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To You Huddlers Who Dont Want Kids


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And my favorite poem, which I've quoted here before, from Philip Larkin:


They f-ck you up, your mom and dad

They don't mean to, but they do;

They give you all the faults they have,

And add some extra, just for you




Man passes on misery to man,

It deepens like a coastal shelf

Get out as early as you can

And don't have any kids yourself.


Spoken like a man who is shooting blanks, or who is incredibly ugly with no line of b.s or both...

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Still wondering why Spain had his wife go through major surgery instead of getting a minor procedure done himself. :D


I would not subject my boys to the knife. We have been hanging out together our whole lives. We have been very close and enjoyed a wonderful working relationship. They served me well all these years. We have spent countless hours just enjoying each others company. You think I would turn around and stick a knife in their back? No way! My wife had never even seen her fallopian tubes. She couldnt identify them in a photo lineup. They had no personal relationship and were just like a gall bladder or spleen to her. She didnt care.


Plus, I can still impregnate other women! :D

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Spain is a Typical Southern Republican who is obessessed with with other people's private lives and private decisions. He is frustrated with the fact that individual liberties still do in fact exist despite the fact they have slowy eroded away under the recent big government right-wing nut sack leech political control. Spain's rant is indicative of the the modern day mantra of the kooky Rebpublitard party and how out of whack they are with mainstream America. You extreme right-wing loonies with your jaded ideals are always a bit scary, but this crap is exactly why you guys only control congress one or two terms every 70 years.


Not exactly. I am for less gobment in our lives and am certainly not mandating these idiots have kids. It is their choice after all, just like my choice to express my disagreement with them. I am just exercising my 1st ammendment right to free speech. Bushwacked is a typical Democrat who wants to stiffle free speech in the name of the Democratic demgod called political correctness. He wants us all to play nice and not say how we think because someones feelings might get hurt. So, we can never take any substantive postions for fear of being non politically correct. Bushwacked rant is typical of the p.c. liberals today who want to take away my freedom of speech because its not p,c,. Screw him.

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I know its a trendy thing for white folks to not have kids anymore. There are several couples at my company who absoutely dont want kids. They dont want some little monsters interferring with their lives. Well, for you jack asses who are so spoiled and selfish as to want to remain childless, the joke is on you! Your pathetic meaningless trivial life that you think is sooo important is a complete and utter waste. Your life is NOT complete, you are simply to ignorant or stupid to know better. I laugh out loud every time one of these idiots starts talking about why they dont want kids. They think they have it all when in reality they have nothing. They are morans who have no clue about the meaning of life. They will never know true joy and I pity them.



Why don't you lady dog about people who don't drive pickup trucks or something equally as relevant?


I'm all for kids, but I don't feel a clock ticking. I had no idea I was spoiled and selfish. This is a bizarro thread that I'm having trouble comprehending the purpose of.

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Kids are great, I don't understand anyone not wanting them - ever. :D


As Yukon mentioned, they can definately drive you nuts. :D There is, however, nothing like seeing a young child come into the world and watching them learn and grow. It is exceptionally rewarding. :D

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I almost didn't reply, but I will.


sometimes spain is funny.

sometimes he is not.

sometimes he offers a good debate.

sometimes he is obviously fishing.


as I have mentioned before, his writing is indicative of at least high average intellectual functioning. however, sometimes, in his attempt to stir the pot, he comes across like an azzhole. this is one of those times.


I do not like cats. I will not own one. I am selfish. I do not like poodles. I will not own one. I am selfish. I choose to put more money away for my retirement than I give to charity. I am selfish. Some people should never be parents, for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, some of them recognize this and do not have children. they are not selfish.

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I almost didn't reply, but I will.


sometimes spain is funny.

sometimes he is not.

sometimes he offers a good debate.

sometimes he is obviously fishing.


as I have mentioned before, his writing is indicative of at least high average intellectual functioning. however, sometimes, in his attempt to stir the pot, he comes across like an azzhole. this is one of those times.


I do not like cats. I will not own one. I am selfish. I do not like poodles. I will not own one. I am selfish. I choose to put more money away for my retirement than I give to charity. I am selfish. Some people should never be parents, for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, some of them recognize this and do not have children. they are not selfish.


I think Spain's I.Q. may be below 70. You know what that means, don't you untateve...? :D


I'm going to agree with you though, but to be fair Spain has stirred up some of the most interesting discussion around here that I've seen in a while. I'd just like to keep the words "liberal", "democrats", and "homo" out of of this. :D

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I almost didn't reply, but I will.


sometimes spain is funny.

sometimes he is not.

sometimes he offers a good debate.

sometimes he is obviously fishing.


as I have mentioned before, his writing is indicative of at least high average intellectual functioning. however, sometimes, in his attempt to stir the pot, he comes across like an azzhole. this is one of those times.


