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Big brother TV show


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My wife got me hooked on this show years ago :tup:


I really don't have an issue with Brendan, other than the fact that he is in love with a complete basket case. Rachel is the annoying one. I can't believe the way Brendan kisses her a$$ though. I also laugh at some of his comments ...."we don't need $500,000 baby, I'm in Med school, I'm going to come up with a cure for cancer and we'll be rich"....her response "You will get us at least $500,000 ?" :wacko:


I like Jeff, Jordan & Danielle but, bringing them back, along with weak casting of the new group (I liked Dominick, and wish he would have gotten voted back in) kind of makes it seem like I'm watching an old season again. I already know these people. Oh well, I'm hooked, so, I'll still be watching.

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I got hooked a couple of years ago because I find it fascinating to see people's different reactions to pressure situations. After all this is just a silly game yet everyone manages to take things personally and that's when it gets really interesting. This year so far has been my least favorite in terms of casting tho for the same reasons Menudo stated.

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I half watch this with my wife but good gawd Rachael is TRULY A BASKET CASE. I will read "Morty's Big Brother" blog and what we see on TV is VERY edited to make this dam near like wrestling good guy/bad guy scenerio. Brendon is such a pu$$ and has to do so much damage control because of whacko GF..


When it first came on this year they showed Jesse the body builder and the mexican chick and Boogie / Dr Will.. where are they?


The newbie are weak and from MORTYS blog the players have said that production does kinda lead them down certain plot paths.. They will break in on the intercom and say "quit talking about your diary room interviews..

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I half watch this with my wife but good gawd Rachael is TRULY A BASKET CASE. I will read "Morty's Big Brother" blog and what we see on TV is VERY edited to make this dam near like wrestling good guy/bad guy scenerio. Brendon is such a pu$$ and has to do so much damage control because of whacko GF..


When it first came on this year they showed Jesse the body builder and the mexican chick and Boogie / Dr Will.. where are they?


The newbie are weak and from MORTYS blog the players have said that production does kinda lead them down certain plot paths.. They will break in on the intercom and say "quit talking about your diary room interviews..


They only brought 3 past tandems back (Jeff & Jordan, Brendan & Rachel, Evil Dick & Danielle). Jesse & Natalie & Will & Boogie didn't come back. I read Will & Boogie were wanted but were busy.

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As much as I'm an easy mark for reality tv, this is one show I've never been able to stand. Big Bother, that one is.

+1 ... I started to lose my interest in American Idol this year, but I'll be damned if I don't watch Amazing Race, Survivor and a host of other reality shows. But not this one. The M-I-L is obsessed, though. :wacko:

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