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Oh, no, I'm deeply offended.


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UNC fans are Tar Heels.



I'm pretty sure "tar baby" is racial however you cut it, and to use it in referencing the first ever African American president? I think any push-back that arises out of such a comment is well-deserved.


Is there anything that isn't racial?

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And described what he meant by "tar baby". He was not using it in a manner that was degrading to Obama or Obama's race, his remarks following the words "tar baby" clearly indicate that. Rather he was speaking in the context of making a deal with Obama would be akin to him sticking his pecker in a hornet's nest. But, instead of using the parlance of "sticking one's pecker in a hornet's nest" he used "tar baby", which is an allusion to a character, for lack of a better word, from an Joel Chandler Harris/Uncle Remus book and an allusion which anyone with a third grade or better education should understand.


When there are only two analogies to choose from then Congressman Lamborn chose the right one. :wacko:


Or he could of used fly paper, glue, pine resin, frogs tongue, a certain persons travel magazine or one of many other "sticky" things.

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I dunno, but in my neighborhood if you said tar baby around a black kid you better hope you are bigger than him. Outside of racial jokes in grade school I've never heard anyone say the phrase in real life. :wacko:

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Didnt I see this in Clerks Two, but the term used was "porch monkey" and why it is not a racial insult? Is this the same kinda thing?


That was funny as hell... "I guess grandma was a racist. That would explain why she called a broken beer bottle a N(word) knife..."


But, no, not the same.


And the fact that Kelly was the Donkey's name was even more hughmourous.

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When there are only two analogies to choose from then Congressman Lamborn chose the right one. :wacko:


Or he could of used fly paper, glue, pine resin, frogs tongue, a certain persons travel magazine or one of many other "sticky" things.

Well, at least he didn't accuse the president of being niggardly with regard to spending cuts.

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Here is an excellent example of the diferences in interpretation...


Pat Buchanan: Didn't intend to slur President Obama with 'your boy' quip during Sharpton talk

Article by: DAVID BAUDER , Associated Press Updated: August 3, 2011 - 10:06 AM


. NEW YORK - Pat Buchanan said that he didn't mean to slur President Barack Obama by referring to him as "your boy" during a discussion with Al Sharpton.


The former GOP presidential candidate and current MSNBC analyst appeared on "Morning Joe" Wednesday to explain remarks he made on that network's Sharpton show 12 hours earlier. They were discussing Obama's political strength when Buchanan said that "your boy" had caved in past negotiations and was likely to do so in the future.


"My what?" Sharpton responded. "My president, Barack Obama? What did you say?"


Buchanan, using a boxing analogy, answered that Obama was "your boy in the ring."


"He's nobody's boy," Sharpton said. "He's your president, he's my president, and that's what you have to get through your head."


During his initial "Morning Joe" appearance on Wednesday, Buchanan said he wanted to clarify what he had said to Sharpton during a "spirited discussion."


"Some folks took what I said as some kind of a slur," Buchanan said. "None was meant, none was intended, none was delivered."


On "Morning Joe," Buchanan was appearing alongside political analyst Mark Halperin, who was making his first appearance on MSNBC a month after being suspended for an off-color remark about Obama.




I think that Sharpton went over the top on his reaction. I think that Buchanan realizes who the President of the United States is but I could be wrong.

Edited by MikesVikes
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Frankly, it doesn't bother me, and I doubt it bothered the President, and I also agree there are times where people get their panties in a wad over nothing at all.


But I'm also not surprised that this comment offended some people, and I can see why.




if you gonna be in public office or the public eye, its probably best to avoid using terms like "tar baby" at all. I get that its a literary reference...do yourself a favor, pick a different one next time that also isn't a racial slur.

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