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Buffett to give $37 billion away to charity


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thoughts on this sentiment:

Our kids are great. But I would argue that when your kids have all the advantages anyway, in terms of how they grow up and the opportunities they have for education, including what they learn at home - I would say it's neither right nor rational to be flooding them with money.


In effect, they've had a gigantic headstart in a society that aspires to be a meritocracy. Dynastic mega-wealth would further tilt the playing field that we ought to be trying instead to level.


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FWIW, this is very old news.


His kids have been (IIRC) given $4 million in his will, the rest was to be left to a charity run by his (ex) wife (they were still married, but hadn't lived together for more than 10yrs). She's dead, so I don't know which charities are getting it ... but, I can't imagine that his philosophy on giving money to his kids would have changed much...

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I bet his kids are pissed! $4m instead of billions???



Again, IIRC, the $4m is going to them personally (it may be as high as $10 million); they're getting more via their own charitable foundations (not sure how much though).


And, are his kids pissed? Dunno; but they've been told this day was coming for more than 20 years...so, they should have had plenty of time to deal with any emotional issues related to this...

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Again, IIRC, the $4m is going to them personally (it may be as high as $10 million); they're getting more via their own charitable foundations (not sure how much though).


And, are his kids pissed? Dunno; but they've been told this day was coming for more than 20 years...so, they should have had plenty of time to deal with any emotional issues related to this...



Or pushed the f'er down the stairs as Spain said. :D

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he's giving 1.5 BILLION a year to the gates foundation with the only stipulation that it's spent in the year it's donated.


Bill: "I'm sure we can accommodate this stipulation, Warren."


I wonder if this is the first time in history where one billionaire gave his fortune to another billionaire, and everyone praised them for it.

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More importantly, I read that Berkshire (Buffett) is investing overseas for the first time because of fears that the dollar will continue to weaken :D

Now is a good time to have a chunk of your 401k in foreign equities.

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Sounds like Buffett thinks the rich benefit more from the way things are than the poor.



He and Gates and several other richies have some interesting views on philanthropy.


I remember reading a report several years ago about some of the research that Gates' foundation has supported ... stuff like forced sterilization, etc. ...


But, Warren is right ... to do philanthropy correctly, you have to make some mistakes, potentially large mistakes, in order to get it right. In some ways, it's like venture capital ... you have to seed a bunch of companies in anticipation that one or two hit it big...not knowing ahead of time which one or two that'll be.

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Now is a good time to have a chunk of your 401k in foreign equities.



Done. Central America, Europe and Asia. Hopefully, that will offer some protection. If Fidelity offered me an option specifically in India - I'd jump on it. That country is booming.


I did leave a fair chink in US RE because despite the bubble burst talk, the fund is still performing remarkably well in a time when many others are not.

Edited by Jimmy Neutron
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