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movies that make men cry


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oh, and the ending of Schindler's List got me. Non Jews probably didn't get it-placing the rocks at the base of the headstone.

I didn't know you were Jewish.


But no, I don't think you have to be Hebrew to feel the power of that - Oskar Schindler wasn't a great man, but he did an amazingly great thing.

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ice age. when the little boy is reunited with his dad and his animal friends have to say goodbye ...




and it's a freakin' cartoon.

The end of The Iron Giant will demolish you then.


Or just do a Richard Adams' double-feature of Watership Down and The Plague Dogs. WD is affirming, when all is said and done, but Plague Dogs is a wrist-slitter.

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Two that always get me:


- "My friends, you bow to no one" in Return of the King


- at the very end of Band of Brothers when Dick Winters reads the letter from the soldier who told his grandson "I was no hero, but I served in a company of heroes." Also the bit in BoB where Liebgott has to order the concentration camp survivors back into the camp.

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Easy list for me.....


The end of The Iron Giant

[as the Giant flies toward the missle]

Hogarth Hughes: [in the Giant's mind] You are what you choose to be.

The Iron Giant: Superman.


The end of The Wild Bunch

Dutch Engstrom: They'll be waitin' for us.

Pike Bishop: I wouldn't have it any other way.


Many have mentioned the "earn this" from Saving Private Ryan but I bust down here:

Corporal Upham: [Wade lying down, shivering with pain and anguish, after being shot through the stomach] Tell us what to do... tell us how to fix you.

Captain Miller: What can we do Wade? Tell us what to do.

Medic Wade: [Wade still shivering] I could use some... I could use a little Morphine.

Captain Miller: [Capt. Miller to Sergeant Horvath] Okay... Give it to him... Give it him!

Then Wade starts crying for his mommy and dies.


Million Dollar Baby

Maggie Fitzgerald: I do have one favor to ask of you boss.

Frankie Dunn: Anything you want.

Maggie Fitzgerald: Remember what my daddy did for Axel?

I actually just started tearin up thinkin about this scene....


Midnight Cowboy

When they finally make it to Florida......


Bridge to Terabithia

Jesse Aarons: [crying] Is it like the Bible says? Is she going to Hell?

Jack Aarons: I don't know everything about God, but I do know he's not going to send that little girl to Hell.

Jesse Aarons: [sobs] Then I'm going to Hell, because it's all my fault.

Jack Aarons: Don't you think that, even for a minute.


and lastly, a damn good movie that few know about, In America

Ariel: [whispering sadly] He never said goodbye...

Christy: What?

Ariel: [shakily] He never said goodbye.

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The movie Galipoli. Aussie flick from the early 80s or so about WW I. Starred some kid I don't remember and a young Mel Gibson. Last scene is pretty freaking tough to handle.

For a companion piece in depression, find the Pogues' "And the Band Played Waltzing Mathilda"


When I was a young man I carried my pack

And I lived the free life of a rover

From the Murray's Green Basin to the dusty outback

I waltzed my Matilda all over

Then in nineteen fifteen my country said "son

Its time to stop rambling,

Cause theres work to be done"

So they gave me a tin hat and they gave me a gun

And they sent me away to the war

And the band played waltzing Matilda

As we sailed away from the quay

And amidst all the tears and the shouts and the cheers

We sailed off to Gallipoli


How well I remember that terrible day

When the blood stained the sand and the water

And how in that hell that they called Suvla Bay

We were butchered like lambs at the slaughter

Johnny Turkey he was ready, he primed himself well

He showered us with bullets, he rained us with shells

And in five minutes flat he'd blown us all to hell

Nearly blew us right back to Australia


And the band played waltzing Matilda

As we stopped to bury our slain

And we buried ours and the Turks buried theirs

Then it started all over again


Now those who were living

did their best to survive in that mad world of blood, death and fire

And for seven long weeks I kept myself alive

While the corpses around me piled higher

Then a big Turkish shell knocked me arse over tit

And when I awoke in my hospital bed

And saw what it had done, Christ I wished I was dead

Never knew there were worse things than dying


And no more I'll go waltzing Matilda

To the greenbushes so far and near

For to hang tent and pegs, a man needs two legs

No more waltzing Matilda for me


So they collected the cripples, the wounded, the maimed

And they shipped us back home to Australia

The legless, the armless, the blind and insane

Those proud wounded heroes of Suvla

And as our ship pulled into circular quay I looked at the place where me legs used to be

