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Now this just pisses me off ...

Grits and Shins

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I have 2 kids playing select ball (baseball/softball) which means that we travel to many of the local ball parks for weekend tournaments. Obviously each team has to pay an entry fee to participate in the tournament, typically in the $250 - $350 range. Until just a couple years back parents many times had to pay a gate fee to watch their child play ball. However, many parks did not have facilities that allowed them to regulate access thus could not charge a gate fee and they started including a "gate fee" in the entry fee. Now because it is easier to collect the gate fees up front instead of at the gate most parks include the gate fee in the entry fee.


Now the parks are on a new kick, posting signs at the gates that saying coolers, food or drings are NOT allowed in the park. Clearly this is an attempt to boost concessions where they typically charge outrageous prices for questionable food. I can almost get on board with the no food ... but in the Texas summer to dis-allow coolers with drinks EVEN for the team is absolutely ludicrous. Here is an excerpt from a note sent to my son's coach for our tournament this weekend:


Coaches this is very, very important please read closely. Many of you have played at our parks the last few month and we have a no outside food or drink no COOLERS policy. However many of you parents continue to bring in the coolers and have a picnic in the stands.


Here is the new deal! I have a letter from the City of Grand Prairie that we can have the police remove any spectator that violates this policy or refuses to leave the park when ask. Also any team that continues to violate this rule may be forfeited out of the tournament. Coaches, I do not want to get to that level but many of your parents have forced it. Please go over this with them at a team meeting or post it on your web site so they do not get embarrassed.


Water will be in the dugouts as will as cups. You can take in an ice chest with towels for the kids. Should you need water for the ice chest you can get that at the concession stand. No sports drink in the cooler.

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Unbelievable. That's bullchit.


I will be happy when my city gets fricken concessions at the ballparks. Currently only the main field has concessions.


Talk about lost revenue.

Edited by chiefjay
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I think that if enough parents banded together, and perhaps called the local media, this problem might go away.


I imagine that park officials would have a difficult time explaining why little johnny's team forfeited because he was caught drinking a gatorade.

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I think that if enough parents banded together, and perhaps called the local media, this problem might go away.


I imagine that park officials would have a difficult time explaining why little johnny's team forfeited because he was caught drinking a gatorade.




that is just plain stupid...... what a weetoad running that thing

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I think that if enough parents banded together, and perhaps called the local media, this problem might go away.


I imagine that park officials would have a difficult time explaining why little johnny's team forfeited because he was caught drinking a gatorade.



The problem is that the teams that participate in these tournaments are mostly from outside the park's municipality and often times from out of state. I can't possibly imagine how the tournament team parents can 'band together'.


Where I might have purchased something at these concession stands before, grumbling about the price, I absolute refuse to do so now. Our family packs a cooler and we have our 'picnic' in the parking lot or a park area not included in the fenced in ball park area (like a picnic area). Because of the nature of these tournaments we often spend all day Saturday at the park and I'll be damned if I'm going to spend a red cent at the concession stand.

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The problem is that the teams that participate in these tournaments are mostly from outside the park's municipality and often times from out of state. I can't possibly imagine how the tournament team parents can 'band together'.


Where I might have purchased something at these concession stands before, grumbling about the price, I absolute refuse to do so now. Our family packs a cooler and we have our 'picnic' in the parking lot or a park area not included in the fenced in ball park area (like a picnic area). Because of the nature of these tournaments we often spend all day Saturday at the park and I'll be damned if I'm going to spend a red cent at the concession stand.


I think 'teve has you pointed in the right direction. I'd call one or perhaps many of the local newspapers for these parks and see if you can get a story done. Nothing like some bad publicity to get people to rethink their actions.

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I think 'teve has you pointed in the right direction. I'd call one or perhaps many of the local newspapers for these parks and see if you can get a story done. Nothing like some bad publicity to get people to rethink their actions.



If you go in this direction, you might mention heat exaustion or other similar problem. Maybe even look for some stories in your area. This can be a big deal, and could lead to "frivolous" lawsuits by attorneys. Not everyone can afford inflated prices at the concession stand.

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I think 'teve has you pointed in the right direction. I'd call one or perhaps many of the local newspapers for these parks and see if you can get a story done. Nothing like some bad publicity to get people to rethink their actions.



Go a step further and call the local television stations. I'd really play up how hot it is, the cost of the concessions, and how the children are not even allowed to have sports drinks. I'd even explain that for some of the parents, these tournaments are a financial burden and that the cost of concessions is a big deal to them. Get some of these idiots in front of a camera explaining themselves.

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Sounds like they are simply going to far.

The parks here in NY, (also have kids that play baseball/softball)

encourage the concession stand, but by no means prohibit you from bringing

anything to the park. Also, I figure the money I pay to have my kids

play in the first place, should be included as a 'gate' fee. (never heard of such a thing

for a little league ballpark)

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I have 2 kids playing select ball (baseball/softball) which means that we travel to many of the local ball parks for weekend tournaments. Obviously each team has to pay an entry fee to participate in the tournament, typically in the $250 - $350 range. Until just a couple years back parents many times had to pay a gate fee to watch their child play ball. However, many parks did not have facilities that allowed them to regulate access thus could not charge a gate fee and they started including a "gate fee" in the entry fee. Now because it is easier to collect the gate fees up front instead of at the gate most parks include the gate fee in the entry fee.


