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Pray for Rain


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That's a pretty official looking prayer request...I'd like to add my Aunt Zimmie to the prayer list if Gov. Perry doesn't mind. She is having hip replacement surgery next week.

With your Jesus fish placard. :wacko:

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I, RICK PERRY, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Texas, do hereby proclaim the three-day period from Friday, April 22, 2011, to Sunday, April 24, 2011, as Days of Prayer for Rain in the State of Texas. I urge Texans of all faiths and traditions to offer prayers on those days for the healing of our land, the rebuilding of our communities and the restoration of our normal way of life.

Kinda spooky :wacko:

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They need that chaplain from the movie "Patton" who was ordered to pray for fair weather during the Battle of the Bulge. As I recall he wrote the prayer, gave it to General Patton, who actually did the praying, and presto, fair weather.

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They need that chaplain from the movie "Patton" who was ordered to pray for fair weather during the Battle of the Bulge. As I recall he wrote the prayer, gave it to General Patton, who actually did the praying, and presto, fair weather.


Even God feared Patton.

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Congress asked the country for prayers during Apollo 13 rescue mission. That would never happen today. They'd probably do a review to see if rescuing the 3 astronauts was too expensive and should just let them float away to save a nickel to give to some poor lazy person.

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Back in '07 it was really bad here in Durham. Apparently, we were inside of 30 days left of having any water at all left before the rains finally came. Not exactly sure what was going to happen at that point, but my guess is that it would not be good.


What I found particularly alarming was that this was all caused by the fact that we were 25% behind in rainfall. That seemed like far too small a number to have such a drastic effect. And that, rather than worrying about why it wasn't raining, perhaps we should be worried about how much freaking water we were using. In addition to how many people were using it (ie: so much new housing).

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Even God feared Patton.


If we'd crushed the Soviets in 1946, the world would be a much better place today. Gas would be 38 cents a gallon, no terrorists would exist and Reagan would've lived to smack the Socialism out of Obama.

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Back in '07 it was really bad here in Durham. Apparently, we were inside of 30 days left of having any water at all left before the rains finally came. Not exactly sure what was going to happen at that point, but my guess is that it would not be good.


What I found particularly alarming was that this was all caused by the fact that we were 25% behind in rainfall. That seemed like far too small a number to have such a drastic effect. And that, rather than worrying about why it wasn't raining, perhaps we should be worried about how much freaking water we were using. In addition to how many people were using it (ie: so much new housing).


The baby boomers will be dead soon, gen X and Y are having very few children, and the Mexicans are going home. Our water resources will be fine.

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If we'd crushed the Soviets in 1946, the world would be a much better place today. Gas would be 38 cents a gallon, no terrorists would exist and Reagan would've lived to smack the Socialism out of Obama.


Patton and McArthur in '52!!!!


(I think Patton was dead by '52, though...)

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  • 4 weeks later...

In Llano, TX where I live (pop 3,300), the only source of water for the City is the Llano River. The River flow today is 4 CFS. Since January 1, total rainfall has been 6.61 inches, since June 1, 1.15 inches. We have been at level 4 water restrictions most of the summer. Lever 5 is a mandatory cap on water usage, with a fine for going over the cap.

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