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Skins usually is standing outside my window in a rain coat and a Billy Kilmer jersey volunteering.







I use TimC's sandpaper tongue to wipe my asz. It is gravelly from all the smokes and dried spoo.

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Skins usually is standing outside my window in a rain coat and a Billy Kilmer jersey volunteering.








I use TimC's sandpaper tongue to wipe my asz. It is gravelly from all the smokes and dried spoo.








TimC: skins is a poopoohead


skins: Nuh-uh. TimC is a poopoohead.


TimC: :D skins is the poopoohead!


skins: :D I am not a poopoohead. You're the poopooest poopoohead.


TimC: :D I'm rubber and you're glue....?

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TimC: skins is a poopoohead


skins: Nuh-uh.  TimC is a poopoohead.


TimC:  :D  skins is the poopoohead!


skins: :D  I am not a poopoohead.  You're the poopooest poopoohead.


TimC: :D I'm rubber and you're glue....?







Caveman Nick: I love both you poopheads.

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I found that the most effective way is to not wipe at all. Jump from the toilet directly to the shower. When the water hits, let the muddy Mississippi flow.


It's also better for the environment. Less paper means more trees.


And for those poops on the go, carry around a travel pack of 'wet ones' baby wipes.


Fastidious anal hygiene is the name of the game. Zero skid marks is the goal.

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Two poles are hanging in the woods when one decides the needs to go to the bathroom, so he goes behind a tree and does his business...


a moment later he shouts out.... dude, do you have anything to wipe with? Dumbfounded, his friend thinks for a moment and shouts back... use a dollar....


the other guy goes 'really?' .... he friend goes 'sure....'


a minute or two later he comes on out with an unhappy look on his face.... his friend asks... 'how did it go?


'It was horrible' he said 'not only do I have doodie all over my hands, but I've got four quarters lodged in my ass'

Edited by Duchess Jack
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Nobody uses baby wipes? Those things clean up the back door like nobody's business. They leave you clean and refreshed. :D










Always use 2. Fold, don't wad. You achieve even coverage when folded. Baby wipes also eliminate the possible poke-through and resulting assfinger that can occur with regular toilet paper.







I concur.

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Nobody uses baby wipes? Those things clean up the back door like nobody's business. They leave you clean and refreshed. :D






Baby wipes are not flushable & will clog your sanitary system. However they do make flushable wipes which work rather well. I'll sometimes use one for a follow-up when It's needed.

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Baby wipes are not flushable & will clog your sanitary system. However they do make flushable wipes which work rather well. I'll sometimes use one for a follow-up when It's needed.







I don't have septic, we have sewers, so it's not a problem.

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