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Tailgate Book Group?


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I realize that the chances of this thread ending well are very small, but what the hey. I was wondering if there was any interest in having a Tailgate Book Club. Just off the top of my head, I was thinking of something along the lines of this:


  • Each member of the group proposes a book.
  • Group votes on which book to read (you can't vote on your own nomination).
  • Voting continues until one book gets a majority (lowest vote total gets dropped each round).
  • Group then reads the book on an agreed to schedule, and discusses.
  • It could be limited to Fiction or non-fiction or include both. The parameters would have to be fine-tuned based on general interest.


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I think you should start off with Cheney's or Justice Thomas' book and then talk about it here...


But, seriously, you've read the threads here, you think any of us know how to read? And when we do finally figure it out, you think the reading comprehension is up to snuff?

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I might join, though i'm not a fast reader. I think i've averaged about a book a month this year, which for me is a lot. And I'm talking thriller type escapist stuff from Rollins, Berry, and Preston & Child, not the deeply philosophical stuff that you really have to struggle to digest like Az probably reads.

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Good luck, that book is harder to find than one on the Austrian school of economics.


When I got home yesterday I decided to sit on the front porch and see what was going on around the UGA compound. I looked down at the lake and low and behold, there they were, two turtles fu(king. It was perhaps the most fascinating thing I've seen in a while. Sat there for 45 minutes and just watched him mount up and just when you though he was all good, he'd roll off to the right or left, little pecker just sticking straight up in the air. He'd work himself back over onto all fours and have at it again... whooooaaa, off to the side again...


Finally I went down there with some duct tape, placed him on top of her and wrapped the tape around a few times. I've never heard turtles make those sounds before, it was haunting, yet oddly erotic. About 7 minutes into their love making I noticed that both of them appeared to be crying, I got closer and sure enough, tears were streaming down their faces. I can only imagine that it was out of sheer joy of finally being able to copulate or they were just overwhelmed with the kindness that I showed by helping them out.


Either way, it was marvelous to see two of god's creatures getting it on.

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When I got home yesterday I decided to sit on the front porch and see what was going on around the UGA compound. I looked down at the lake and low and behold, there they were, two turtles fu(king. It was perhaps the most fascinating thing I've seen in a while. Sat there for 45 minutes and just watched him mount up and just when you though he was all good, he'd roll off to the right or left, little pecker just sticking straight up in the air. He'd work himself back over onto all fours and have at it again... whooooaaa, off to the side again...


Finally I went down there with some duct tape, placed him on top of her and wrapped the tape around a few times. I've never heard turtles make those sounds before, it was haunting, yet oddly erotic. About 7 minutes into their love making I noticed that both of them appeared to be crying, I got closer and sure enough, tears were streaming down their faces. I can only imagine that it was out of sheer joy of finally being able to copulate or they were just overwhelmed with the kindness that I showed by helping them out.


Either way, it was marvelous to see two of god's creatures getting it on.


Did you name the bottom one AZ and the top Weigie?

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Not my usual type of reading at all, but my last three books are:

Sinuhe The Egyptian by Mika Waltari (won Nobel prize literature in the 40s)

American Gods by Neil Gaiman (not a big fantasy guy at all, Heard the guy interviewed on a podcast, was a great interview so I bought the book. Fair to middling)

Chronic City by Johbathan Lethem. I like high faluting fiction and he is a good writer but ultimately disappointing. Not as clever as the premise.


Would be interested in more of the classics.

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Here's my latest reads. I typically read historical non-fiction. I'd be interested in something along these lines.


Columbine The best analysis and timeline of the events at Columbine. Very well done. This lead me to my next book.


The Psycopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry I enjoyed this one. Not great, but it goes through the psychology industry and goes through the history of the DSM if you're into stuff like that.



Water for Elephants Yeah it's a chick book, but it sounded like an interesting era. I was right about the era being interesting. Quick read. I was hoping for something more like "Devil in the White City". It definitely wasn't that.


ESPN: Those Guys Have All the Fun Loooooong. I'll finish this up tonight. It's by the same guys who wrote the history of SNL which I liked better. Nothing too earth shattering in the book, but the beginning was more interesting than I expected.


I also read the latest Erik Larson book, "In the Garden of Beasts". I don't usually read WWII stuff, but this was good.


I read a few others, but these were the most notable.

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