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You ever say something...

Cunning Runt

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I was at a funeral showing last night for a friend's dad who passed away.


They say "Thanks for coming".


I say: " Thanks for having us".


As soon as the words left my mouth, I thought to myself how incredibly stupid that was in that situation.



Sometimes you are just programmed to answer certain questions/phrases certain ways. Your story reminded me of a funeral story to. I was at my friends grandfathers wake and before I left I said to his grandmother "great seeing you again" . She knew what Imeant but it was just an odd choice of words .


I do it at the bar all the time with the staff. Waitress comes up and says "i need a sam adams" I pour it and hand it to her and even though it is going to a guest sometimes I accidentliy say "Enjoy" because that is what i usually say to the guests

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One of my friends was getting married and another of our buddies stood up to give a toast at the rehersal dinner... With his girlfriend of 6 years sitting next to him he ended the toast with... "And one day I hope I can find a girl as good as your wife..."


I typically say something stupid at least twice a day.

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I was at a funeral showing last night for a friend's dad who passed away.


They say "Thanks for coming".


I say: " Thanks for having us".


As soon as the words left my mouth, I thought to myself how incredibly stupid that was in that situation.

Unless they are total d-bags I'm sure it rolled right off their back. Who knows, maybe you even gave them a much-needed smile (at the faux pas) at a time when they really needed it. PS funerals/someone passing is probably one of the easiest times or places to say the wrong thing. IMO it's best to just say I'm so sorry for your loss and move on unless you're very sure anything else you say is appropriate/appreciated.


Re the overall topic, I'm sure it must be embarrassing, though I can't say as I for one have never had this kind of experience.


:lightning strike:

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I've got that one beat. A very good friend's Grandmother passed away and at the visitation he came up to me & told me he wasn't expecting me there and really appreciated me coming. My response, "I wouldn't have missed it:" Wait... what? :wacko: I added "you know I'm there for you whenever" but I still felt like an idiot.

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One of my friends was getting married and another of our buddies stood up to give a toast at the rehersal dinner... With his girlfriend of 6 years sitting next to him he ended the toast with... "And one day I hope I can find a girl as good as your wife..."


I typically say something stupid at least twice a day.



This reminds me of a wedding story too.


One of our good friends is getting married, and one of our mutual friends is giving the wedding toast.


Starts off with " Back in college Don used to only date the prettiest girls."


Silence befalls the room and he carried on with the speech. has not lived it down since. in fact, several years later, roles were reversed when the speechigver was getting married and Don was the best man. Buddy was sweating bullets about what he would come up with as payback. Don stayed classy and only made a small reference to the speech.

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I was at a funeral showing last night for a friend's dad who passed away.


They say "Thanks for coming".


I say: " Thanks for having us".


As soon as the words left my mouth, I thought to myself how incredibly stupid that was in that situation.


Not sure if it was your intent, but I LOL'ed. :wacko:

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Sometimes you are just programmed to answer certain questions/phrases certain ways. Your story reminded me of a funeral story to. I was at my friends grandfathers wake and before I left I said to his grandmother "great seeing you again" . She knew what Imeant but it was just an odd choice of words .


I do it at the bar all the time with the staff. Waitress comes up and says "i need a sam adams" I pour it and hand it to her and even though it is going to a guest sometimes I accidentliy say "Enjoy" because that is what i usually say to the guests


I do this one all the time:


Pizza delivery guy: Thanks. Enjoy your pizza.


Me: You too!

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I've got that one beat. A very good friend's Grandmother passed away and at the visitation he came up to me & told me he wasn't expecting me there and really appreciated me coming. My response, "I wouldn't have missed it:" Wait... what? :wacko: I added "you know I'm there for you whenever" but I still felt like an idiot.


I know, right? That's pretty dang comparable.

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I forgot, I have a thread out there about stuff I've said to my wife...


A good one a few years ago was:

We were at the airport in Manchester. Waiting for our boarding passes. Girl next to us is doing the same thing, we're waiting for someone to show up and talking about how close to departure time for the next flight is, etc..


Finally get our passes, running to the plane.


Sit down, flight takes off, wif and I are chatting.


Her - That girl at the counter was beautiful (you know how girls get, nice skin, pretty hair, liked her outfit, yada, yada, yada....)

Me - Yeah, I'd Ginsu the SHAM WOW! out of her.

Her - :wacko:

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I forgot, I have a thread out there about stuff I've said to my wife...


A good one a few years ago was:

We were at the airport in Manchester. Waiting for our boarding passes. Girl next to us is doing the same thing, we're waiting for someone to show up and talking about how close to departure time for the next flight is, etc..


Finally get our passes, running to the plane.


Sit down, flight takes off, wif and I are chatting.


Her - That girl at the counter was beautiful (you know how girls get, nice skin, pretty hair, liked her outfit, yada, yada, yada....)

Me - Yeah, I'd Ginsu the SHAM WOW! out of her.

Her - :wacko:



Hell, I used to point out a pretty chick and my wife would say "I'd do her!" But that was before we had kids... :sigh:

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Unfortunately my best buddies only brother was murdered and when he called to tell me in an obviously distraught state, my first reply was "You're kidding?". :rofl::lol::tup: It wasn't that I thought he was kidding but more the disbelief that someone I had known all my life was dead due to a dispicable crime. That happened almost twenty years ago I still feel bad about it to this day. :wacko:

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