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Huddle IQ test


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Is there a free / small fee online IQ test we can all take and possibly throw a small fee in to make it interesting ? Depending on how many we get maybe 5 a man and give 1st ,2nd, and 3rd prizes ? Im not sure if there would be any other way to confirm scores other then honor system but it could be fun if we found a good set up. Plus we can relentlessly abuse the dummies..Anyone interested ?

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I will defend Yuk's honor by pointing out that 176 should be the number of times he had sex in July according to a previous thread concerning abstinence. I bet his IQ is even higher. :D


Last time mine was measured it was...age appropriate. :D

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You really can't study for them atomic...you can take prep classes that help a bit but can't study ...my post was more sarcastic






I only scored a 7 on my ACT Humor section. Then my mom put me in tutoring.

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I is in ..bring it on


Hope no history questions as I stopped following history ever since the germans bombed pearl harbor


My SAT score was 1080 but I did not study for it



Ditto and ditto.


Ditto, ditto, and I was drunk

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I have found one and judging by the first two questions it seems fair enough. Should I post the link or should we organize this better? I have my money on Big John. Even though we are just acquaintances...I know by our brief MSHB stent he is the smartest cat in here. I bet Az and Wiege come in second and third with :pourssomeoutforhomie: Skins, coming in forth, RIP. Skins would probably lose points cause he'd quit like a lil' bisch. :D

Edited by SuperBalla
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