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Scent Of A Woman


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Yes, I'm about 10 years late on this. Have there ever been movies that you know or heard were good, but, you just never got around to watching them ? This was one of those for me. I just watched it the other night, and I was blown away by Pacino's performance. I never could put Pacino up with the likes of Deniro or Nicholson, but, this movie might inch him closer. It was definitely his best performance since the Godfather.

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Still haven't seen Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. I heard there was a really hot chick in the movie that worked in the bike shop.


Honestly, I can't even begin to count up the amount of good/great movies that I've missed seeing over the years.

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Five Easy Pieces
I think that flick is completely overrated. I was just annoyed with him the entire time until it finally freaking ended. Good riddance dude.


There are some great lines and solid scenes, but...


i disagree. i can see why some people think it is a boring film, but i loved it. nicholson is absolutely fantastic in that...his performance there took me from thinking he was a very good actor with maybe a little too much reliance on some over-the-top scthick, to thinking he's one of the best actors ever on film.

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well, godfather 2, serpico, scarface and dog day afternoon were all after godfather -- and they all blow scent of a woman away.


Well, I wasn't saying that the movie was better, I've seen Godfather 2 and Scarface and agree they are both better than Scent Of A Woman. I was talking about Pacino's acting performance in the movie.

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i disagree. i can see why some people think it is a boring film, but i loved it. nicholson is absolutely fantastic in that...his performance there took me from thinking he was a very good actor with maybe a little too much reliance on some over-the-top scthick, to thinking he's one of the best actors ever on film.

It wasn't so much boring but I just didn't see what the big deal was. In general, I usually want somebody to pull for in a movie. It doesn't need to be obvious like Hoosiers or anything, but I find it irritating to watch a flick where everyone in it either inspires distaste (his character), pity (his dumb girlfriend) or nothing (basically everyone else).


When you're a total loser, like he was in that flick, I don't find it entertaining that you're a smart ass because, at the end of the day, you're just some poor misguided rich kid who doesn't have enough sense to use your brain. If there's anything worse than a loser, it's a loser with an attitude.

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Well, I wasn't saying that the movie was better, I've seen Godfather 2 and Scarface and agree they are both better than Scent Of A Woman. I was talking about Pacino's acting performance in the movie.


well, for the record, i was talking about pacino's performances in those as well. but yeah, the movies themselves blow SOAW away, too.

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