Now the parks are on a new kick, posting signs at the gates that saying coolers, food or drings are NOT allowed in the park. Clearly this is an attempt to boost concessions where they typically charge outrageous prices for questionable food. I can almost get on board with the no food ... but in the Texas summer to dis-allow coolers with drinks EVEN for the team is absolutely ludicrous. Here is an excerpt from a note sent to my son's coach for our tournament this weekend:


Coaches this is very, very important please read closely. Many of you have played at our parks the last few month and we have a no outside food or drink no COOLERS policy. However many of you parents continue to bring in the coolers and have a picnic in the stands.


Here is the new deal! I have a letter from the City of Grand Prairie that we can have the police remove any spectator that violates this policy or refuses to leave the park when ask. Also any team that continues to violate this rule may be forfeited out of the tournament. Coaches, I do not want to get to that level but many of your parents have forced it. Please go over this with them at a team meeting or post it on your web site so they do not get embarrassed.


Water will be in the dugouts as will as cups. You can take in an ice chest with towels for the kids. Should you need water for the ice chest you can get that at the concession stand. No sports drink in the cooler.



I would send a registered letter to a city official, stating that you understand the rules, but that the city needs to understand, that if you or any of your family members suffer any heat related injury due to not being able to bring your own water or sports drink in, that you will hold the city financialy liable for resulting damages.

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Well here is the thing; Movie theaters, restaurants and NFL/MLB/NBA have these rules in place as well. No outside food or drink. The only difference here is all of those places are considered private property. A public ball park is not. Your taxes pay for the fields, bleachers, toilets, water services, etc. They have absolutely no legal right to deny you the right to bring in a cooler unless they can prove that it is a fire hazard/safety hazard (i.e. blocking exits in the event of an emergency.


I would get all of the parents together from your division (who uses all of these facilities) and go straight to the local government and demand the right to bring in food or drink or that each and every one of you will pull their kids out of the sport and refuse to pay local taxes. You have the right to dispute your taxes.


I think threatening to remove the entire team from a game is very lame.

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grits -- save the note. get the local paper and look for the phone number that goes directly to the newsroom (not the main switchboard number). whoever answers, ask for the reporter who covers government for grand prairie (i'm assuming from your first post this is where you are). if the reporter doesn't answer, leave a detailed message about the situation and mention that you have this note and that you'd be willing to fax it or scan and email it to the reporter. if you don't want your name in the paper, just say so -- the note itself is proof that you're not just some angry parent with an axe to grind (although the reporter most likely will want to talk to angry parents). small local papers love these stories, and i'd be surprised if no one did a story on this. if you're successful in getting the local paper to run it, more than likely the local tv stations will pick it up, too, because they get many of their stories from the local papers, anyway.

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I think Grits has the right strategy. Eat off site and don't give them a dime. If you have a water bottle or something just tell them it contains medicine and ask them if they have a problem with that.

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You should point out who pays the taxes / city utilities to maintain the ballpark in the first place......



As we don't live in Grand Prairie I don't pay taxes or utilities to maintain their park. There may not be ANY teams in this tournament actually from Grand Prairie.



Well here is the thing; Movie theaters, restaurants and NFL/MLB/NBA have these rules in place as well. No outside food or drink. The only difference here is all of those places are considered private property. A public ball park is not. Your taxes pay for the fields, bleachers, toilets, water services, etc. They have absolutely no legal right to deny you the right to bring in a cooler unless they can prove that it is a fire hazard/safety hazard (i.e. blocking exits in the event of an emergency.


I would get all of the parents together from your division (who uses all of these facilities) and go straight to the local government and demand the right to bring in food or drink or that each and every one of you will pull their kids out of the sport and refuse to pay local taxes. You have the right to dispute your taxes.


I think threatening to remove the entire team from a game is very lame.



As I don't live in Grand Prairie I can't very well threaten to dispute taxes I don't pay to them. This is a tournament of teams from around the metroplex and state.

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Wow, you guys are ass-backwards in Texas.


You mean like arresting bar patrons that are drunk before they even leave the place? :D


Sitting in the parking lot having your picnic to avoid the concession stands is fine. I would make a bigger deal out of it and get the media involved somehow. They have to serve a useful purpose once in a while...

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Here is the new deal! I have a letter from the City of Grand Prairie that we can have the police remove any spectator that violates this policy or refuses to leave the park when ask.





Grand Prairie must be a bastion of peace and serenity if this is what the police force is being used for...

Edited by Fatman
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Here, we don't actually have a public park for the kids to play at.

It's a privately owned park and we pay a gate fee of $2.50 for adults and $1 for kids playing. Get a nice shiny token good for $1 in the snack bar. The prices there are real close to going to an actual major league game.

We aren't allowed to bring anything in except a water bottle but it has to be clear.

They do a search of all bags going into the park as well.

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