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Is Cliaz's schtick/stupidity overkill/overdone?


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Where is this choice: I'd like to beat his asz and then show his wife what a real man is like? Unfortunately I'd have to send Squeegie in my place because I'm not sure I could do it, the latter part that is. :D


:D likes Cliaz but wishes he would post more about midgets then farts / poop.

Edited by chiefjay
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it's so funny to hear everyone complaining about my posts yet 1 in like every 10 is about the stupid stuff you all are talking about.


I bet it is because you led them astray with your anti-LJ jargon. :D

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Where is this choice: I'd like to beat his asz and then show his wife what a real man is like? Unfortunately I'd have to send Squeegie in my place because I'm not sure I could do it, the latter part that is. :D


:D likes Cliaz but wishes he would post more about midgets then farts / poop.





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it's so funny to hear everyone complaining about my posts yet 1 in like every 10 is about the stupid stuff you all are talking about.



All your posts aren't bad. Most are pretty good actually. You know the old rule 1 bad apple ... can ruin the bunch and I think that's the case here. Well you've had a whole bunch of posts and there always seems to be those couple bad ones and boom a history/name is created. Hell I'm not above you I had/have the same problem. I said some wrong things when I started in here and many thought that I felt as though I was better than everyone else. Bad start and since then I've fixed it.

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Naw, he's good for around 2000 and 25.




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it's so funny to hear everyone complaining about my posts yet 1 in like every 10 is about the stupid stuff you all are talking about.



Where's H1 and his prove you wrong posts when we need him :D

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hey seriously, what did you ask me about that I didn't answer you? Because if I did, I didn't mean to ignore you.



I asked you more than once about what happened with the talk with the boss, I know it may have been posted somewhere but wasn't going to look it up. Every ? I have asked you, you never responded to it. Not a big deal really, but was wondering why moreso than anything.


I have nothing against you, I just got bored of your humor after a while and have stopped reading the tailgate posts cause I regretted waisting my time on some of the stuff. A lot of it was really posts about nothing. You have had pretty decent discussions on the main forum, don't turn yourself into something you may not be so that you get noticed and then go overboard so that you are then ignored or devalued, if that's even a word.



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I asked you more than once about what happened with the talk with the boss, I know it may have been posted somewhere but wasn't going to look it up. Every ? I have asked you, you never responded to it. Not a big deal really, but was wondering why moreso than anything.


I have nothing against you, I just got bored of your humor after a while and have stopped reading the tailgate posts cause I regretted waisting my time on some of the stuff. A lot of it was really posts about nothing. You have had pretty decent discussions on the main forum, don't turn yourself into something you may not be so that you get noticed and then go overboard so that you are then ignored or devalued, if that's even a word.






nothing really the boss and I are square for now.


but that whole deal with being something i'm not, not sure what you mean. I post as me. I have nothing against anyone here at all and don't care if people ignore me or not. It's a web forum. Plus I have way too many fans here and you are one of my biggest :D

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Plus I have way too many fans here and you are one of my biggest :D


i will say that i don't like the "fan" thing. it falls somewhere between an untied shoe and static cling on the grand scale of importance, but it is annoying.


i don't see the point of starting a blog to repost stuff from fanball ... :D ... wouldn't that just be fanball itself?


i do think a blog could be started for all of the random posts that are not really intending to start a discussion ... because that is what a blog is for. threads here should be about interchange on a topic that has at least some merit for discussion vs. a one-way onslaught of random thoughts. put those in the blog and those who want to read them can go there ...



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i will say that i don't like the "fan" thing. it falls somewhere between an untied shoe and static cling on the grand scale of importance, but it is annoying.


i don't see the point of starting a blog to repost stuff from fanball ... :D ... wouldn't that just be fanball itself?


i do think a blog could be started for all of the random posts that are not really intending to start a discussion ... because that is what a blog is for. threads here should be about interchange on a topic that has at least some merit for discussion vs. a one-way onslaught of random thoughts. put those in the blog and those who want to read them can go there ...





Well it's not all from Fanball , it's all the free sources out there that i was posting in one location for everyone.

But the whole fan thing don't be jealous, I still consider you one of my best fans

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i will say that i don't like the "fan" thing.





Hear, hear (or is it Here, here?). When you start to describe people as either Cliaz-fans or anti-Cliaz fans, referring to yourself in the third person no less, and then on the same day you're celebrating because some people lost their jobs - that's what I was referring to when I said your act was wearing thin on me.


To each their own, but you seem a little full of yourself these days, a little too much self-promotion for my taste.

Edited by Easy n Dirty
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Hear, hear (or is it Here, here?). When you start to describe people as either Cliaz-fans or anti-Cliaz fans, referring to yourself in the third person no less, and then on the same day you're celebrating because some people lost their jobs - that's what I was referring to when I said your act was wearing thin on me.


To each their own, but you seem a little full of yourself these days, a little too much self-promotion for my taste.


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