. I may have been upset but I was savvy enough to realize that yelling and cursing would only make matters worse. By now the manager had come out to the litlle cage they kept the drive up tellers in to see what was happening as well. The look I got from him was, let's just say, dismissive.


Once again, the teller claimed that the second check didn't exist and that there was nothing she could do to help me. I disagreed. I politely stated that she could help me by withdrawing the all cash from both my checking and savings account and that she should close both of those accounts. Of course the manager butted in with the obligatory "I don't really think that is necessary" type of comment but I was having none of it.


I turned on him and with a glare said, "I may not be your biggest customer, but I will not be treated this way." I promptly took my money and left. By the time I got back home there was a message from the manager on my answering machine stating that they had found my missing check and that since I no longer had an account there, that I would have to come down to the bank to claim it. Oh, if I used it to open a checking account, they would waive the usual minimum balance for it to earn interest.


Needless to say, that bank has never seen another dime of my business.

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I've tried just about every national bank - WaMu, BofA, Wells Fargo... - and found that the smaller, regional bank (like Frost Bank, where I'm at for my business checking) is the way to go. In the switchover from WaMu to Chase, the wife and I learned that they couldn't add a signer to her account. Nope, they didn't want our business. Idiots. I'm in the process of closing my BofA account, and we'll likely open a joint account at Frost. Good customer service, and they're not going under or merging with some massive national bank.

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i use chase for normal banking cause they are everywhere here in chicago. also have nat city, schwab, harris, and 5/3. i usually like to have a big chain account for when travelling and then a smaller local too for the cust. service. used a credit union before but sometimes a pain to get to the branches.

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I opened my Bank One account as a freshman at Kent State. They were the bank in the student center. It's now chase but I've been with them ever since. That was 1985

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I tried two local banks when I first moved to Colorado. 1st bank wanted to charge me fees for having a checking account after the first year at a time when everyone was offering free checking, so I closed that account and moved to Compass Bank.


Compass was a complete ripoff. I've never seen a bank do such shady things to try to extract fees from their customers. They would delay deposits for as long as the law would allow them to do it. They would process debits before credits every day, and process the debits in reverse order of amount so that if a $200 check overdrew your account, the 5 $5 transactions would all generate an overdraft fee.


I've been with Chase ever since and I have no complaints. They are good.

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Nice bank.


Sen. Daniel K. Inouye's staff contacted federal regulators last fall to ask about the bailout application of an ailing Hawaii bank that he had helped to establish and where he has invested the bulk of his personal wealth.


The bank, Central Pacific Financial, was an unlikely candidate for a program designed by the Treasury Department to bolster healthy banks. The firm's losses were depleting its capital reserves. Its primary regulator, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., already had decided that it didn't meet the criteria for receiving a favorable recommendation and had forwarded the application to a council that reviewed marginal cases, according to agency documents.


Two weeks after the inquiry from Inouye's office, Central Pacific announced that the Treasury would inject $135 million.



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I have moved banks over the twenty years since I have been employed and most were the product of moving from one state to another. Working for Bank of America, I get some nice perks and have all of my banking needs from checking, savings, mortgages and credit cards. Thank goodness I have been with the Bank since we moved to NC in 1996, so it has been a long time since I had to change out any of my accounts. :wacko:

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I tried two local banks when I first moved to Colorado. 1st bank wanted to charge me fees for having a checking account after the first year at a time when everyone was offering free checking, so I closed that account and moved to Compass Bank.


I've been with firstbank for 15 years and never paid fees. I think they've always offered that if you're willing to carry a minimum balance. I have a $500 min bal and earn interest (minimal, but still) with no fees. you can usually find someone who beats firstbank on hard numbers, but I've always found their customer service to be excellent, and they don't rape you with charges whenever they can, like a lot of other banks. so I am more than happy to support the local product.

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I've done all my personal banking with a local bank since my first savings account was opened, shortly after my first birthday. My business accounts have changed a few times based on services and interest offered, but have always been held by either local or regional banks where I have known the banks president.

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BoA does not charge me for it.




Last time Wells offered me the service, they said it was $6.95 / month or something. I asked them why I would want to pay that when every bill I have except my CC bill is set up to direct debit / EFT anyway at a cost of precisely nothing with me making even less effort than Bill Pay.


Maybe WF have it for free now.

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