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Is Cliaz's schtick/stupidity overkill/overdone?


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I'll kick all ya'lls asses. Except sky and Hat.


and Irish's


Irish -

Anyone who uses me as an answer option in their threads is obligated to send me a 12-pack of cold brew. I know that'll be difficult for ya so just PayPal me $15 and I'll buy it myself.




Removed. I don't drink therefore I'm not spending my money to help you drink. so I'll help you stay sober.

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Hear, hear (or is it Here, here?). When you start to describe people as either Cliaz-fans or anti-Cliaz fans, referring to yourself in the third person no less, and then on the same day you're celebrating because some people lost their jobs - that's what I was referring to when I said your act was wearing thin on me.


To each their own, but you seem a little full of yourself these days, a little too much self-promotion for my taste.






Good lord you two take everything so freaking seriously. Lighten up and if you don't like my threads, don't read them.


and I think it's here here as in calling attention to yourself in a crowd during a debate and showing that you agree with the statement. i could be wrong though.

Edited by cliaz
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Good lord you two take everything so freaking seriously. Lighten up and if you don't like my threads, don't read them.


and I think it's here here as in calling attention to yourself in a crowd during a debate and showing that you agree with the statement. i could be wrong though.



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It has flimsy suction cup-like action now. :D



Not cool. Dont ever tell me anything like that again. :D


Everyone's trying to have a little fun--except for doushy Irish--and you have to take it too far once again.


Wait a second. .. . . .did you say suction cup-like action? :D



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I picture Cliaz as a guy that probably has a heart the size of the room..Also as a guy that would have your back in a second and a really loyal type of guy. I have to admit though that I sometimes get Cliaz thread overload..There are days where it seems like you start a thread for every thought that pops into your head. I think you are good people though so the good outweighs the excessive..Plus I know you secretly have a Tom Landry Tattoo on your ass and worship at the alter of Tony Dorsett.

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I picture Cliaz as a guy that probably has a heart the size of the room..Also as a guy that would have your back in a second and a really loyal type of guy. I have to admit though that I sometimes get Cliaz thread overload..There are days where it seems like you start a thread for every thought that pops into your head. I think you are good people though so the good outweighs the excessive..Plus I know you secretly have a Tom Landry Tattoo on your ass and worship at the alter of Tony Dorsett.









how was your birthday?

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Not cool. Dont ever tell me anything like that again. :D


Everyone's trying to have a little fun--except for doushy Irish--and you have to take it too far once again.


Wait a second. .. . . .did you say suction cup-like action? :D





Don't piss me off skins or the Cowboys will have to take both meetings we have against your sorry ass team this year. Say sorry quick and I'll tell them to split with you guys. SSHHH! Quick say it. Time is running out!! Doushy irish what a 4th grader. :D Hey at least I'm not a skins fan. :D:D

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All your posts aren't bad. Most are pretty good actually. You know the old rule 1 bad apple ... can ruin the bunch and I think that's the case here. Well you've had a whole bunch of posts and there always seems to be those couple bad ones and boom a history/name is created. Hell I'm not above you I had/have the same problem. I said some wrong things when I started in here and many thought that I felt as though I was better than everyone else. Bad start and since then I've fixed it.


Apparently not. I think starting this topic was in bad taste and think that you were trying to stir the pot a little. It's not a nooB's place to criticize a more established huddler to gain attention IMO.

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Apparently not. I think starting this topic was in bad taste and think that you were trying to stir the pot a little. It's not a nooB's place to criticize a more established huddler to gain attention IMO.



Mind your business newer noob. Get back to shining shoes, washing windows or some other lowly task you do. :D:D


Oh and here's a bag for you. Wear it now little beatch. :D

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i can't keep track of who is slamming who in this thread ... can someone draw me a picture? :D




Irish is actually one of my aliases. I started this thread wag the dog style to divert attention away from my computer question/ redraft league fiasco.

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