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Just dropped our dog off at the vet


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Here is the update so far:


Yesterday, they did blood work. His white cells were slightly elevated, but, nothing to be too concerned about. Everything else checked out fine. They did an EKG, and it came back fine. The surgeon took a look at the x-rays and had a couple of concerns. His heart looks to be a bit enlarged, which could be the start of a tumor. He also sees something that could be the start of a tumor on his liver.


They have a 4-D scan, I believe it's called a CT Scan. It is fairly expensive, but, it gets a great look at the dog, and will show any tumors or other issues that exist. We are going ahead with that, and it is scheduled for Monday morning. We decided that we wanted to do this, because there is still something wrong with our dog, as he collapsed a couple more times at the vet yesterday, and was completely lethargic. However, they did have him on an IV and some antibiotics for his stomach. They have to sedate Bettis for the CT Scan, but, due to his vitals being so good, they feel that he will be fine.


I called this morning and got a great report. They took Bettis outside, and said he was showing more energy than he has shown since they've seen him. He went to the bathroom, and he didn't have any issues of collapsing. They said they felt very good about that and that it is a good sign.


We may have some tough decisions to make, based upon the results of the CT Scan, but, I'm still hoping for the best.


Thanks to everyone for the kind words. They are greatly appreciated !!!!

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Here is the update so far:


Yesterday, they did blood work. His white cells were slightly elevated, but, nothing to be too concerned about. Everything else checked out fine. They did an EKG, and it came back fine. The surgeon took a look at the x-rays and had a couple of concerns. His heart looks to be a bit enlarged, which could be the start of a tumor. He also sees something that could be the start of a tumor on his liver.


They have a 4-D scan, I believe it's called a CT Scan. It is fairly expensive, but, it gets a great look at the dog, and will show any tumors or other issues that exist. We are going ahead with that, and it is scheduled for Monday morning. We decided that we wanted to do this, because there is still something wrong with our dog, as he collapsed a couple more times at the vet yesterday, and was completely lethargic. However, they did have him on an IV and some antibiotics for his stomach. They have to sedate Bettis for the CT Scan, but, due to his vitals being so good, they feel that he will be fine.


I called this morning and got a great report. They took Bettis outside, and said he was showing more energy than he has shown since they've seen him. He went to the bathroom, and he didn't have any issues of collapsing. They said they felt very good about that and that it is a good sign.


We may have some tough decisions to make, based upon the results of the CT Scan, but, I'm still hoping for the best.


Thanks to everyone for the kind words. They are greatly appreciated !!!!


Keep it going Bettis!

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Good luck brother. I realize we arent out of the woods but so far the reports have been encouraging. Only you can make me root for someone named Bettis :wacko: still praying for your pooch

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The CT Scan is scheduled to start in 10 minutes, and it is hard to think of anything else. It is amazing how close we can get to our dogs. I truly hope he is here with us at home later today. Still praying and hoping for the best.

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The CT Scan is scheduled to start in 10 minutes, and it is hard to think of anything else. It is amazing how close we can get to our dogs. I truly hope he is here with us at home later today. Still praying and hoping for the best.

best wishes sent - I know how you feel

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Ask your vet if the symptoms line up with Wobblers (which can be quite difficult to diagnose)?


What you're describing sounds like it may be Wobblers (which has a long medical name, but I can't remember it right now).


Good luck to you!

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Muck, thanks for that information, I will bring it up to the vet if nothing else is fine.


Update: Bettis came out of sedation from the CT Scan very well. They said his tail is wagging and he seems very responsive. We won't know the results until later today, but, the first step is done, and Bettis is doing well. I was worried about him going under sedation due to his age and symptoms, but, he came out of there just fine. Keep the prayers/good thoughts coming. They mean more to me than you can imagine.


I've always been a dog lover, but, never knew I could become this attached to one.

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Muck, thanks for that information, I will bring it up to the vet if nothing else is fine.


Update: Bettis came out of sedation from the CT Scan very well. They said his tail is wagging and he seems very responsive. We won't know the results until later today, but, the first step is done, and Bettis is doing well. I was worried about him going under sedation due to his age and symptoms, but, he came out of there just fine. Keep the prayers/good thoughts coming. They mean more to me than you can imagine.


I've always been a dog lover, but, never knew I could become this attached to one.


All the best to Bettis. Sounds like things are going pretty well, though.

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I was just ending an emotionally draining and trying week when this thread was posted and, selfishly did not open it because I wasn't sure I had the stomach to read what may have been posted. I'm sending overdue wishes though, I suppose, I'd already sent them when I saw the title.


Good to hear he's doing better and I truly hope that you all get to share many more years. Keeping my fingers crossed for your buddy.

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No results from the scan yet, but, the Dr. who originally saw him Saturday, and hasn't seen him since, told me that he looks like a different dog. He is wagging his tail, his eyes aren't glassed over and he just looks generally happy. I'm hoping this turns out to be a scare, but, we still need to see those results, which should be coming soon. Thanks again for the kind words and well wishes.

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Hopefully Bettis just had a bad day and a mild episode. I know what you're going through...I would give anything in the world to have one more day with Bootsie and Chalkie. Hang in there Menudo. I'll be praying for him. :wacko:

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Thank you for everyone's kind words, but, after things started looking up, the results, unfortunately, are not good. They are 80% sure that he has a large tumor in the right ventrical of his heart. They are going to do a scan tomorrow morning to be sure, but, if that is the case, they said that he will only survive 2 weeks at the most. I can't even begin to say how awful I am feeling right now. This dog meant so much to me, and the thought of losing him has me in so much pain. Once again, thanks for your kind words and well wishes, they meant a lot.

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