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Roller Coaster and rocknrobin


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Several years ago, RollerCoaster (RC) started up a BOTH league... Any Given Sunday. Just a 2 keeper offense redraft league, but a good group of Huddlers. Well, three years ago, I had to have spinal fusion surgery. Ended up unemployed and financially on my butt. I was even in a freakin wheelchair for a while. (I am doing much better physically now, and am searching for a desk job) I had to cut back on a lot of stuff.... like Schaefer beer instead of Sam Adams... and didn't have the $ to continue home brewing. LOL.... but things were tight. RocknRobin was asking if there was a BOTH league he might get into, and I told him I had to bow out of AGS, but I was sure he could get in if he wanted and take my team.


He flat out refused. He insisted instead that he would pay dues, and we would be partners. We were on the phone the whole time during the live draft. Our team sucked (of course only because we got the injury curse) but I swore I'd pay him back. I haven't done that yet, money has been that tight. He has never said a word about it.


The next year, last year, I told RC I had to drop out. He insisted on knowing why. I eventually told him, I just could not afford it, even though it wasn't big money league... things were just too tight. He refused to let me leave the league. He paid my dues for 2006.


Things have gotten better for me, but I am far from out of the woods. Again, I told RC I would have to leave AGS. He just wasn't going to accept that. There was no way I could let him pay my dues again, and things have gotten a bit better for me, but still.... given my situation, I probably should not be in any money leagues at all. I've been selling assets and whatnot for two years now. I found a way to ante up for this year.... but RC and RR, I owe you guys, and I haven't forgotten.


It's a little difficult to admit to all this for me personally, but Jax's thread about Whomp made me willing to deal with whatever embarrassment I might feel and let people know just how great Huddlers can be.


People like RC and RR are special people. No one ever knew what they did until now. I'm even a little worried they might not be happy with this thread.... because that's the way they are. When the chips are down, and life really sucks.... people like RC, RR and Whomper show up. It's amazing. People like these guys can give new hope to people who feel like they are ready to give up. The Huddle has an amazing number of people like this. Thanks to these guys, from the bottom of my heart. There are some extraordinary peole in the world, and this place has an abundance of them.

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I unfortunately dont know RC very well but RR has been one of my favorite people here for a long time. He asked me to call him when my dog was dying because he knew of the ailment my dog possibly had at that time.. We had a great talk. It was actually the first time I ever spoke with a huddler..You dont get much better then RR. Im truly dissapointed I wont get to meet him at Wcoff this year.

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I've had little interaction with RC but what I did have (several years ago now) left me with the impression that he was one of the good ones. RR goes without saying. Thanks for sharing and here's to looking up :D

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I've had little interaction with RC but what I did have (several years ago now) left me with the impression that he was one of the good ones. RR goes without saying. Thanks for sharing and here's to looking up :D

RR has always seemed to be one of the upstanding pillars of this community -- and Roller Coasters came through for me with some much appreciated insights into an area near him that a delegation from the Donutrun Empire was visiting.


These two reinforce that Huddlers are good people. :D ... ummm, at least the ones who aren't fecktards ...

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Nice story Rovers. Thanks for sharing.


Time has shown over and over that this place is full of good people.



Absolutely, glad you've stuck around here, Rovers, despite the tough times and some of the other "BS" that's gone on here.




I am humbled! No comment, except to say Rovers is a quality guy! No BS or reach around. It took major balls to post this! A tip-o-the-hat and a :wacko: to you my friend.

The only thing I'm pissed about is your(Rovers) comment about a wheel chair, not to mention your other financial things!!!! :D You didn't call or mention this to me! :D

I'm here for you Bro! :wacko:

This place is aces! Thanks, David/WW! :wacko: It's a community/fraternity of fine,quality people that I am proud to be a part of!

Tom Robin

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Thanks Rovers. You are truly one of the good guys around here and helping out in a way I could wasn't even a question. I can't even imagine being in your situation and am so happy that things are turning around and you are now literally up on your feet again. :D


This is a great place, from helping out our hurricane victims to getting valuable info from experts here in the Huddle. I am just glad I am a part of it.

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I say this quite often but I'll say it again....this place is awesome :D

Well said. I don't interact much with others on this board personally.


I don't know RC but he sounds like a good person. I talked to RR last year to help me with my son looking at schooling and my son was pretty moved that RR took the time to talk to him on the phone to give him advice. For an 17 year old kid to actually say something like that is saying a lot.


Glad to hear things are getting better Rovers. You said it was difficult for you to post it, but it speaks volumes (to me anyway) about your character in posting it and saying thanks to the ones that have lent a helping hand.

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I will echo everything that Whomper said about RR, especially the part about not getting to meet him at WCOFF this year. That just means another trip to Chicago will have to be in the works. I don't know RC but he sounds like a standup guy as well :D

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I'm also in AGS B.O.T.H. league - and that's thanks to Rovers. 2 years ago when there was an opening, Rovers stepped up for me and convinced the league I would be a valued addition ( :D ) - After my championship last year, they are probably questioning that statement.


Anyhow, the point of my post is to say I agree 100%. RC is a great commish and RR is a great huddler (RC isn't too active on the boards to my knowledge). Rovers is a splendid human being as well.


Can I get a hug now?

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I'm also in AGS B.O.T.H. league - and that's thanks to Rovers. 2 years ago when there was an opening, Rovers stepped up for me and convinced the league I would be a valued addition ( :D ) - After my championship last year, they are probably questioning that statement.


Anyhow, the point of my post is to say I agree 100%. RC is a great commish and RR is a great huddler (RC isn't too active on the boards to my knowledge). Rovers is a splendid human being as well.


Can I get a hug now?


Yeah, well I knew that was a mistake when I nominated yer butt. I make a lot of mistakes. Look at my drafts the past 3 years. :D:wacko:


There is so much bad news in the world, the Vicks, etc, and those things always seem to be what pop culture feeds on, starting with the media and ending with the sheep that follow it. How often do we hear about all of the good works people and even NFL players do for years on end, only to have it ignored, or overlooked often because those that help others are often the most humble of us and it doesn't sell newspapers or increase ratings?


They do it because they are the best of us and because they can. Not for recognition, not for self importance, not for self interest.... but because at some level, good people know what is and isn't important. Good people want to help others when they can, in any way they can. And it proves one thing that I believe in.... there are far more good people who will make sacrafices of time, money and emotion to help another than there are those who seem to feed off of conflict, trouble, unkindness and turmoil. The later group seems to get the most attention, and that is why I posted this thread. It's the former group that deserves attention, recognition and thanks.


Sorry, RR... despite some conflicting opinions, I am not generally one to whine or complain. I'm alive, doing better, have friends like you and RC, and I'd rather count blessings before curses when I am up to it, ya know? And being able to keep playing FF during the rough spots was a beacon for me.... it was my last refuge to escape to, and you and RC helped me keep smimming towards the only light I could see at times, in an angry dark sea.


It was just time to let others know not just about Huddlers, but that even in the darkest of times, even a match lit on the shoreline is bound to show up.... you just have to look for it. Things will get better.... just never as quickly as we want them to. Like a sign I saw in one teams' locker room this year.... NEVER give up. NEVER.

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