I do not like cats. I will not own one. I am selfish. I do not like poodles. I will not own one. I am selfish. I choose to put more money away for my retirement than I give to charity. I am selfish. Some people should never be parents, for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, some of them recognize this and do not have children. they are not selfish.


Jesus H Christ! Didnt Tom Cruise prove once and for all that you people are full of shi@te? :D

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Not exactly. I am for less gobment in our lives and am certainly not mandating these idiots have kids. It is their choice after all, just like my choice to express my disagreement with them. I am just exercising my 1st ammendment right to free speech. Bushwacked is a typical Democrat who wants to stiffle free speech in the name of the Democratic demgod called political correctness. He wants us all to play nice and not say how we think because someones feelings might get hurt. So, we can never take any substantive postions for fear of being non politically correct. Bushwacked rant is typical of the p.c. liberals today who want to take away my freedom of speech because its not p,c,. Screw him.



Imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I'm not so sure about imitating an imitator. :D

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Obviously with 4 kids I couldn't imagine not having any kids, being a DINK couple, etc... I guess it would be quieter and I would drink considerably more.


I think it is a bit selfish for those that are able to have kids to choose not to have them but I do think it's there perogative to choose not to but I do view them a bit differently. Plus it is a form of population control and offsets those that should stop at 1 or 2 kids that go on to have 5 or 6 and can't support them as mentioned above, kind of.


I have an Aunt and Uncle that never had kids, they are very, very, well off with a nice house in the Northern Burbs and a nice Condo in San Diego, etc.... and quite frankly I don't know if they were able to have children or just chose not to, either way I do view them a bit differently, still am close to them however.




I apologize if this was discussed because I did not read every post but.. I do not have kids but would like them some day but how is not wanting kids selfish?? Could someone explain this to me.


If a couple does not want kids it is a choice. How is that selfish? When someone is being selfish it tends to take something away from someone else. How is not wanting kids taking it away from someone else????

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Why do you guys do all the fun threads while I'm away from my computer? :D


My :D


(1) Hubby and I are each 33 years old and don't desire to have any children.


(2) Some people do not have children because they are selfish. Some do not because they fear that they wouldn't be able to give children all they deserve, or because there are enough babies being born in this world.


(3) Some people who choose to have children do so for selfish reasons, such as to carry on the family name, to have someone to take care of them in their old age, or for some bit of immortality.


(4) Different people are fulfilled by different things. People who are not able to have children can live very complete, fulfilling, and happy lives, contributing to the greater good of society as much as anyone who has children.


(5) Claiming that no one can live a complete life without having children does in fact include infertile couples as well as those who choose not to do procreate. :D at Spain trying to backpeddle on that one.

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I hope there are a whole lot of selfish b@stards living around me starting in about five years or so--that way my kid can get educated using their tax dollars without having to share educational resources with their crummy offspring.

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Well, there would be that many U.S. less welfare mommies for Spain to cry about while he champions the rights of each and every Iraqi to be on US welfare.


Uh, I specifically mentioned white couples not having kids, not welfare mommies...

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I agree with Spain on this one. People that do not want childeren really don't know what they are missing, and in a way I feel sorry for them. With regard to adoption, I have 4 cousins (2 on each side of the family) and two nephews that were adopted. They are all thankful for it. Me and the wife have two biological children, and have had a couple of discussions of adopting, but when we see how hard it is for people who want children and don't have them, then it makes me think otherwise, because I don't want my decision to adopt a child to deny them this wonderful oppurtunity.

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People that do not want childeren really don't know what they are missing,


Sure they do. They see other kids in their family, they see their sister's kids dirty diapers, they hear the tales of sleepless nights, they read the tales of it costing over $100,000 to raise one kid, they see college tuition going through the roof, they see women struggling with snot-nosed screaming brats down at the supermarket checkout and they decide to opt out.


How is this in any way a bad decision?


BTW, I have two kids and I wouldn't have it any other way, both are outstanding, but if other people don't want kids that's their affair, not mine.


Spain, you're a prototypical Republican, always got to poke your nose into other people's business and be all condemnatory. You sure you're not religious? :D

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I hope there are a whole lot of selfish b@stards living around me starting in about five years or so--that way my kid can get educated using their tax dollars without having to share educational resources with their crummy offspring.


and here we go with the children and other people's tax dollars debate.

Edited by TDFFFreak
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