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Amy Winehouse is dead -- report


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addiction sucks. some people get angry when a rich person cant shake addiction. addiction doesnt discriminate. It controls the rich , it controls the poor. Nobody forces people to drink, do drugs, gamble etc but when a person cant do it in moderation and gets consumed , often people have no pity because it was their choice to get started in the first place. I wasnt familiar with her work. Its sad that the demons won.



Good post. I agree 100%

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999 times out of 1000, you show me someone dependent on alcohol/drugs, I'll show you someone who is experiencing intense and overwhelming emotional pain. Ask yourself this--how many happy addicts have you really met? Unfortunately, the individual comes to rely on alcohol/drugs to self-medicate their emotional pain. The individual typically has very poor coping strategies and deficient defenses and s/he simply has to escape that emotional pain. I can only imagine how severe that pain must be as I see individuals on a regular basis who have given up families, jobs, housing and freedom in an attempt to medicate their emotional pain. Some, sadly, go too far and die. I'm certainly not excusing their behavior but I am explaining it. The callous nature of some of you demonstrates a profound ignorance. At least I hope it's only ignorance and not simply stupidity.

What I find interesting is that some addicts see rock bottom and get scared straight, while others seem to get completely consumed and become suicidal. Or if not literally suicidal, they sure seem to lack any concern for their health as long as they can keep getting high. That was Cobain, and Winehouse sure seemed to fit that mold from what I had seen. That's why I say it seemed like she wanted to die. I understand it was the addiction that drove her to that. It is horribly tragic and I would not make light of it.

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addiction sucks. some people get angry when a rich person cant shake addiction. addiction doesnt discriminate. It controls the rich , it controls the poor. Nobody forces people to drink, do drugs, gamble etc but when a person cant do it in moderation and gets consumed , often people have no pity because it was their choice to get started in the first place. I wasnt familiar with her work. Its sad that the demons won.


Well said. I have watched both of my children struggle with addiction and my father commit suicide, because of a dehabilitating disease, just when I was starting to mature enough to really appreciate him. Any life lost, regardless of the circumstance, is tragic.

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I watched a couple of documentaries that changed my view of her. Some people's demons are just too strong to overcome. She was a very talented person with a unique voice. Hopefully she has found peace in death that she couldn't find in life.



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Amen to those who chose not to take this opportunity to show what a callous prick they are.


Saw a post on Facebook that went something to the effect of "the only thing tragic about this was that it took so long..." Really? Who thinks that? Basically says "about time" when someone dies. At least someone who's not Hitler.


Really pathetic, actually. I'm not going to light a candle or anything, but at very least there's no point in piling on or making jokes at her expense.

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The reason for my callous response is due to the fact that demons or not this person seemed to thrive on the negative attention. Perhaps I am far to removed from the situation to understand what steps she took to try and battle these demons or better herself in any way because all I saw was a trrainwreck time and time again. I am not happy or celebrating her death at all, but I am not surprised either. Its the result she seemed to have been going for.


Edit to add: You can only blame someones "demons" so much...at some point you need to take responsibility for your own actions. Everyone here is making her the ultimate victim, keep in mind she did this to herself. If you want to feel sorry for victims, feel sorry for the 92 Norweigian adults and children who truly are "victims"

Edited by alexgaddis
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Are we really getting in an argument about a moderately talented, drug abuser who unceremoniously ended her life to soon? Yeah, it's sad that human life was lost, but this crap happens everyday with a lot less fanfare. If only you guys could be this bummed out about the crack whore on MLK and 16th who ended her life in the same manner last night. My guess is though that you guys wouldn't be nearly as concerned about the tragedy that befell her. Afterall, she isn't some media princess carrying out her struggle with her demons on some stage while millions of people gawk at her.

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Are we really getting in an argument about a moderately talented, drug abuser who unceremoniously ended her life to soon? Yeah, it's sad that human life was lost, but this crap happens everyday with a lot less fanfare. If only you guys could be this bummed out about the crack whore on MLK and 16th who ended her life in the same manner last night. My guess is though that you guys wouldn't be nearly as concerned about the tragedy that befell her. Afterall, she isn't some media princess carrying out her struggle with her demons on some stage while millions of people gawk at her.


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I don't quite understand the outpouring of sympathy. Its a tragety no doubt, but this happens to thousands of people a day. What does it matter that she was famous. I was similarly annoyed when we had the Navy out looking for JFK Jr. (after he crashed) just because he was a Kennedy when I am pretty they would not have done the same for somebody not lucky enough to be in the position he was in prior to crashing.


In fact, I know for a fact of many people on this board who are far far more callus towards people in far far worse situations who they actually have a chance to help. Folk trash things like upbringing, bad parenting and socioeconomics as contributing factors for why people are in bad places. None of these might have applied to her (I don't know much about her) but it seems a little late to start caring. The time to start caring is when people in trouble are still alive.

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Are we really getting in an argument about a moderately talented, drug abuser who unceremoniously ended her life to soon? Yeah, it's sad that human life was lost, but this crap happens everyday with a lot less fanfare. If only you guys could be this bummed out about the crack whore on MLK and 16th who ended her life in the same manner last night. My guess is though that you guys wouldn't be nearly as concerned about the tragedy that befell her. Afterall, she isn't some media princess carrying out her struggle with her demons on some stage while millions of people gawk at her.

Those streets don't intersect in Atlanta.

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Are we really getting in an argument about a moderately talented, drug abuser who unceremoniously ended her life to soon? Yeah, it's sad that human life was lost, but this crap happens everyday with a lot less fanfare. If only you guys could be this bummed out about the crack whore on MLK and 16th who ended her life in the same manner last night. My guess is though that you guys wouldn't be nearly as concerned about the tragedy that befell her. Afterall, she isn't some media princess carrying out her struggle with her demons on some stage while millions of people gawk at her.

damn-it. what he said.

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damn-it. what he said.


No, what you said.


Duchess, if I were you I'd begin to have some concerns, this is the second time you and I have agreed in the past 4 to 6 weeks. :wacko:

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It is sad that she died. because unlike the stupid crackhead comparison, she is a media figure and people will look up to her. That has a greater impact than a crackhead dying, as there may be some idummy that thinks they need drugs to produce better music. Add in teh fact that unlike the crackhead, Winehouse had the means to try and get help. IMO this could have been more preventable than your crackhead.


The crackhead only kills themself. Winehouse could have influenced others and had a greater impact. IMO she is more of a dummy than the crackhead.

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Point taken; my point was that joking about or "around" it in general is IMO in poor taste, but to eeach their own.

Are you really calling people out for being in poor taste? Irony at its finest. :wacko:


E2A: Always sad to see someone's life end far too early, but in this case the writing was on the wall for many years.

Edited by darin3
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It is sad that she died. because unlike the stupid crackhead comparison, she is a media figure and people will look up to her. That has a greater impact than a crackhead dying, as there may be some idummy that thinks they need drugs to produce better music. Add in teh fact that unlike the crackhead, Winehouse had the means to try and get help. IMO this could have been more preventable than your crackhead.


The crackhead only kills themself. Winehouse could have influenced others and had a greater impact. IMO she is more of a dummy than the crackhead.


Then there is absolutely no reason to lament her passing.

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