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My daughter is getting married on Saturday.

They did 98% of the work,I just signed checks, but I am going nuts right now!

I don't know why, I wasn't like this for my wedding....but maybe my dad/FIL were. :tup:

Hep ME!!!! :lol:


I know you went thru this a year or 2 ago. How did you cope???

My cuz, who's like my sister wants me to take a Zanex! :wacko: Ain't gonna happen.

Anyway......please send some prayers/best wishes/etc...WE NEED THEM!!!

I wish I was younger! :rofl:

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Mellow rockn'.... mellow.


After all this time and prep work all you need to do is mellow for a day and a half and things will work just like they are supposed to.



It's actually hard (and if I'm honest, somewhat amusing) for me to picture you being all worked-up and uptight.


You got my thoughts and prayers though. :wacko:


TY to you both!

Sky has been there. Wieg you have not, but I still appreciate it.

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why are you so worried? Is it the logistics for the wedding? The money? Are you worried about losing your daughter? Are you simply over excited about it all?


Logistics? NO!

Money? Not at all. I'm a rich teacher don't forget! :bow:

Losing my daughter? :wacko: ....Maybe!

Over excited??? ................YES!!!!

I guess I just need a release/vent, and The Huddle/Huddlers is/are good for that!



Point a shotgun at your future son-in-law. That should transfer some of the edginess.


:tup::lol: But he has the Yout edge on the draw! :rofl:

Thanks Twiley! That helped. :rofl:

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I can only imagine. Take it all in an enjoy. I am assuming vervous and excited is as much a part of the experience as the rest of it. If you are going to self medicate be careful if drinking too. That being said, I need a Xanax just thinking about when my day comes.


Take it natural, it's all going to work out and the memory of Saturday will put a smile on your face for the rest of your days I am sure. You've got this covered, I promise.

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I can only imagine. Take it all in an enjoy. I am assuming vervous and excited is as much a part of the experience as the rest of it. If you are going to self medicate be careful if drinking too. That being said, I need a Xanax just thinking about when my day comes.


Take it natural, it's all going to work out and the memory of Saturday will put a smile on your face for the rest of your days I am sure. You've got this covered, I promise.


I don't do drugs, so the Zanex ain't happening.

Scotch works, gotta put that at a minimum also.

Thanks for the thoughts, Clubby. You ARE a great friend! :tup:



this is why they invented scotch :rofl:


Enjoy every minute of it RR..before you know it, it'll be over


True and thanks.

Read above (scotch), but thanks! :rofl:



what a great day!! You will be just fine, very handsome & gracious--the wedding will be a blast and you'll get to do what u do best--spreading your good cheer and humor for all:) Enjoy the day:)))))


Hope so.

Handsome??? Awwww....TY! You ARE too kind!

Gracious?? :wacko:

Agree w/ the rest. TY Scoob!

This post is helping me a lot!

TY to yall!

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There is no way i can relate to this, but enjoy what you can.



I'm with John, this is a feeing I'll never have the good fortune to experience. That said, I wouldn't relax, enjoy every feeling you have right now, let it happen!

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There is no way i can relate to this, but enjoy what you can.



I'm with John, this is a feeing I'll never have the good fortune to experience. That said, I wouldn't relax, enjoy every feeling you have right now, let it happen!


TY to both of you.

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Try not to explode with joy and pride walking her down the aisle. Remeber to breathe.



When I get emotional, I get weepy!

YEAH...I am a man that cries when I get emotional! Can't help it. Just hope I can get thru a short toast w/o losing it. :lol:

But dammit... :wacko: this is my one and only! I look at her and melt. I look at her and her SO, and melt. I look at my grandson and it furthers the melt down.

I'm soooo happy yet so ...I dunno.

Just hope I can keep my composure. :rofl:

Thanks again all! Yall are helping a lot and sorry for taking soooo much cyber megs.


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Walked both my daughters down the aisle with joy, trepidation, hope, excitement, love, honor, nervousness, pride, and a hundred more emotions. Fortunately my girls married men who I would have been proud to call my own, men who love my girls even more than I do (something I didn't think possible but they do). The weddings (the first in 2003, the second in 2009) went off without a hitch, the ceremonies a blur, the receptions full of well-wishes, hugs, laughing (lots of laughing), dancing, and maybe a drink or twenty.


The hardest part was watching my baby(s) drive away to start their new adventure knowing that it will never be the same between us. (I am weepy now just remembering).


But here it is now. I have five grandkids who I only have to THINK about to erase every maudlin remembrance I might be trying to revive.


And it isn't the same. It's even better!!!!!



Go put that tux on, smile (and drop a tear or two), and when the man asks, "Who gives this woman to be wed?", reply like I did, "It is with GREAT JOY for me to say, her Mother and I."


You'll do fine RR.

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At this point, just treat it like you're an actor in a play, because really, that's all it is. You're putting on a show for family and friends, they are the most forgiving of any of your critics. Just let them tell you where to be and what time to be there, don't blow your lines and everyone will be super happy. In between your times in the spotlight (of which really, you only have a bit part) make it a point to enjoy this time with the family and friends you don't often get to see. During the reception, do one outrageous, over the top thing. It doesn't have to be disruptive or anything, just remember that today is your daughter's day and the memories made today will last her a lifetime.

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Remember to eat. Seriously. My mother about passed out from exhaustion at my sister's wedding because she hadn't eaten in two days and was madly running around with final preparations. We practically had to tie her to a chair and threaten bodily harm to get her to eat something before the ceremony. :wacko:



Enjoy the roller coaster ride. Right now you are just at the top of the first hill looking down at what's to come. That's always the most vexing part.

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