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Ed Harris is da man


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I really like him, especially when he plays a cheat, governement or political henchman or just plain evil bad guy with too much power.


Glenngary Glenn Ross, A Beautiful Mind, The Stand, The Truman Show - the guy ahs been doing this since the late 70's


So what else can you tell us about him Taz?

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Hey, he's awesome when he isn't a enchilada too - The Right Stuff is the Holy Grail of B-list leading men/A-list supporting men - Fred Ward, Scott Glenn, Ed Harris, Dennis Quaid, Sam Shepard, Lance Henriksen....


He was good in The Abyss as well, though he was kinda doing "enchiladay good guy" so I'm not sure where that fits.


Also terrific in Gone Baby Gone

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I'd like to see him play a pro-life prostate cancer patient that goes postal at a Komen event because ten times more money goes to breast cancer research than prostate cancer research and Komen gives money to planned parenthood.

Edited by Perchoutofwater
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I'd like to see him play a pro-life prostate cancer patient that goes postal at a Komen event because ten times more money goes to breast cancer research than prostate cancer research and Komen gives money to planned parenthood.


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Working on a submarine time piece with the man himself. The dude is cooler than the other side of the pillow. Its guys like this that I'm stoked to do what I do.



He is one of my favorite actors and i have problems with begging like a total trick for you to get me an autograph from him - personalized if possible. And I'm totally serious. Please.

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He is one of my favorite actors and i have problems with begging like a total trick for you to get me an autograph from him - personalized if possible. And I'm totally serious. Please.



How about a pic with Cliaz in it? We got 1 more week of shooting.....I'll see what I can do.

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He's also one a near dwarf.

I have no idea what this means. :wacko:


I thought they should do a Robocop remake and make Ed Harris play robo. I mean, there aren't a lot of people with that big of a forehead. Seriously though, I've always liked him in certain rolls.

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I have no idea what this means. :wacko:


I thought they should do a Robocop remake and make Ed Harris play robo. I mean, there aren't a lot of people with that big of a forehead. Seriously though, I've always liked him in certain rolls.


Wiegie can dunk on him.

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like tazinib, I was a union man in the movies, before high tailing it to France. Here are my impresions of some cinema celebrities:

1) Alec Baldwin. AWESOME. held the doors open for union crew that were shlepping stuff. Always let the crew go ahead of him at the craft services (and it couldn't have been easy, everyone reported that there was a serious smell of pot in front of his dressing room)

2) Director Tom Decillio. A class act. small budget film with a lot of malcontents (non-union crew trying to get union credentials threatening to strike, prop master walked off the job etc...) he was affable, and friendly. Big respect

3) Steve Buschemi. Pretty stand-offish during the shoot, which was originally a bit of a put off, especially since it was a very small budget, thus intimate, affair. In his defence it was mostly outdoor shooting during a verry cold winter in NY. When the wrap party came, he was charming, and it turns out he knew exactly who everyone was. Was very nice to my wife.

4) Tina Fey. Total bitch. Never said hello or thank you. Had the carpenters and painters do her radiator covers in her home for free (it is not unusal to have crew during down time to do work for those over the line) 'paying' us a bottle of whisky and a bottle of vodka for our troubles. Estimated cost of the job: 1200$. And this was right before she went on strike as a writer. To this day, pretty much every interview with her she talks about how proud she is to be employing people. She is a liar.

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like tazinib, I was a union man in the movies, before high tailing it to France. Here are my impresions of some cinema celebrities:

1) Alec Baldwin. AWESOME. held the doors open for union crew that were shlepping stuff. Always let the crew go ahead of him at the craft services (and it couldn't have been easy, everyone reported that there was a serious smell of pot in front of his dressing room)

2) Director Tom Decillio. A class act. small budget film with a lot of malcontents (non-union crew trying to get union credentials threatening to strike, prop master walked off the job etc...) he was affable, and friendly. Big respect

3) Steve Buschemi. Pretty stand-offish during the shoot, which was originally a bit of a put off, especially since it was a very small budget, thus intimate, affair. In his defence it was mostly outdoor shooting during a verry cold winter in NY. When the wrap party came, he was charming, and it turns out he knew exactly who everyone was. Was very nice to my wife.

4) Tina Fey. Total bitch. Never said hello or thank you. Had the carpenters and painters do her radiator covers in her home for free (it is not unusal to have crew during down time to do work for those over the line) 'paying' us a bottle of whisky and a bottle of vodka for our troubles. Estimated cost of the job: 1200$. And this was right before she went on strike as a writer. To this day, pretty much every interview with her she talks about how proud she is to be employing people. She is a liar.


Awesome. I have a 100 stories for all you've listed. Except Tina Fey....kiss my ass if you want me to work on your house for free :wacko:

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