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Dusting off the scissors


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The countdown to September is on. My youngest daughter will be in school full time and after 8 years of carrying the ball solo financially my wife will be cutting hair again :wacko: She has already started lining up her old customers and a majority of them are switching back to her plus she picked up a bunch of new ones in town. We stuck to our plan of her being home until the kids were in full time school. I know what she did at home was very hard work but as far as finances the extra cash will be a great help. She is actually looking forward to it as well. She considers doing hair a creative outlet and her customers really like her. She can cut during the day for those that are home and do a few nights a week when I get home to watch the kids so no day care neccesary. I'm psyched. That is all.

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Sweet. Will she be renting a seat or doing it from your home or the clients home?



She has a spot at her old shop fo some. The others she will be going to their house. So a little bit of both

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8 years?? i cant remember who cut my hair last week!



Some of those clients were friends of the family and others just continued going to her shop. The woman from the shop who took over a lot of my wifes clients is leaving on maternity so the timing is perfect.

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fagettabout the scissors.......:Wolfman Jack voice: ARE HER PEACHES FUZZY :wacko:



That is between me, her and the mailman

Edited by whomper
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Not really related but I just found a pair of scissors in the shower. Now we all know what we use those things for in the shower right? Well my 18yr old son seems to think he has re-invented the wheel and I have no clue what the scissors are doing in the shower. I love it when our children think we grew up in a box and have no clue as to what they are doing. Ok....back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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Not really related but I just found a pair of scissors in the shower. Now we all know what we use those things for in the shower right? Well my 18yr old son seems to think he has re-invented the wheel and I have no clue what the scissors are doing in the shower. I love it when our children think we grew up in a box and have no clue as to what they are doing. Ok....back to your regularly scheduled programming.


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Not really related but I just found a pair of scissors in the shower. Now we all know what we use those things for in the shower right? Well my 18yr old son seems to think he has re-invented the wheel and I have no clue what the scissors are doing in the shower. I love it when our children think we grew up in a box and have no clue as to what they are doing. Ok....back to your regularly scheduled programming.



I hope you are referring to manscaping. If not :wacko:

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