And thanked Christ there was nobody waiting for me to grieve and to mourn and to pity

And the band played waltzing Matilda

As they carried us down the gangway

But nobody cheered, they just stood and stared

And turned all their faces away


And now every April I sit on my porch

And I watch the parade pass before me

I see my old comrades, how proudly they march

Reliving dreams of past glory

I see the old men all twisted and torn

The forgotten heroes a forgotten war

And the young people ask me, "what are they marching for?"

And I ask myself the same question


And the band plays waltzing Matilda

And the old men answer to the call

But year after year their numbers get fewer

Some day no one will march there at all


Waltzing matilda, waltzing matilda

Will you go a-waltzing matilda with me?

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From SPR, it's less the bridge than than when the Captain breaks down after Wade gets killed.



true dat-


many strong moments in that flick. The Medic calling for mommy as he is dying, the ending cemetary scene, Fish taking the knife to the chest, Caparzo's letter to his dad.


Damn, I love that movie

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and lastly, a damn good movie that few know about, In America

Ariel: [whispering sadly] He never said goodbye...

Christy: What?

Ariel: [shakily] He never said goodbye.


Nice call with In America. Wasn't really popular at the box office, but some tremendous acting by Djimon Hounsou and Samantha Morton.


I'm not a religious person, but one of my favorite movies is The Apostle with Robert Duvall. The scene where Billy Bob Thornton comes to destroy the church always gets me a little misty. One of the best acting ensembles ever.

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The end of The Graveyard of Fireflies. If you aren't into anime, you most likely have never seen it, but it is gut-wrenching.


The burial scene in No One Knows is also gut-wrenching.


But the one that I carried with me for years was the final scene in The Razor's Edge, when Bill Murray, at the end of his years-long world-wide quest for the meaning of life, discovers there is no pay off, no touchdown. :D

Edited by cre8tiff
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I don't know if it's been mentioned, but Hoosiers always does it for me. Especially the scene when the team is in the locker room before the championship game, huddled together, and Gene Hackmen bends in and says............."I love you guys."




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Michael's voice on the famous call gets me every time...


I cant believe I didnt think of this. I have that game on tape and watch it from time to time. I get goosebumps and choke up a bit every single time I watch it.


Good call.

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Rocky always makes me feel like I can overcome whatever it is that's in front of me...so, very emotional especially if I'm feeling overwhelmed.

On a more recent note, Rocky Balboa had a few tear jerking moments.

-The speech Little Marie gave Rocky about "fighter's fight"

-The speech Rocky gave his son outside the restaurant

-Rocky's son showing up at the cemetary and saying he wants to be with his dad

-Rocky getting up during the fight after almost getting knocked out in the last round and finishing the fight

-The end scene where Rocky goes to Adrian's grave and says, "Yo Adrian, we did it."


Very touching and a great finale to the Rocky saga.

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Rocky II, when Stallone staggers to his feet as Creed slumps to the canvas. The shot of a pregnant Adrian at home jumping to her feet covering her mouth with joy as her pummelled husband just followed her wish to "win"....remarkable, and 20 years later and having seen it 50+ times, it still has the same emotional effect of how compelling human endurance can be.




Titanic, when the old couple is shown cuddling each other as their stateroom fills with water.


Saving PR...when Corporal Upham broke down on the stairs as the Gernam that stabbed his freind saunters down the steps, not even wasting his time with Upham.


Rudy.....when the crowd is cheering his name for the coach to put him in, his teammates are clapping, even the assistants are begging the coach to get Rudy in the game...he enters and records a sack, and is carried off the field. Amazing.

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