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What Injury


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Alright I'm not sure what kind of injury I suffered, but here's the story.


This saturday I was at a basketball tournament, and was playing defense in a crouched position and moved my right leg to the right real fast and felt a sharp pain in the inner thigh of my leg. I didn't pay much attention to it, just thought it would go away. Well the next day it still hurt in day 2 of the tourney. Then on monday it started feeling better, and also Tuesday before a game it felt alright. But during the game it started hurting really bad again, and now up to today it is killing me. It's a pain on the inner thigh of my leg and it hurts really bad when I walk, but doesn't hurt when I'm not moving. Is this a groin pull, or what else could it be? Should I see a doctor or what?

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Sounds like a bagina injury. :D


Could be a groin injury and that will put you on the shelf for at least a couple of months. If it's a groin you would have trouble playing at all right now.

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Sounds like a bagina injury. :D


Could be a groin injury and that will put you on the shelf for at least a couple of months. If it's a groin you would have trouble playing at all right now.



Like I mentioned I've been playing through it, just taking a few tylenols and stretching good before games but it still hurts, I think I can still play though. Today I have a team workout and don't know whether to skip out or just rest, I really need to be at this workout if I can.

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might wanna consider amputation! :D







most likely what sox said. I did the same last fall playin softball. Ended my season and made for a long huntin season. Rest is pretty much the only solution. Maybe alittle massage therapy from the mrs. :D

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17??? Rub some dirt on it and get back in the game.




Basically what I've been doing, the only thing I haven't ever played through is a broken collarbone I suffered last year. :D

Edited by Flip_Side
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Sounds about right, anything I can do to help the healing process? It's too late to ice it now isn't it? Heating pad? Idk?



Yeah - go see a doctor and quit asking a bunch of yokels on a Fantasy Football message board. Unless it's Chargerz.

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Definitely sounds like a groin pull or strain.


Best thing is obviously rest with a combo of ice and heat. 20 on, 20 off.


Ice will keep any swelling down, the heat will help keep it loose. DO plenty of light joggin, etc as a warmup if you are gonna play through it, not a lot of static stretching.


Now, as it sounds like resting it is not a likely option, be careful with the stretching in warmups.

Contrary to popular belief, static stretching before exercise actually promotes muscle strains/pulls/tears etc. You need to do dynamic stretching like light jogging, jumping jacks, etc. Think of your muscles as taffy coming out of a fridge. Now try to bend it (stretch). When it is cold, it doesnt bend easil and it breaks. Now, warm that taffy up (warmed up muscles) and it is plaible and can stretch etc. The same principles apply to your muscles. Stretch a cold muscle and you are asking for a pull or to worsen it.


I would suggest some static stretching before bed and when you get up in the AM, but be careful with it until this has healed.


Edit ot add - Fatman is right... go see a doctor or team trainer if there is one. The advice above is more for preventing injuries, so it may need to be adjusted for caring for the injury.

Edited by Big Country
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